First-class daughter

Chapter 664 Arrest

Chapter 664 Arrest
Chapter 664 Arrest
Turning around, she immediately made a face to Xiangying, Xiangying quickly took out a bottle from her sleeve, Lian Shiya took out the needle, and put the drop of blood on the needle into the water.

in this way--

The first step has been accomplished.

The needle that Lian Shiya held in her hand was barbed, so a lot of blood came out, and when it dripped into the bottle, it was the size of a thumb, which was just right.

"Xiangying, no matter what, you have to guard this bottle and don't let anyone take it away. Once I find out that Lian Jue and my father's blood are incompatible, I will make Lian Jue a bastard at tomorrow's banquet." The matter is announced to the public." Lian Shiya handed the bottle back to Xiangying and urged.

"Yes, ma'am, I understand." Xiangying took the bottle and held it tightly in her hand.

"To be on the safe side, you go back to Qingquanyuan first, put the bottle away, and wait for me to come back." Lian Shiya thought for a while and ordered.

Xiangying nodded, turned and went back to Qingquanyuan, while Lian Shiya went to the study to find Lian Yanqing, she felt that she was getting closer to the truth.

The hand in Xiangying's sleeve held the bottle tightly and walked quickly.

When she turned around a corridor, suddenly, a figure descended from the sky and landed in front of her. She stepped back vigilantly, protecting the bottle in her fist.

"Sure enough, he is a Lianjiazi, I guessed correctly." Leng Mei folded his arms around his chest, looking at Xiangying coldly.

Ordinary maids, when they saw someone suddenly appearing from the sky, their subconscious reaction was to scream in shock, but this Xiangying took a step back very neatly just now, with only vigilance in her eyes, not panic.

Xiangying knew that she was seen through, and she didn't panic, a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and said:

"Cold-blooded stab Tang, long admired the name, you have to try twice, and I, Xiangying, will be considered lucky in my third life."

"Since you know who I am, come with me to meet the eldest lady!" The hidden weapon in Leng Mei's hand was already about to move.

"Then see if you can please me." Xiangying's eyes flashed, and the short blade hidden in her sleeve slipped into her palm with a swish.

With cold eyebrows and quick hands, he tilted his head, avoided Xiangying's short blade, and immediately attacked, directly attacking Xiangying's weak point, but after all, Xiangying was selected by Feng Qianyue to assist Lian Shiya, which is quite a bit Hidden.

After a few moves, Leng Mei only gained the upper hand slightly, and it might not be too easy to win.

And at this moment, a black figure appeared in the shadow of sword, light and sword, he stood beside Lengmei, the sword pointed directly at Xiangying's neck.

With cold brows, he stared coldly at the sky, and said, "You don't need to take action, this is my business."

He didn't look at her for days, his gaze was fixed on Xiangying's palm, and he said, "It's not for you, I am the Chief Nursing Home of the Prime Minister's Mansion, someone is fighting right under my nose, naturally I can't pretend not to see it."

Xiang Ying looked back and forth between Lian Tian and Leng Mei, and sneered, "Cold-blooded stab Tang, I heard that you are not close to masculinity, it seems that is not the case, heh..."

"Shut up!" Leng Mei stepped forward, turned his head, no matter what, the more wins the less, the victory is not martial, together with Leng Mei.

This Xiangying's skills are not as good as Lengmei's, and now there is a general nursing home, so she was subdued after a few tricks.

Leng Mei slapped her on the neck, knocking her out.

Lian Tian looked at her and said, "I am the nursing home of the Prime Minister's Mansion. This girl has mischievous intentions and is subdued now. I will lock her up for interrogation and wait for the master to deal with her."

Leng Mei ignored him, picked up the man from the ground, and said, "You and I each perform our own duties, this is the person the young lady wants, offended!"

As he spoke, he dragged Xiangying and turned around to leave.

Lian Tian reached out to block her way.

She looked up, her eyes were firm and cold.

"After the interrogation, Missy, I will handle it. You are right. You and I have our own duties. Don't make things difficult for me." Lian Tian said, looking at the expressionless expression on his brows, he said two more words at the end. words, "how are you?"

Leng Mei nodded slightly, without saying much, turned around and wanted to leave.

"Go this way and avoid the idlers." Lian Tian pointed to another exit and said.

Leng Mei thought for a while, but didn't insist any more, and walked towards Xianheyuan, and didn't leave until he watched her leave slowly.

"Splash." Lian Siyue looked at the person lying on the ground and ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes! The eldest lady said it, but she was so energetic." Nanny Tai said to the maids in the room.

As soon as he finished speaking, several people poured a basin of cold water on Xiangying who was on the ground at the same time.

"..." Xiangying felt a chill all over her body, and slowly opened her eyes, and what caught her eyes was the face of that famous young lady.

"Tell me, why did the third sister come back this time?" Lian Siyue asked directly without beating around the bush.

Xiang Ying kept her mouth tightly shut and didn't say a word.

"He's a faithful one." Lian Siyue motioned to Nanny Tai who was beside her.

Nanny Tai immediately stepped forward, tied Xiangying's tied hands again, searched her body for a while, then found a small bottle from her cuff, and put it in Lian Siyue's hand.

"What is this?" Lian Siyue held the small bottle in her hand and asked, then she opened the stopper of the bottle, and saw that there was a small bottle of blood in it. She frowned and asked immediately, "What the hell is this?" What is it?"

But this Xiangying still kept her mouth tightly shut, refusing to say a word, she had been trained by Feng Qianyue herself, and she simply ignored this kind of persecution.

Lian Siyue sneered, and said, "If you want to be tighter than someone's mouth, I'm afraid no one in this world can match me, and if you want to be harder than your heart, no one can match me.

But I never try to force others, since you have made up your mind to be loyal to your master, I will complete you.

Leng Mei pulled out her tongue, fed dumb medicine, and then sent it back to the third lady, saying that she uttered wild words to the county lord, and the county lord was not happy, so he pulled out her tongue. "

Even Siyue's faint tone seemed to be telling her maid to pull a weed, without any emotion at all.

Xiangying was taken aback, and looked at Lian Siyue suddenly, seeing her expressionless face, she couldn't believe it, so she bit her tongue involuntarily.

"Yes, miss, I'll go right away, I'll pull it out, anyway, I've pulled it out very smoothly." Mother Tai hurriedly found a pair of sharp pliers as if she heard something very happy. , and the maid holding dumb medicine in her hand
Xiangying saw that there was still blood on the pliers, she was taken aback for a moment, a cold sweat broke out in sadness, and her palms began to feel slightly hot.

"No, you dare not." She couldn't believe that Lian Siyue would do this.

Lian Siyue sneered, "There's nothing I dare not do! Mother Tai, what are you waiting for!"

"Yes!" Mother Tai winked, and several servant girls immediately stepped forward and held Xiangying down.

(End of this chapter)

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