First-class daughter

Chapter 744 Who Returns Triumphantly

Chapter 744 Who Returns Triumphantly
Chapter 744 Who Returns Triumphantly
His master went through hardships and obstacles, and finally married the princess as he wished, and even he, the hidden guard, heaved a sigh of relief.

Feng Jue stood beside the stone lion, with a smile in the corner of his eyes, watching the sedan chair gradually go away——

"..." Liang Shumo of Liang Guofu stood next to the stone lion on the other side, sobbing and wiping away tears, muttering, "Such a good sister Yue, it's so cheap for your highness, what should I do in the future."

Everyone is laughing, only he is crying, and he has been crying since he got up in the morning.

Feng Jue heard the voice, turned around, and saw Liang Shumo, as if seeing himself at a certain moment from him.

"Your Highness, what are you looking at? Seeing me cry? I don't want to cry, but I can't help it, woohoo, Sister Yue just left with someone else, without even looking at me." He sobbed.

Feng Jue came over, patted his shoulder, and said, "Cry if you want."

"Then I'll cry for a while." Liang Shumo raised the back of his hand to wipe his tears again, not afraid of being seen.

The wish was fulfilled, Feng Jue smiled, turned and left the Prime Minister's mansion.

It's over, his secret heart, his youthful years, from now on, it's all over, everything is a farewell through this grand wedding——

From then on, he dared not think about it anymore!
Lian Siyue was sitting in the sedan chair, and with the slight bumps of the sedan chair, her crown was also shaking. She was holding on to the hem of her clothes, and the sound of firecrackers, suona, and joyous cheers could be heard beside her ears.

She thought, the man who followed her for two lifetimes was on the steed in front of her, and brought her home together, her heart was filled with happiness that she had never had before. Although she was nervous, a smile appeared involuntarily on the corners of her lips , the delicate cheeks under the red hijab were flushed, shy and alluring.

She remembered what was sung in the play:
When my hair reaches my waist, the Dongting Lake is still beautiful, the gardenia is blooming on one side, and the small fan lightly dazzles the eyes.

Waiting for my long hair to reach my waist, the moon shadow in Puluo is fine, now that the year has come, the spring dream last night is still good.

Waiting for my long hair to reach my waist, the beautiful scenery is beautiful and beautiful, the bones are searched and suppressed, and the soul is transformed into a wonderful form.

Waiting for my long hair to reach my waist, it will be good for Yiren to come back. I have come to court from all over the world, don't you see Ruan Lang smiling?
Feng Yunzheng turned his head, saw the big red sedan chair, and thought that the person sitting inside was the person he wanted the most, so a smile rose from the corner of his lips.

He fulfilled the promise of his previous life——

Yue'er, when your hair reaches your waist, I will finally promise you ten miles of red makeup.

"Drive... drive..." At this time, there was a sound of horseshoes ahead, and a voice that almost broke through the sky resounded in Zhengyang Street——

"His Royal Highness has returned in triumph!"

"King Anping was defeated! His Highness the Eighth Prince has returned in triumph!"

"His Royal Highness has returned in triumph!"

This sound even overwhelmed the sound of gongs, drums and suona!

Feng Ye came back after winning the battle?When Lian Siyue in the sedan chair heard this voice, her heart trembled, and she clenched the edge of the sedan chair unconsciously.

Feng Yunzheng stood on top of the steed, his deep eyes slightly narrowed, looking at the dusty and clamoring street ahead, he saw a team galloping towards them in full swing.

The one at the front was the Eighth Prince Feng Ye who had just defeated King Anping and returned triumphantly. He was standing on top of a black horse, holding the reins tightly. He was wearing a golden armor, shining in the sun. His eyes were cold and expressionless, probably because of the long-term battle, the skin on his face was slightly rough.

When he saw Feng Yunzheng standing on top of the steed wearing a red auspicious suit in front of him, he tightened the reins, clamped the horse's belly with his legs, and "wowed" all over, the black steed raised its hooves high, After spinning twice, it stopped——

Feng Ye silently raised his hand, and immediately the soldiers behind him stopped after listening to the order.

And Feng Yunzheng also raised his hand, and the sound of suona and firecrackers behind him also stopped.

All of a sudden, the two teams were deadlocked on the street, and there was a tendency of not giving in to each other!

Immediately, the crowd of onlookers felt an unprecedented tension, and everyone dared not show their breath, staring closely at the two His Highnesses, a big battle seemed to be on the verge of breaking out.

Now, the Fourth Highness Feng Qianyue has fallen, and the Eleventh Highness Fengjue is ready to launch, and now that the Eighth Highness has won the battle, it is the most prosperous with the Ninth Highness.

Night Breeze couldn't help clenching the long sword in his hand, and also felt nervous. Today was the day of His Royal Highness Ninth Prince and Missy's great joy, but it happened to coincide with His Royal Highness Eighth Prince's triumphant return. Presumably, His Royal Highness Eighth Prince already knew about Concubine Xu Xian when he was in the army He also knew that His Highness Ninth Prince and the concubine worked together to do this. He entered the city gate in such arrogance at this moment, obviously intending to block His Highness Ninth Prince's wedding reception team on purpose.And His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince has now won a complete victory, defeated King Anping, eradicated a great disaster for the court, and cured the emperor of a heart disease, which can be regarded as a remarkable achievement——

At this moment, even if his troops were about to trample on His Highness Ninth Prince's wedding reception team, the emperor would turn a blind eye.

Lian Siyue in the sedan chair also sensed the imminent tension outside, she reached out and grabbed the red hijab——

"Miss, don't!" Leng Mei who followed beside noticed Lian Siyue's movements, and hurriedly said, "I heard that it is unlucky to take off the hijab."

Lian Siyue then slowly lowered her hand, Xu Shi was too nervous about this big wedding, she couldn't hold herself back today——

In fact, she had long foreseen that the emperor would have some reservations about the punishment of Concubine Xu Xian, mutilating the emperor's heir would be regarded as a capital crime, but the emperor only put Concubine Xu Xian in the cold palace, but did not even remove the title of Concubine Xian, all because of Feng Ye He also led troops outside to attack King Anping.

The room left by Emperor Zhou Cheng was that if Feng Ye lost, Concubine Xu Xian would be executed immediately; but if Feng Ye won, he would definitely ask for the pardon of Concubine Xu Xian, and Emperor Zhou Cheng would agree.

But now, not only did he win, he was also ahead of schedule.

Therefore, Concubine Xu Xian has an outstanding son.

Two princes standing on horses staring at each other, one is as gentle as jade but ruthless (Feng Yunzheng), the other is rebellious but full of thoughts (Feng Ye)——

"Brother Eight Kings has won a complete victory. Congratulations. Brother Huang hereby congratulates Brother Wang." Feng Yunzheng clasped his fists in both hands and took the lead in breaking the stalemate, with a smile on his face.

Feng Ye's eyes fell on Feng Yunzheng's back, and the dazzling redness hurt his eyes. The girl he cared about finally became someone else's. mutual affection.

He clenched the spear tightly in his hand, with a tense expression on his face, finally looked at him slowly, clasped his fists, and said, "Brother Nine Emperors celebrates the day, congratulations."

Both of them looked polite on the surface, but there was also a sense of tension in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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