Chapter 718

Chapter 718


Lian Siyue stood quietly under the crabapple flowers in front of the window, her eyes fell on the purple-pink petals. This year's crabapple blossoms are particularly good, which makes people feel pleasing to the eye.

"Miss, Master Jue, oh, no, your Highness has sent someone to the Wen Hua Yuan to pick up things and go to Ming An Palace." Qing Dai approached and said.

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "Understood."

But Qing Dai was caught in a moment of emotion, couldn't help shedding tears, said, "After going to the Ming An Palace, we will never see your Highness again in the Prime Minister's Mansion, I'm really not used to it."

Lian Siyue glanced at Qing Dai, Qing Dai hurriedly wiped away her tears and said, "Your maidservant lost her composure."

"It's a good thing for His Royal Highness to return to the place he should return to, you all should think so." Lian Siyue entrusted everyone.

"Yes." The servants replied.

"By the way, the emperor didn't let any of the servants of the Wenhua Academy go to the Ming'an Palace except Sijiu. I originally thought that the little highness would not be used to it if he went there, and he would get used to it if he brought the loyal servants he used. For some reason, Nanny Tai has talked to them, and I don’t know why they can’t take it.” Qing Dai suddenly remembered, and said.

"It's also expected." Lian Jue successfully restored his status as a prince.

However, in Emperor Zhou Cheng's view, although the Prime Minister's Mansion raised Lian Jue, in his mind, he was Lian Jue's only father, so he would not be happy to see that Lian Jue had too many connections with the Prime Minister's Mansion. It is also necessary to prevent Lian Jue from thinking about the old father-son relationship and helping Lian Yanqing.Therefore, letting Sijiu follow him is already a blessing in every possible way.

"Miss, your highness is here." At this moment, the maid who guarded the gate came to report.

"Get ready, go out to meet him." Lian Siyue put down the jade buckle in his hand, and led all the maidservants to the yard.

I saw Lian Jue walking in, dressed in a luxurious gown trimmed with gold silk with a crimson background, exuding a noble and extraordinary demeanor, if you can't see the scar on the left face, he is really the most handsome person in the painting.

Lian Siyue bowed her head and said, "Lian Siyue sees Your Highness, Your Highness is thousands of years old."

The smile on Feng Jue's face froze, and a flash of disappointment flashed in his heart. From now on, he and her will really have different identities.

He stepped forward, held out Lian Siyue's arm, and said, "The county master doesn't need to be polite."

Hearing Feng Jue's reply to herself like this, Lian Siyue raised her head slowly, with a faint gratified smile on her face.

"Your Highness will officially leave the Prime Minister's Mansion today, and it will not be easy to meet again in the future. I ordered someone to cook His Highness's favorite food early in the morning. Your Highness can leave after eating."

"Okay!" A flash of surprise flashed in Feng Jue's eyes, and then Lian Siyue walked inside, and the servants of Xianhe Yuan were more cautious than before when they saw this master again, and even their steps were lighter than before.

When passing the plate of begonias, Feng Jue stopped and said, "This year's flowering period seems to be a little longer."

"Yeah, I figured it out, the flowering period has lasted for more than a month, but the weather will get colder in the future, I guess this is the last flowering." Lian Siyue bent down and stretched out her hand to poke the opening. The brightest one of all, Dao.

"By the way, I brought a basket of dates. Sijiu is holding it. I'll let him move in. You can try it." Lian Jue signaled Sijiu to bring a basket of dates. When he saw them, they were all plump and plump. , green and oily, exuding a faint jujube fragrance.

"Miss, these are washed, you have a taste of this, the little Highness climbed up the tree to pick it." Sijiu took the plate and put the largest and most beautiful ones among them, held them in both hands, and held them up. In front of Lian Siyue.

Lian Siyue took one and took a bite, it was crispy, sweet and juicy, with a faint jujube fragrance lingering between the teeth——

"The taste of this date is as sweet as last year." Lian Siyue said.

"I went to the academy to pick them this morning when no one was around." Lian Jue said as he watched her eating dates.

Lian Siyue lightly paused the hand holding the jujube, but still suppressed the emotion in her heart, and said lightly, "The jujube tree is indeed good, and it can bear a lot of fruit every year."

Feng Jue's heart suddenly moved, as if he couldn't control it anymore, he said, "Sister, you once agreed with me that every year when the first batch of dates are ripe, we will go together to hunt dates under the date tree. Is this agreement still counting?" ?”

Lian Siyue put the date stones into a small dish at the side, and said, "Your Highness, this agreement is beyond count."

"Sister..." There was a hurt look in Feng Jue's eyes, "Why don't you count, just because, just because I became the prince?"

"Not only is this agreement no longer counted, but King Ming'an will no longer be able to call me elder sister. You and I have different identities. You should call me the county head or Miss Lian as just now." Lian Siyue said, "Now, you are no longer the eldest grandson of the Prime Minister's Mansion, but the eleventh prince of the emperor, the King Ming An of the imperial court, you can no longer follow your heart like before, you have to be cautious. Proceed with caution.

You have just regained your status as a prince, and you don't know how many pairs of eyes are looking at you, trying to find your fault.You have to keep in mind that there is not only one Concubine Xu Xian in the palace, nor is there only one Fourth Highness, if you make a slight mistake, you will fall into the trap of others.

And the most important thing right now is that the emperor really doesn't want you to associate with people from the Prime Minister's residence. This time, you are only allowed to take Sijiu to the Ming'an Palace, and the rest of the familiar servants are not allowed to take any more. his mind.

You can't disregard the Emperor's wishes, understand? "

Feng Jue nodded, and said, "I also felt this from the words of the father, so today I came here to take a look at the pretext that the Prime Minister's mansion has the necessary things. The most important thing is to come to see you."

"No." Lian Siyue stared at his face earnestly, and warned, "Today, don't take back anything from you, don't let your Ming'an Palace have any things from the Prime Minister's Palace, and tell the emperor after you go back. : You looked around and found that there was nothing necessary, so you came back empty-handed, you must say this sentence, do you remember?"

In the end, Feng Jue nodded, although he was not very happy, but he knew that everything his sister said made sense and he had to do it, "I know, when I changed my name to Feng Jue, I knew the result of today."

"Also, don't go to grandma and mother again, don't see them even if you can, just take it as this Xiangfu is just a process in your life, don't look back."

"Don't look back, can't I even look back at you again?" Feng Jue was suddenly agitated, he didn't like this at all, he didn't like it at all!
"Yes, no, absolutely not!" Lian Siyue said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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