First-class daughter

Chapter 750 Who Cares About You

Chapter 750 Who Cares About You
Chapter 750 Who Cares About You
Yeluyan's original expression froze, but looking at Xiao He again, he seemed to be holding a rare treasure in his hands, wiping it frequently with his sleeve, as if she had soiled it——

"I see that what you want to carve seems to be a girl. Is she your beloved? No wonder, you refuse to stay in Youzhou because there are people." Yeluyan felt a emptiness in her heart.

"It's none of your business!" Xiao He put the puppet into his palm, and said indifferently, "Whether I have someone in my heart or not, I will not stay here. You'd better stay away from me. Except for her, I won't let anyone in this life. Anyone who comes close to my heart, you are the same, so, don't do it for me like today's tipping off, I will not only not appreciate it, but also blame you for meddling in other people's business."

Xiao He said, pushed open the door and walked out.

Yeluyan blushed when she heard this, followed her quickly, and shouted, "Xiao He, don't be sentimental, I don't intend to get close, I came here to help you today because I feel sorry for you, don't think too much Yes! You can take your doll and live your decadent life! Hmph!"

Yeluyan rushed past him angrily, and walked out quickly.

"Princess, what's the matter with you?" Dolma, the maid who was sitting on the ground, saw her princess's angry face, stood up hastily, and followed her, saying.

"It's nothing, I'm blind! What's the big deal, go back to the palace!" Yeluyan got into the carriage, with a cold face, and said nothing.

"Princess, did that Han named Xiao He offend you? Why don't you tell the empress dowager? The empress dowager loves you the most," Dolma said.

"No!" Yeluyan said, "Dolma, don't tell anyone, especially Grandma Huang and brother."

Dolma carefully glanced at Yeluyan, and asked, "My good princess, you are not in love with this Han man, you must not, the empress dowager and the little prince have already arranged a date for you with the king of the North Courtyard." The eldest prince Jin Wu's marriage will be married after this winter."

Yeluyan sighed softly, and said, "Don't worry, Dolma, I know my mission, and my marriage contract cannot be freely chosen. After winter, I will marry Jin Wu, Grandma Huang and elder brother as scheduled. They love me so much, I will not disappoint their expectations."

Yeluyan rested her chin in her hands, her eyes showed a trace of loneliness and worry.

South Prime Minister's Mansion.

Xiao Zhenhai got off the carriage with a pale face, and walked into the mansion with a gloomy face, Mrs. Xiao, Lu Xi and Xiao Hu followed closely.

"Bastard!" As soon as he entered the mansion, Xiao Zhenhai sat down, grabbed the teapot on the table and slammed it on the ground, angrily said, "Today is the birthday of Empress Dowager Renyi, and all the officials came to congratulate him, Yeluchu went to invite him three times , He returned without success three times! If he doesn’t give Yeluchu face so much, Yeluchu will turn his face one day. If he turns his face, our Xiao family will have no place in Youzhou. The Khitan royal family appointed me, a Han, as a prime minister , I have already given enough face, but Xiao He made me unable to step down! If he is like this, it is better to simply kill him, and it will be settled once and for all!"

Mrs. Xiao said coldly, "He was knocked out by you and Yeluchu, fed with drugs, put on handcuffs and shackles, comatose for nearly half a month, and destroyed his body before he was taken to Youzhou. He didn't immediately Leaving is to give your father enough time to gain a firm foothold in Youzhou, he has already done his best."

"Father, mother is right. The second elder brother is very virtuous. When he was captured by the Daliao people and tortured for ten days, he refused to bow his knees like the emperor of the Daliao people. If he were to be an official of the Khitan people, he would do whatever he wanted. If you don’t even agree, don’t force him anymore, I’m afraid, I’m afraid that the second brother won’t be able to bear it!” Xiao Hu couldn’t help but speak for Xiao He.

Xiao Zhenhai pursed his lips tightly, frowned, and said after a while, "I don't understand He'er's personality, but we are no longer in the capital, we are in a cooperative relationship with Yeluchu, if we can't reach him He can tear up the covenant with us at any time, although I am the Prime Minister of the South, I am actually dependent on others, and I am so angry at He'er's behavior."

With Xiao Zhenhai's words, Mrs. Xiao and Xiao Hu also fell silent——

That's right, the Xiao family is now dependent on others, and needs to walk on thin ice.

"However, if Xiao He can marry that princess Yeluyan, the result may be different. As far as I know, Empress Dowager Renyi loves Yeluyan very much."

"However, I heard people say that Yeluyan was betrothed to Jin Wu, the eldest son of the Great King of the North Courtyard. This marriage was also facilitated by the Empress Dowager Renyi. How could it be possible to make a pair with our He'er?" Mrs. Xiao said. , "Don't push He'er into the fire pit anymore, I'm afraid the gain will outweigh the loss. It's not like you don't know He'er's temper. He always only has Ling Yue'er in his heart."

Xiao Zhenhai frowned.

"My lord, my lord, the princess is about to be born, the princess is about to be born." At this moment, the maid from the Prime Minister's Mansion rushed over and knelt on the ground with a plop.

"What, Ya'er is going to give birth?" Upon hearing this, Xiao Zhenhai stood up abruptly, and hurriedly walked towards her room.

Mrs. Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and then followed along with Xiao He.

As soon as she approached Xiao Rou's yard, she heard her heart-piercing screams. When she arrived in Youzhou, she almost slept on the bed throughout her pregnancy. It was extremely painful to be born.

Xiao Zhenhai grabbed Mrs. Wen and said, "Must keep the adults and children safe, otherwise, the truth will not only kill you, but also your whole family!"'

After hearing this, Mrs. Wen was terrified, and hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, my lord, this servant will definitely try my best!" Saying this, she hurried into Xiao Rou's room.

"Father, father, save me quickly, I don't want to give birth, I don't want to give birth again, it hurts, it really hurts!"

"Your Highness, Your Highness, save me!" When she was in the worst pain, she suddenly called out Feng Qianyue's name.

Xiao Zhenhai was taken aback when he heard this, and then stomped his foot fiercely, "Idiot! Idiot! Feng Qianyue, this miserable thief, you don't even know he betrayed you!"

"Wow, wow!"

It was not until the day after tomorrow that Xiao Rou finally gave birth after going through all kinds of hardships, and fell into a coma after giving birth.

The maid hurriedly ran out to announce the good news to Xiao Zhenhai and Mrs. Xiao, and said, "My lord, madam, the princess gave birth to a big fat boy, who is very beautiful. The princess fell asleep a little tired, and will wake up later."

When Xiao Zhenhai heard this, his face showed ecstasy, and he hurried into the house, hugged the grandson in his arms, looked at him, with a smile on his face——

"Finally, my Xiao family has a happy event."

(End of this chapter)

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