First-class daughter

Chapter 752 1 Entering the Palace Together

Chapter 752 Entering the Palace Together

Chapter 752 Entering the Palace Together

Yeluyan was slightly taken aback, she didn't expect Grandma Huang to ask her such a question, and she didn't know how to answer it.

"I heard that you went to find that Han man Xiao He today. That's why your birthday party was late, isn't it?"

"Grandma Huang, I..." Yeluyan sat up hastily, and said, "I'm sorry, I, I lied to you, yes, I came late because I went to see Xiao He."

"You little cunning, I've known since you ran to find Xiao He, what's the matter, is it because he doesn't appreciate your favor, that's why you're so unhappy?" Queen Mother Renyi asked with a smile.

"Grandma Huang, don't worry, I will never go to Xiao He again, I will marry Jin Wu after the winter, he is my husband!" Yeluyan said a little angry.

Empress Dowager Renyi smiled and said nothing. After half her life, Yeluyan's little daughter's mentality can still be seen through.

When Yeluyan left the palace of Empress Dowager Renyi, she saw her elder brother Yeluchu approaching from a distance, and immediately turned around and left.

"Yan'er!" Unexpectedly, Yeluchu saw her at a glance, she had to stop, turned around slowly, smiled at Yeluchu, and said, "Brother, why are your eyes so good?"

Yeluchu was thoughtful, but he was gentle and pampering to this younger sister. He raised his hand and stroked her hair, and said, "Run away as soon as you see me, even if I don't want to see you, I will see you."

Yeluyan said embarrassingly, "I can't hide anything from you."

"Tell me, why did you run away when you saw me? Did you do something bad?" Yeluchu asked while pulling her.

"You know everything, and you still ask." Yeluyan paused, and then asked again, "Brother, will you really kill Xiao He?"

"Not currently." Yeluchu replied.

"Does it mean there is always a possibility?" Yeluyan asked anxiously.

Yeluchu stared at his beloved sister, with worry in his eyes, and said, "Yan'er, don't like Xiao He, when I was in Da Zhou, I saw with my own eyes how affectionate he was for that girl, for her, He is willing to risk his life, the way he looks at her is full of palpitating pampering, he loves her to the bottom of his heart."

"It turns out that he really has a sweetheart. My brother has seen her, tell me, is she beautiful?" Yeluyan asked, the little puppet carved in Xiao He's hand must be this girl. Suddenly feel stuffy.

"When I saw her, she had no hair and was a bald little nun, so I can't say how good-looking she is, but those eyes are beautiful." Yeluchu recalled Feng Lingyue's eyes, suffering , stubborn, proud, and unforgettable, but the situation was urgent and he didn't have time to study it carefully.

"Little nun with a bald head?" Yeluyan was taken aback, how could the person Xiao He likes be a little nun.

"It is said that her life experience is very complicated. However, this place is thousands of miles away from the capital, and it is not an important person to you. You don't have to worry about it. I will talk about other things when I have time. I am going to see Grandma Huang now. Remember, don't be tempted by Xiao He." Yeluchu got up and warned.

"Understood, brother, I don't like Xiao He, I know that I am Jin Wu's future wife, you should go to Grandma Huang."

Yeluyan watched Yeluchu go away, lying on the table, resting his chin on his hands, staring ahead, lost in thought, with sadness in his eyes.

Great Zhou, the Imperial Palace.

On the second day of their wedding, Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue will come to the palace to meet the Empress Dowager, the Emperor and Concubine Liang according to etiquette.

Everyone in the palace knew that today was the day when His Highness Ninth Prince and Concubine Heng entered the palace on the second day of their wedding, and the servants of each palace were also ready.

The two got off the sedan chair at Zhengyang Gate and walked into the imperial city all the way—

Feng Yunzheng wore a crimson purple python robe, with a body like a jade tree, a white jade crown on his head, black jade-like hair with a faint luster, and a jade belt around his waist, exuding a noble and extraordinary demeanor.Those dazzling black eyes that can see through past and present lives, when smiling slightly, are as moving as a crescent moon.

And Princess Hengqin, Lian Siyue, who was walking side by side with him, was wearing an exquisite satin gown with engraved silk mud gold and silver ruyi cloud pattern, and a gold silk eight treasures pearl hairpin shining dazzlingly on her head. The majestic demeanor complemented Feng Yunzheng, causing the slaves who provoked the way to quietly hide and watch, and sighed:
The Ninth Highness and the princess are truly a match made in heaven, no one else can match them both.

Behind the pillar, there was a resentful man, who tore off a branch in his hand, looked at the two of them with resentful eyes, and said, feeling dissatisfied:
"The two of you lived and lived together, with happy faces, but I ended up marrying a pussy to be the princess. I, Pan Ruochu, the daughter of King Anqing, Princess Yiyun, who was conferred by the emperor, has always been the same in Qingnan. I'm really not reconciled to Lian Siyue being compared abruptly!"

Her resentful eyes gradually became vicious, watching Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue walking past lovingly.

The two first went to the Shouning Palace to pay their respects to the Empress Dowager. There was a happy event in the palace, and the Empress Dowager seemed to be in a particularly good mood. Looking at the emperor's grandson and grandson's wife who were kneeling in front of her, she smiled and said:
"Get up quickly, there have been no weddings in the palace for a long time. Now that you are married, the Ai family is really happy. Thinking of the two of you being able to add a great-grandson to the Ai family in the future, the Ai family has been together for a long time. I just fell asleep."

Feng Yunzheng said, "Grandmother's high hopes, grandson must keep in mind, and give you a great-grandson as soon as possible."

After Lian Siyue heard this, she blushed a little, but still acted generously, saying, "The emperor's grandmother is in good health and has a long life. She will definitely see many princes and grandchildren."

"You can really talk with this little mouth, no wonder our Xiaojiu didn't hesitate to ask the emperor for a marriage contract to marry you freely, and the emperor will not force him to marry three wives and four concubines in the future." The Queen Mother said with a smile, There was an unknown meaning in the corner of his eyes.

"Yue'er dare not let His Highness the Ninth Prince be intimidated. The Ninth Highness is the Royal Highness of the court, the Emperor and the Imperial Grandmother's Ninth Highness. The Imperial Grandmother should stop making fun of Yue'er. Yue'er should feel ashamed." Lian Siyue showed a shy expression Concerned, but the corners of his lips curled up slightly, revealing a hint of coldness that seemed vague.

"Nurse Wen, serve tea to Princess Heng." The Queen Mother ordered.

"Yes." After a while, I saw Nanny Wen coming over with a cup of ginger tea in her hands, knelt in front of Lian Siyue, and said, "Princess, please use ginger tea."

"Thank you, Empress Dowager, for the reward." Lian Siyue did not doubt that he was there, picked up the ginger tea, raised her head and drank it slowly, the eyes of the Queen Mother kept looking closely at Lian Siyue.

(End of this chapter)

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