Chapter 742
Chapter 742
After hearing this, Lian Siyu quickly knelt down, kowtowed respectfully, and said, "Siyu must be obedient, thank you mother for helping me."

"Good boy, get up quickly, remember, from now on you have to go to your grandmother more, she is the one who has the final say in this house, I have invited a husband and a doctor to teach you how to read, you should read more medical books, your sister understands Doctor, this won your grandmother's heart deeply." Da Furen instructed carefully.

"Mother, Siyu must study hard, the eldest sister knows it, and Siyu must learn."

"Okay, okay, okay." Rong Xue took Lian Siyu's hand, feeling very comforted. The eldest daughter is not of the same mind as her. Now that she is married again, it is rare to be reliable. Now this daughter, she must firmly control it with.

Finally, Lian Siyue went to the front hall to say goodbye to her father and uncles.

Lian Yanqing wore a first-class civil official robe, and sat in the middle of the wide rosewood chair, while his fourth uncle Lian Yanfu sat beside him, his second uncle Lian Yanfeng, and third uncle Lian Yantao stood beside him, extremely solemn and serious.

Lian Yanqing watched his daughter in a fiery red wedding dress approach from a distance, his eyes narrowed slightly, his most beautiful eldest daughter married His Highness the Ninth Prince, and now, their family is the most enviable, His status in the court has also risen accordingly, but he is very cautious and does not form cliques with other people, and he is always cautious in front of the emperor.

It's just a pity that this daughter is out of his control, otherwise, this wedding would be more perfect.

Lian Siyue walked towards the man she called her father step by step, every step was very steady, almost exactly the same situation as in her previous life, but her mentality was completely different——

At that time, she took every step carefully. She knelt in front of him tremblingly, calling for her father, and he looked at her with contempt in his majestic eyes. Like Lian Shiya, she kindly talked to her a few words, but she didn't even give her the things at the bottom of the box. She got on the sedan chair in frustration and tried to comfort herself: It's okay, you have four years to come. Your Highness, Fourth Highness will let you straighten your back, so that father won't look down on you.

With the purest expectations of a girl, she entered the Prince Yue's mansion. She never expected that she would jump into a fire pit, and was finally burned by the flames, and endured the heaviest pain. From the beginning to the end, this father Nor did he plot anything for him—

At that time, he was already planning to marry Lian Shiya, a concubine who was more in line with his wishes, to replace him——

Perhaps, to him, it doesn't matter who marries Feng Qianyue, as long as the status of the Lian family and his prestige can be preserved. Obviously, Lian Shiya in the previous life was more in line with his needs.



These bits and pieces of memories flashed through her mind, she finally walked in front of Lian Yanqing, and solemnly knelt down in front of him, with the red wedding dress spread out behind her, very gorgeous and luxurious...

"Father, Yue'er came to bid farewell, thanking father for his upbringing."

Lian Yanqing finally showed a kind smile on his face, and said, "Okay, okay, from today onwards, you will no longer be the eldest lady of the Lian family, and you will be the princess of Hengqin. You must remember that His Highness the Ninth Prince is the sky. , all words and deeds must be a model for women."

"Yes, father, daughter remembers." Finally, after two lifetimes, she got what she wanted, and even Yanqing's attitude towards her was more cautious than she towards him.

"Your uncle also has something to say to you." Lian Yanqing said.

Lian Yanfu, Minister of the Ministry of War, walked up to Lian Siyue, bent down to help her up, and said only one sentence, "Siyue, you are the pride of the Lian family."

Lian Siyue smiled slightly, and said, "Thank you fourth uncle." He knew that Lian Yanfu was a man with facial features and was not good at words, but these words were already the best words she had received during her wedding.

"Second brother, third brother, give Yue'er a press box gift." Lian Yanqing ordered.

Lian Siyue glanced at it, the box was still heavy being carried by four servants, it can be seen that this time Lian Yanqing gave him a lot of things.

"Thank you father." Lian Siyue bowed and said.

Leaving the main hall, Lian Siyue sat down and waited. She looked at the busy and bustling crowd, and suddenly realized that she was going to marry His Highness the Ninth Prince today. She began to feel nervous and blushed a little. Red.

The Fourth Miss, Sixth Miss, and Seventh Miss of Lian's family surrounded her excitedly, chirping, looking at her wedding dress and her box-pressing ceremony, all envious of her.

"Siyue, don't be nervous." Liu Xiren on the side saw her twisting the handkerchief with both hands, and smiled again, "It's rare to see you nervous, and now I think you are a teenage girl."

"Happy, I'm really nervous." Maybe because the groom is someone she cherishes, and she is going to live with him suddenly, she can't imagine the future.

"Hehe, it's normal. On the day I got married, I was so nervous that I dropped my wedding shoes. I got into the sedan chair, only to find out that my elder brother brought the wedding shoes over in a hurry." Liu Xiren recalled his appearance when he got married, and said. .

"The wedding shoes are all gone?" When Lian Siyue heard this, she couldn't help but look down at her wedding shoes, but the wedding dress was too big and she couldn't see her feet, "Mother Tai, just look at my wedding shoes Are the shoes still on your feet?"

"Pfft!" Liu Xiren couldn't help laughing out loud.

The fourth lady Lian Shengru said, "Eldest sister has always been steady, and this is the first time I've seen such a tense appearance." Others couldn't help but feel that Lian Siyue got a lot closer.

"That's because His Highness the Ninth Prince is really happy in the heart of the eldest sister." Sixth Miss Lian Wanyin said with a smile.

"You guys, don't laugh at Eldest Sister, His Highness the Ninth Prince knows about it, she will feel sorry for you." The rest of the sisters said with a smile.

"Here we come, the Ninth Prince is here!" At this time, the excited shouts of maids and women came from outside, the sound of firecrackers, gongs and drums suddenly became lively, and Liu quickly walked in——

"Hurry up, put the hijab on, His Highness the Ninth Prince has arrived at the door!"

he came?
After calming down for a whole morning, Lian Siyue's heart finally started to thump, feeling unprecedented nervousness, Xi Po hurriedly stepped forward and said beamingly, "The groom's official is here, the bride is going to put the hijab on."

When the words fell, Lian Siyue felt that her eyes were covered by a red hijab, and she couldn't see everything in the outside world. At this time, she realized that the sweat on her palms became thicker.

"Sister, I'll carry you into the sedan chair." At this moment, a crisp voice whispered next to her ear——

"Oh, the bride is getting into the sedan chair!"

"The bride is getting on the sedan chair!"

The crowd cheered loudly, everyone was beaming, and the children ran back and forth——

(End of this chapter)

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