First-class daughter

Chapter 716 No more investigation

Chapter 716 No more investigation
Chapter 716 No more investigation
Lian Jue walked all the way to Feng Lingyue's side, looked at her nun's outfit in blue, a look of shock flashed in his eyes, and said, "That day, when I came back from Shanhaiguan, I saw a blue figure in the crowd, and I felt the same You are somewhat similar, I thought I was thinking too much, but unexpectedly, it is really you. This is the little rabbit you saved, I asked Huang Yan to bring it. "

Feng Lingyue looked at the rabbit, but didn't know how to face him——

Last time, she only saw her once from a distance, and she ran away in a hurry. Now that she is facing each other like this, it really feels like a world away.

Finally, she clasped her hands together, bowed to Lian Jue, looked at the broken half of Lian Jue's face, and said, "Amitabha, you are so kind, the benefactor seems to have been seriously injured."

Lian Jue's heart trembled, and he said, "I was hurt a little earlier, but I'm fine now."

He handed the rabbit to her, and she stretched out her hand to hug the rabbit into her arms, and the rabbit rubbed against her arms as if seeing its real owner.

Lian Jue turned around and knelt on the ground, "I pay my respects to my father."

"You are still injured, so you don't need to kneel, get up." Emperor Zhou Cheng said kindly.

"My son has something to ask my father." Lian Jue signaled Feng Degui, who came to help him, to step back, and said, "Father, do you remember that I promised my son that no matter what Eleven has done, I will forgive her and let her go?" , no longer pursue her."

Emperor Zhou Cheng was stunned for a while, and said, "I did say that, but I didn't know she was still alive at that time. Since she was alive, someone deceived me. How could I let someone who committed the crime of deceiving the emperor go by?" people."

"Then father, do you remember that you once promised Erchen that my sister is Erchen's benefactor, and father will not only not pursue her, but will reward her. Now, she is entrusted by Erchen to save Eleven and Eleven. This time, it's also a matter of love, can my father stop pursuing it?"

"Entrusted by you?"

"Yes, Erchen and Eleven are good friends. Before Erchen went to Shanhaiguan, he told his sister in every possible way that the queen lost power and Eleven was alone. If she is in trouble, please do her best to help her. Now my sister is helping Shi One, it is not intentional to deceive the emperor, but to fulfill the promise to the son."

Emperor Zhou Cheng pursed his lips and remained silent, frowning.

"Father, back then, Eleven was just like me, just an ignorant baby. We didn't have the right to decide our own destiny, and it was all controlled by adults. My son was right, so what's wrong with Eleven?

The son was lucky, he was raised in the prime minister's mansion when he was young, and he was the eldest grandson who was cared for and respected by everyone. Now he is even luckier, because the father did not despise the son, and personally recognized him.

But eleven, she used to be a princess, but now, she has nothing, no father, no mother, no relatives, so she can only cut her hair and become a nun, living alone in the ancient Qingdeng Temple.

She is the most innocent and pitiful person.

So, father, I beg you, let her go, don't pursue her any more, and give her a way out. "

Lian Jue kowtowed deeply.

Here, Feng Yunzheng also knelt beside Lianjue, and said, "Father, the happiest thing now is to recognize the eleventh emperor's younger brother. The past is over, letting Eleven out of the way is a blessing for our little Highness, don't you think?"

Tears glistened in Feng Lingyue's eyes. Emperor Zhou Cheng sat on the dragon seat and looked at her. A naive and romantic face appeared in his mind. When she was a child, she was always the strongest and had the most brilliant smile. I won't cry even if I scold.

At that time, the thirteenth Feng Tangyao was his favorite, and the eleventh also timidly followed him far away, gave him a handful of fresh lychees, and read Su Dongpo's poems aloud:

"I eat three hundred lychees a day, and I will never hesitate to grow up as a Lingnan native. Father, this lychee is really fresh and delicious, just try it."

But he was a little impatient, and said, "Eleventh, why are you so ignorant, your imperial sister is not in good health, and can't eat such hot food."

The smile on her face froze for a moment, then she said with a smile, "Father, I understand, I will pay attention next time."

Emperor Zhou Cheng's eyes slowly retracted, and then looked at the children kneeling on the ground in rows——

The third princess Feng Jiao, the fourth prince Feng Qianyue, the ninth prince Feng Yunzheng, the eleventh prince Feng Jue, and the former eleventh princess Feng Lingyue——

For their own self-interest, some evade all kinds of excuses and seek only profit; while others, for the sake of those they care about, do not hesitate to take responsibility.

"Father, the crescent moon hangs down on the forehead, and Xiaomei's teeth are half out. The high hall is open and the swallows are quiet. There is no noise. Lin Sunfengnv is babbling. This career. A river of wind and dew, the general way is the fairy family'."

Emperor Zhou Cheng was stunned, "This poem was made by Zi Ning."

"The concubine mother once read this poem to her son, and she also mentioned Mrs. Zining. She said that Mrs. Zining is the person who understands the emperor best in the world. My son has also studied this poem carefully. Mrs. Zining puts her love on Poetry, I hope that my father will untie his knots when things happen, and he will have peace of mind..."

Inside the hall, there was silence.

In the end, Emperor Zhou Cheng sighed slightly and said, "Forget it, Ling Yue'er, you can go, I won't pursue this matter anymore. But you have to remember, from now on, I don't want to see you again, and you don't want to see me anymore." Don't appear in front of me again."

"Thank you, Father!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Feng Yunzheng, Lian Siyue, and Lian Jue were overjoyed, no matter what conditions the emperor put forward, they finally passed the catastrophe.

And Feng Lingyue kowtowed deeply, and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

With that said, several guards came in and escorted Feng Lingyue out of Rongyuan Hall.

Lian Jue looked at her back, heaved a sigh of relief, but felt a stone was added to his heart.

"Father, Royal Father..." The third princess Feng Jiao was a little dumbfounded, why are these people all right?

Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at her, without a good face, and said, "Why don't you stay in your third princess's mansion and come to me to mess around, lest the world will not be chaotic. I think you are full, so I will return to you." Please go to the princess mansion, don't come into the palace without my permission."

Once Fengjiao heard that she was not allowed to enter the palace, what should I do?Her biological mother is not favored, and she is not well married. The entire princess mansion is supported by her alone, but the wives of the second brother and third brother of the consort are not so fuel-efficient. In people's eyes, it was as if she had been thrown into the cold palace by her father, so in the future, how could she have any face in the son-in-law's family?
The person she admires the most is his aunt, Princess Anguo. She dreams of becoming someone like her. Although she is a woman, she is strategic, holds great power, and enjoys the glory and wealth of the world. First of all, no one dared to say too much, from the royal father to the common people, everyone respected her.

Therefore, she bet on the fourth brother, because she believed that the fourth brother, like her, was born in a humble background and yearned for power more than anyone else.

But... She never expected that she bet the wrong chips and was down from the beginning!

Not only did she get nothing, but she also lost her dignity as a princess. She was destined not to be the second An Guo Princess.

"Father, the third sister is also worried that Father will be deceived, so she did this. Father is willing to forgive those who make mistakes, why not forgive people who are right?" Feng Qianyue saw that the expression on Feng Jiao's face became agitated, he I'm afraid she will say something more unfavorable to him, so hurry up and speak for her.

"Father, I have no malicious intentions. I think that if I find out the real culprit for my father, my father will look at me with admiration and will no longer think that I am a useless person. Father, I have to enter the palace. You can't help but enter the palace."

Emperor Zhou Cheng was unmoved, and said indifferently, "Stop talking, go back."

(End of this chapter)

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