Chapter 682

Chapter 682

"Mother, the child is not filial, the child has caused the mother to suffer!" Xiao He felt guilty when he saw the state of his mother who was noble and dignified in the past.

"Good boy, mother is fine, as long as you are alive!" Lu Xi shed tears.

Here, although Xiao Zhenhai looked embarrassed, he looked at Yeluchu with a somewhat cold and questioning gaze——

Yelu Chu winked at Mo Dan, and then said to Xiao Zhenhai, "Great general, young king Yelu Chu is the only son of Yelu Chongyuan. When the little king was in Khitan, he heard anecdotes about Xiao Guogong, and today I got to know him." See, Sansheng is lucky, although General Xiao is imprisoned, his demeanor remains undiminished, Xiao Wang admires him."

"Hmph..." Xiao Zhenhai snorted coldly and raised his head.

Yeluchu was still smiling, as if he didn't care about Xiao Zhenhai's cold treatment.

Here, Modan took out some sets of clothes and said, "General Xiao, Mrs. Xiao, young master, in order to avoid people's eyes and ears, quickly put these clothes on your body."

Xiao He stretched out his hand, stopped Mo Dan's movement, and said, "Once this clothes is put on, we will be inseparable from your Khitan, right? Do you want my Xiao family to follow you and really bear the hat of treason?"

With a slight smile on Yeluchu's face, he said, "Second Young Master, do you think there is a better choice now?"

"Even if I, Xiao He, die, I will never betray the court or the emperor!" Xiao He said angrily, he is a person who has experienced life and death on the battlefield, and he values ​​integrity very much.

"Okay!" Yeluchu clapped his hands loudly, "Xiao Wang admires the courage of the second son. It's just a pity that the emperor of Zhou didn't know how to cherish the strong and strong man of the second son Xiao, but I, Yeluchu, cherish the talent of the second son very much." He Qibo, the second young master is going with me, it is the best choice."

"Hmph, different ways don't conspire with each other." Xiao He said coldly.

Yeluchu knew that Xiao He was difficult to persuade, so he looked at Xiao Zhenhai and said, "General, there is a saying among you that those who know the current affairs are heroes, now that Xiao Wang has rescued you, there is no room for you in this big week." If the general Xiao is willing to follow Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang can assure you that when he arrives in Youzhou, he will be treated as a guest of honor, and it will be no problem to be promoted to a noble.

Of course, Xiao Wang admires the general and the two sons very much, if you really want to go back, Xiao Wang will not force you to stay.

However, if you go back, you will be my enemies, Yeluchu. "

Xiao Zhenhai narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking about it in his mind, after a long while, he asked, "Then, can the little prince promise the old man something?"

"Father!" When Xiao He heard this, he looked at Xiao Zhenhai suddenly, his face was full of surprise, did his father agree to Yeluchu?

A smile appeared on Yeluchu's face, and he said, "General, please tell me, as long as you don't want Xiao Wang's life, Xiao Wang will agree."

"Father! Never! If we go with this Yeluchu, then we will really become Da Zhou's rebels, and then we will be scolded by the world and we will never be able to hold our heads up." Xiao He felt a wave of fear in his heart. Feeling, he hastily prevented Xiao Zhenhai from negotiating conditions with Yeluchu.

Xiao Zhenhai looked at Xiao He slowly, and said, "Now that things are going on, what retreat does our Xiao family have? Tell me."

Xiao He clenched his fists tightly - "Baby..."

Xiao Zhenhai ignored Xiao He, and said to Yelu Chu, "I just ask for one thing, the little prince wants to help me kill the ninth prince, Feng Yunzheng, and get rid of the Lian family, especially the eldest daughter Lian Siyue. Let me kill it with my own hands."

"Haha, to tell you the truth, Xiao Wang came here this time to get rid of his father-killing enemy tactic, but now he coincides with the general, so very good, very good." Yeluchu laughed loudly. road.

"Okay, then the old man..."

"Father!" Xiao He bent his knees and knelt down on the ground, "No, absolutely not."

Xiao Hu saw his father and brother in a stalemate, and suddenly lost his mind, not knowing whose side he should be on.

"He'er!" Xiao Zhenhai said angrily, "You are even more pedantic than a father, staying here will only lead to death, and my Xiao family will really be finished."

"Father, the blood of Da Zhou is shed on our bodies. We are heroes in life and heroes in death. Even if we die, we don't want to be rebels, and we will be stigmatized forever." Xiao He said.

"He'er, mother is on your side, you make the decision you want to make, and mother follows you." Lu Xi stood behind Xiao He, said.

"Ma'am!" Xiao Zhenhai was so angry that his beard flew up, "He'er is young, you have gone through many ups and downs, but you are still so stubborn."

"I'm not stubborn. I'm a woman and I don't have any ideas. I just want to follow my son." Mrs. Xiao said.

Xiao Zhenhai glanced at the pale and trembling Fan Ming, and asked harshly, "Fan Ming, what do you say?"

Fan Ming knelt on the ground with a thud, and said, "Master of the state, I am humble, I dare not turn my back on me, I have my descendants, I can't let them lose their heads for generations to come."

"Shua!" Hearing what Fan Ming said, Xiao Zhenhai said nothing, and slashed at Fan Ming's head fiercely, cutting Fan Ming's head in half, and his body fell to the ground. Xiao Zhenhai said roughly, "Since If you don't agree with me, what's the use of keeping you!"

When Xiao He saw Fan Ming, whose head was in a different place, he immediately understood his father's determination. He only wanted revenge, even disregarding his moral integrity and reputation.

"Little prince, a sneaky little nun has been caught here." At this time, a guard hurried over, carrying a little nun who was desperately resisting in his hand, Xiao Zhenhai and Xiaohe stopped the dispute.

"Little nun?" Yeluchu looked around, there must be a nunnery here.

Yeluchu's guards had already brought the little nun over, put her on the ground, and said, "This little nun is really savage, and even bit the humble hand."

The guard stretched out his hand and saw that there was indeed a row of teeth marks on it.

"Hmph, it's clear that you, a big man, raped my little nun." The little nun blushed and said loudly, as if she was very dissatisfied.

"..." This voice, this voice...

Xiao He, who was facing Feng Lingyue with his back facing him, felt like being struck by lightning, and his whole body shook violently. Even if he died and turned into ashes, he would never forget this sound.

"Hmph, you don't look like I'm from the Central Plains. What are you doing here sneaking around?" Feng Lingyue raised her chin slightly, not afraid of Yeluchu.

Yeluchu smiled charmingly, "What a tasteful little nun."

"You!" Feng Lingyue blushed angrily when he teased him again.

"Ling Yue'er!" Xiao He turned around abruptly, and when he saw that longing face, he ran over excitedly, hugged Feng Lingyue in his arms, and then pushed away, carefully Check her facial features carefully!

That's right!

That's right!

It's Ling Yue'er!

It's really her!

(End of this chapter)

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