Chapter 740
Chapter 740
"Sister." The smile on Lian Siyue's face deepened.

The eldest lady brought the new third lady, Lian Siyu, back to the Fu'an Courtyard. Because there was no time to buy it, the eldest lady ordered Zhou Nanny to bring Lian Siyue's clothes for her to put on first, and even Siyue also ordered Xinkai to wear it. The Jingxi Tailor made four sets of clothes for the new sister, spring, summer, autumn and winter, and personally sent a batch of gold and silver jewelry, and other houses, Hu, Liu and Yan also sent things.

That night, Lian Siyu met the uncles and aunts at home in the clothes that resembled the moon, took off the coarse cloth shirt, and put on exquisite Chinese clothes, Lian Siyu stayed by the lady's side obediently. Shy, looking at her bones, she also has a bit of the gentle temperament of a young lady from your family.

Lian's mother also said that it was indeed the blood of the Lian family that flowed in her bones, and it was quite pleasing to the eye.

Therefore, the matter of recognizing the second daughter as the first wife was considered a stage, and the Lian family members devoted themselves to preparing for Lian Siyue's wedding.

According to the rules, men and women can no longer see each other ten days before they get married. Lian Siyue sent a letter to Feng Yunzheng, talking about recognizing the younger sister who was sent away by his mother back then. He replied to the letter, which was sent by Night Breeze. He said in the letter that he had also heard about the Lian family's admission of a daughter. If he had a chance in the future, he would meet her for her. He also asked her to rest well and not to be too Work hard and wait to get married.

Lian Siyue folded the letter and put it in the drawer. In fact, with his arrangement and pressure, she has nothing to worry about.

The entire Xiangfu was bustling with activity, the viewing platform was rebuilt, and many precious flower seeds were brought into the garden.

Concubine Liang specially sent an experienced nun from the palace to explain to her the etiquette of the big wedding in detail. She is a married person, so she knows these etiquette very well. Lian Mu, Liu Shi, etc. People also took turns telling her to go or come to her, telling her everywhere.

When no one came, she asked Qingdai to lie on a low couch in the courtyard, and the late autumn sun shone warmly on her body. She kept thinking about the past, and the little things that happened since she was reborn and entered Lian's house. drop--

Feng Qianyue, Lian Shiya, Aunt Xiao, Xiao Zhenhai and others flashed through her memory one by one, and she suddenly felt that those things seemed to be getting far away.

It's just that every time I think of my daughter Le Yan, my heart still cannot be calm, and my heart hurts like a twist.

She suddenly felt that even if she wiped out all those who had failed her and repaid the pain a hundredfold, she still lost her daughter.

So, who is the real winner in this bloodthirsty fight?

Seeing that she occasionally frowned deeply, Qing Dai was a little worried and asked, "Miss, you are getting married soon, so don't think too much about it, His Highness Ninth Prince loves you so much, you will definitely be harmonious when you marry."

Lian Siyue listened, with a slight smile on his face, and said, "Yes, thanks to him."

Thanks to him, her road to rebirth is not only a bloodthirsty road of revenge, but also a road for her to find herself, allowing her to live not only for hate, but also for love.

Soon, the day of marriage will arrive.

On this day, at a quarter of a hour, Mrs. Liu was in a hurry, and with a happy face, she brought someone to tell her to get up and freshen up.

Today Mrs. Liu also specially wore a long gown made of gold and white butterflies and roses, covered with a multicolored tapestry silver mouse jacket, and a jade pleated skirt with flowers sprinkled underneath. When she led the people in, even Siyue was still sleepy. , eyes slightly drunk.

Mrs. Liu brought a rich nanny over, and said in her ear with a smile, "Siyue, the one who combs your hair today is Nanny Ruan from the palace."

Nanny Ruan stepped forward, knelt at Lian Siyue's feet, and said respectfully, "The old slave is here to comb the county lord's hair. Starting today, the county lord will wear a girl's bun and replace it with a woman's bun. From now on A married woman."

Lian Siyue signaled Qingdai to hand over the wedding silver that she had prepared long ago to Nanny Ruan, and Nanny Ruan took the heavy bag, Fangzhi county magistrate was really generous, and thanked her immediately.

"Okay, time is running out, so be careful. Today is our young lady's big day. No one is allowed to make mistakes, otherwise, be careful with your skin." Liu put on the airs of the master, and took care of all the slaves. All of us became more cautious, not daring to be negligent or negligent.

"Qingdai, Lengmei, Mother Tai, hurry up and get the eldest lady's wedding dress, and change into the wedding dress first." Liu Shi said, "This wedding dress was sent by His Royal Highness personally to three hundred embroiderers from Kyoto. , it was sewn day and night in the Jingxi shop, and both the material and the embroidery method are top-notch."

Speaking of which, the wedding dress has been brought in, Lian Siyue opened her eyes to see——

The big blouse is full of gorgeous red, the chest and back are embroidered with golden clouds and phoenix characters, the red ribbons have fate ribbons, and on the edge of the sleeves, the moon and cloud characters are embroidered with silver thread. This is the only wedding dress in the world, and it is extremely dignified. Hehuagui, the head crown is the Jiudi crown, on which there are big and small beads, and the beads are all dripping in the mouth. In the maid's tray, there are a pile of golden phoenixes, a pile of gold hairpins, two pearls, emerald peonies and two Rang flowers each. Two pairs of flowers, plum wreath, four-bead ring, one pair each.

Lian Siyue was supported by several servants and nuns, and stood in the middle of the room with open arms, while the other four servants began to put the wedding dress on her.

Lian Siyue looked around at everything in this room, Mrs. Liu, the maid, the mother, and the red wedding dress, feeling like she was still in a dream——

Is she married to Yun Zheng now?

"Miss, the Eleventh Prince is here." A maid announced from outside.

Feng Jue walked in, and everyone knelt down to welcome him, he said, "You don't have to pay too much attention to me, just do the county magistrate's makeup."

Xu Shi got married today, even Siyue was feeling a little bit drunk, and her words were not as indifferent as before. She smiled and said, "Your Highness is a prince, no one dares to ignore you, I think His Highness might as well sit on that chair , let them prepare some food for you, and when the time comes, you can carry me into the sedan chair."

Feng Jue smiled and said, "Forget it, then I won't get in the way, just sit aside and wait quietly." He said, then walked to the side of the huanghuali chair and sat down. Mrs. Liu quickly ordered someone to bring some snacks, road--

"Your Highness, please."

Feng Jue nodded, and the servants continued to be busy. Feng Jue quietly looked at Lian Siyue, watching Nanny Hua combing her maiden bun into a woman's bun, her face gradually became more charming and gentle. Mature, but his heart was trembling slightly——

In the past, he often sat in this position, talked to her, and complained to her. No matter what he said, she would look at him with loving eyes. Wiping the sweat from my forehead, now that I think about it——

This was really the best time of all his years.

However, everything can't go back. They have no choice but to go forward.

(End of this chapter)

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