Chapter 714
Chapter 714
"Sister Sanhuang..." Looking at Feng Jiao's triumphant appearance, Feng Yunzheng actually felt sorry for her. After being reborn, he had revenge and complaints, but for Feng Jiao who had been disfavored in the harem for a long time, married For a sick and weak son-in-law, the poor man who supports the entire princess mansion by herself, he doesn't want to be too ruthless——

It's a pity that this sister seems to be getting deeper and deeper on the road of not knowing it.

"Of course, at that time, you were not in the capital, you went to Qingnan to supervise the Tuen Ling.

However, when I went to the clothing store to look for evidence secretly, I often saw Lian Siyue appearing in it, Lian Siyue, you are going to take care of Eleven, right? "Feng Jiao pointed the finger at Lian Siyue again, "I remember that among the people outside the palace, you have the best relationship with Shi Yi, and you happened to stay in Yixiu Palace around the day Shi Shi was burned to death." , and you will leave the palace as soon as Eleven dies, and it doesn't make sense to say that this matter has nothing to do with you.So, you were the mediator, secretly rescued Eleven and lied to my father.

Oh, no, you are a little county magistrate, you don't have such extraordinary abilities in the palace, there must be someone to help you, is it your aunt Lian Zhaoyi, or... the imperial concubine of Menghua Palace, you Let's talk, who has participated in this deception incident. "

At this moment, Fengjiao's intentions could not be more obvious, including His Royal Highness's biological mother Concubine Liang, so that if the emperor wants to pursue, even Concubine Liang will not let go, and everyone will be uprooted rise.

Feng Qianyue's game of chess is very big, he is the one who handles the chess, and Feng Jiao moves around the chessboard with ease in his hands.

"Hey..." Lian Siyue sighed deeply.

"Why are you sighing?" Seeing this situation, Feng Jiao asked displeasedly that Lian Siyue was not in a hurry, but had time to sigh. Immediately, she frowned.

"I sigh that the princess has become someone else's pawn without knowing it." Lian Siyue said quietly.

Feng Jiao's almond eyes widened, and she said angrily, "Lian Siyue, what nonsense are you talking about? How do you explain what I just said?"

Feng Jiaoguang wanted to take all the credit for herself and make the emperor look at her with admiration, so when she heard that Lian Siyue said that she was someone else's pawn, she denied it excitedly.

"Okay, the princess wants me to explain, then I have to ask the princess first.

The princess said that because she accidentally discovered the earrings that Princess Eleven dropped in the Jingxi shop, she suspected that Princess Eleven was not dead, but was hiding in the shop, right? "Lian Siyue looked at Feng Jiao and asked unhurriedly.

"Of course." Being watched by Lian Siyue's eyes like this, Feng Jiao couldn't help but flinch in her heart, and she stuttered when she spoke. Her eyes couldn't help but look in Feng Qianyue's direction, and Feng Qianyue narrowed her eyes slightly. Squinting her eyes and staring straight ahead, Feng Jiao said again, "Of course, otherwise why would you have eleven earrings there?"

"Everyone knows that the third princess has always been careless and informal. I still remember the last time in Ningde Mountain Villa. I, Liu Xiren, Liang Runan, and the third princess, fifth princess, and seventh princess were playing in the villa. At that time, I asked who lost it, but the seventh princess laughed at the third princess and said, "Isn't this your own thing?" At that time, everyone burst into laughter, and the third princess said blushingly, "I'm used to throwing things away." , Whoever laughs, I knock out whose teeth.

Unexpectedly, this time, the princess was able to find the whereabouts of the eleventh princess from an earring that I saw by chance, which really surprised me.After all, princess, you are a person with such a big heart that you can't even recognize your own Zhuhua. "

Lian Siyue said calmly, with a slight smile on the corner of her lips, but her eyes looked a little cold.

Feng Jiaoruo is good at reining in her horse, but if she still wants to pester her in every possible way, then she will have no choice but to be ruthless.

The third princess was startled when she heard this, and then she blushed and said, "Ben, this princess just remembers Eleven's earrings because they are very special. recognized..."

"Sister Sanhuang, a few days ago, Emperor Father sent Commander Jiang to find Eleven's whereabouts. Commander Jiang searched everywhere but couldn't find it. Unexpectedly, Sister Sanhuang's people became even more powerful than Emperor Father's imperial guards. , mastered the whereabouts of Eleven in advance." Feng Yunzheng said indifferently, but there was a breathless pressure in his eyes.

"Don't talk about him. It's true that I saw Eleven in the Jingxi shop. At that time, I went to see it several times in a row before I was sure. You don't want to get away with it." Feng Jiao couldn't help swallowing, but Still bravely said.

"According to Sister Sanhuang, I have visited the Jingxi shop quite a few times, so my younger brother would like to ask, how many pairs of stone lions are there at the entrance of my Jingxi shop?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

After hearing this, Feng Jiao smiled and said, "You coaxed me, there was one on the left and one on the left, then it was a couple."

"Heh." Feng Yunzheng smiled lightly, "Miss Huang made a mistake, there are no stone lions at the entrance of the Jingxi shop, only two cypress trees."

"Then...then maybe I misread, forgot, or confused." Feng Jiao blushed and argued.

"When the third princess sees this small earring, she can immediately judge that it is the eleventh princess's personal belongings, but she doesn't remember whether there is a stone lion at the entrance of the Jingxi shop. The third princess, is this a bit contradictory?" Lian Like Yue's tone seemed to be calm, but in reality she pressed her every step of the way, Feng Jiao couldn't help but took two steps back, with a look of panic on her face, she swallowed.

Feng Qianyue secretly clenched his fists in his sleeves, his eyes fluttered faintly. He had used Feng Jiao's carelessness and ignorance before, but he hoped that today he would not be led into the gutter by her carelessness and ignorance.

"So princess, you were ordered by someone to slander His Highness Ninth Prince, me, and Concubine Liang, right?" Lian Siyue asked again.

"I, I am, I..." Feng Jiao bit her lower lip, her eyes were no longer as arrogant and determined as before, "Lian Siyue!" She suddenly shouted, "You call me careless You are still as careful as dust, this eleven was rescued by you, and then hid in the Jingxi shop, this is a fact, so don't even think about denying it! Admit it quickly, the emperor will be lenient with you.

Eleven more..."

Feng Jiao walked up to Feng Lingyue in a few steps, and said, "You think everything will be fine if you become a little nun, tell me, tell me, tell me that you were secretly rescued by Lian Siyue, and Concubine Liang I helped you out of it, and you deceived the emperor together, didn't you?"

Everyone saw Feng Jiao's frantic look, but they felt that she had premeditated plans.

(End of this chapter)

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