First-class daughter

Chapter 697 Goodbye Scumbag

Chapter 697 Goodbye Scumbag
Chapter 697 Goodbye Scumbag
Finally, the heavy door of the water cellar was slowly opened, and she suddenly looked up, only to see Lian Siyue standing in front of her refreshedly, like an orchid, exuding tranquility, elegance, dignity and nobility all over her body. temperament.

And her hair was disheveled, her face was ferocious, her eyes were bulging, and she looked like a lunatic.

Lian Shiya hates Lian Siyue like this to death, she always looks calm and calm, but in fact, everything is taken away by her!
"Lian Siyue, you are finally willing to come." She stared at Lian Siyue coldly, with a vicious gleam in her eyes.

"Third sister's last journey, I always have to give it to her. After all, sisters are together, don't you think so?" Lian Siyue quietly looked at Lian Shiya, who was like a crazy woman in front of her.

"Bah!" Lian Shiya spat fiercely on the ground, "Don't be so hypocritical, others don't know your face, don't I know? My mother, me, my uncle's family, all talk about it You did it, didn't you?"

Lian Siyue thought about it and nodded, "You can say that if you want, I did it."

"You are so vicious, aren't you afraid of retribution?" Lian Shiya screamed loudly with scarlet eyes, "You will suffer retribution, you will definitely suffer retribution."

"She will definitely not suffer retribution." Just as Lian Shiya was hysterically insulting Lian Siyue, a person walked up to Lian Siyue's side and held her hand.

Even Shiya was overwhelmed by this man's powerful aura, she didn't come back to her senses for a long time, she just stared blankly at this man——

He was dressed in a silver robe, with a gold-encrusted jade belt around his waist, and the purple feather crown on his head shone with a low-key luxury in this dim water cellar. He was noble and powerful, and he was more noble than Feng Qianyue, the Fourth Highness in her mind. There is a calm and strong demeanor, a courage to benefit the world.

"Nine, Your Highness Nine..." Lian Shiya's eyes fell on his big palm holding Lian Siyue's hand, "You, you..."

She got it!

His Highness Ninth Prince is going to declare his ownership of Lian Siyue to everyone!
A deep jealousy welled up in her heart, why, why she was so beautiful in Kyoto, why no man has such care for her!
"Fourth Highness, yes, Fourth Highness is my husband, he will come to save me, he must be thinking of a way to save me now, this is my plan with him, he will not leave me alone, he promised Don't let me go, this time I won't ignore me anymore, he will come, he will definitely come." Lian Shiya's eyes were flustered, and she didn't have any confidence in what she said.

"Fourth Highness?" Lian Siyue raised his eyebrows and said sarcastically, "I'm afraid he is in danger now, and he is thinking of how to put all the responsibility on you. You have been married to him for so long, don't you know him well?" Human?"

When Lian Shiya heard this, she was stunned, but she couldn't say anything to refute——

Yes, she knows the Fourth Highness. At this time, the Fourth Highness should be thinking about how to protect himself, so why would he care about her?

Looking at the eyes again, the Ninth Highness is clearly superior, but he always shows a desire to protect Lian Siyue, obviously Lian Siyue is extremely vicious, but he is protecting her side, for fear that she will be hurt in the slightest. of.

So unfair!
Why does Siyue have everything she wants, but she doesn't get anything after all her efforts?
"Your Highness Ninth Prince, in fact, Lian Siyue is not what you see, she is vicious, she..."


Night Breeze, who was in the dark, threw the hidden weapon in his hand like lightning, only heard Lian Shiya's heart-piercing scream, raised his head high, blood flowed out of his mouth, and along with it, there was A meaty thing.

Lian Shiya screamed, looking in disbelief at the tongue that fell out of her mouth on the ground.

Night Breeze put his arms around his chest, stared coldly at the terrified Lian Shiya, and said, "Dare to speak ill of the eldest lady in front of His Highness, you really are not transparent enough, taking a little bit of your tongue is a punishment. "

"Um, uh, uh..." Severe pain came, and he opened his mouth to speak desperately, but he couldn't utter a single clear word.

Even Siyue looked indifferently at the bloody scene in front of her, but she didn't have the slightest sympathy, and she didn't have the slightest sympathy.

She will never soften the heart of a person who just wanted to poison her with arsenic and tried his best to kill Lian Jue. She is here to send her to hell today!

Lian Shiya couldn't speak anymore, so she stared at her fiercely.

Feng Yunzheng pulled Lian Siyue back into his arms, looked at Lian Shiya coldly, and said:

"You moved Yue'er and allowed you to live for so long. This king is kind to you, but now I don't have any patience to spend it with you, Night Breeze..."

His voice seemed to come from hell, and he was specially here to judge Lian Shiya.

Lian Shiya saw the breath of death in his eyes, she suddenly bent her knees, kowtowed in the direction of Lian Siyue, with a pleading look on her face——

She couldn't speak, so she kowtowed desperately to Lian Siyue, shook her head, and begged her to be generous and let her go.

But Feng Yunzheng didn't want Yue'er to be entangled with this rotten woman anymore, so he hugged her horizontally, bowed his head, and said softly:

"Let's go."

"En." Lian Siyue nodded.

Lian Shiya watched desperately as Feng Yunzheng left the cellar with Lian Siyue in his arms, his figure was so resolute and firm, there was no room for maneuver.

"Ah! Ah!"

She puffed up her eyes and screamed loudly, trying to keep Lian Siyue, begging her to save her life, but they left without stopping.

In the darkness, Night Breeze looked at the crazy woman in disgust, "Tsk tsk tsk, who are you going against, but you want to go against someone on the top of our Highness's heart, is there any way out?

Our Highness has not married the eldest lady yet, and has already prepared everything for her future life in the palace, and even asked Mammy Ru to prepare the children's clothes.

Enough exaggeration, who made our Highness like the eldest lady so much?

Why are your eyes so wide?Not reconciled?Who let you die?
Our Highness likes to pamper the eldest lady and is willing to do anything for her. As for the eldest lady, she can do whatever she wants. Our Highness will settle things for her, so there is no need to worry about anything.

Unfortunately, you don't have one.

Tsk tsk tsk, I heard that you are still the number one beauty in Kyoto, I really feel sorry for you. "

Lian Shiya felt more and more unwilling when Ye Feng said these annoying words in a casual manner. All of a sudden, the blood surged up, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Night Breeze jumped nimbly, and said with disgust, "Don't splash on me, I hate it."

"Okay, when you want to go, do it." In the darkness on the other side, a cold and impatient voice urged.

Night Breeze looked back, caught off guard and pulled the impatient Leng Mei into his arms, and said, "Look, we have Leng Mei who is pampered by me, but you don't!"

He rolled his eyes at him coldly, and hit Ye Feng's stomach hard with his elbow. Ye Feng immediately took a step back in pain, "Hey, you really beat me, murdered my husband!"

"Stop talking nonsense, solve it quickly, and go to see the eleventh prince!" Leng Mei raised his hand, and the blade in his hand brushed out, only to hear screams one after another, and Lian Shiya's eyes were cut.

"Don't be alone, I'll come!"

As Night Breeze said, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the hidden weapon aimed at Lian Shiya's kneecap——



One after another screams came from the water cellar accompanied by the crackling sound of broken bones...

Finally, the door of the water cellar was slowly closed, and nothing could be heard. Night Breeze and Leng Mei came out, clapped their hands, and left as if nothing had happened.

A pool of blood slowly flowed out from under the cellar door.

In the water cellar, Lian Shiya collapsed on the ground like a puddle of mud, her eyes had been gouged out, and her hands and feet were limply drooping by her side, like a living dead.

The exposed hamstrings twitched occasionally, the mouth opened, opened and closed occasionally, and finally closed slowly, never moving again.

(End of this chapter)

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