Chapter 756
Chapter 756

Feng Ye stopped in his footsteps, closed his eyes deeply, and when he turned around, his face had regained his composure, and he looked at her indifferently.

"Brother Ye, why don't you come here? My aunt is very sad now. It's because that bitch, Lian Siyue, harmed her and you. I really wish I could go to her immediately and avenge you and my aunt!"

"Are you seeking revenge from her? Haven't you already lost once? Isn't that shameful enough?" Feng Ye's tone was a little impatient. He likes women with brains like Lian Siyue, Wei Ruhao. Yes, it really didn't arouse his interest - it roughly responded to the sentence: Except that Wushan is not a cloud, because the appreciation is even like the moon, so looking at other women is just boring.

"I..." Wei Ru was a little embarrassed when Feng Ye said it.

"Ye'er, Ye'er, are you here? Come here, quickly come to Concubine Mother!" Concubine Xu Xian shouted with difficulty.

"Brother Ye, my aunt really needs you right now, she is really pitiful, please go and have a look." Wei Ruhao begged.

After all, it is my mother!

Feng Ye pursed her lips and walked over, Concubine Xu Xian stretched out her two hands from a distance, "Ye'er, fortunately you came back in time, otherwise my mother and concubine will be killed by that little bitch Lian Siyue!"

Feng Ye saw that his mother and concubine were all haggard and had completely lost the youthfulness of a virtuous concubine in the past, and her eyes were full of hostility. She couldn't help but feel heartbroken, but the words she said were still cold:

"Mother Concubine, if Lian Siyue intends to harm you, why wait until now, when she knew that you were the one who took away Lian Jue back then, she could tell the truth, but she didn't.

I remember that she once reached an agreement with you in Dongxi Palace, you said that you would not harm Lianjue again, and she would not tell your secrets.

But you violated the covenant again. You almost killed Lian Jue with such vicious means as golden silkworm Gu. Lian Jue is the treasure in Lian Siyue's hands. How can she tolerate what you do, mother concubine? "

"Ye'er, you, you speak for Lian Siyue..." Concubine Xu Xian didn't expect that Feng Ye was still condemning her when she had just been released from the cold palace and had nowhere to vent her grievances!
"Brother Ye, Auntie is doing it for you!" Wei Ruhao squatted beside Concubine Xu Xian, holding her hand, and said with red eyes.

A bitter smile appeared on Feng Ye's face, "For me? I have gone through untold hardships, almost died under the enemy's arrows several times, risked half my life and finally won a big victory. Originally, I relied on this battle, Father will give me more rewards, power and status. But in the end, the glory I got in exchange for my life was only to get my mother and concubine out of the cold palace. I dare not take the rest of the rewards even if Father offered it to me. !
Today, mother concubine thinks that your end today is caused by Lian Siyue, not yourself?
If you hadn't committed such a serious crime, mother concubine, I must be holding a grand banquet in my mansion now under the orders of the emperor.

Back then, when Xiao Zhenhai came back with a big victory in Lianjue, who wasn't high-spirited, respected by the people, and congratulated wildly, but I, Feng Ye, trembled and dared not say a word, just like a criminal!
Isn't all of this thanks to you, concubine mother? "

Concubine Xu Xian was stunned for a moment, and said after a long time, "Ye'er, Feng Jue has seven red moles on the soles of his feet. The fortune teller said he was born with the appearance of an emperor. You have always known that this is a big stone in the heart of the concubine mother. If he does not die, you Liquor may never have a chance to ascend to the throne..."

"So what about a born emperor? I, Feng Ye, have always believed that my fate is up to me! What I want, even the heavens will never stop me! If I don't want it, I don't even bother to give it to me!
Besides, if Lian Jue really wins in the end, then I will be convinced!

But now, how can I justifiably go to fight with him!

Now, in front of my father, I am not at all happy or proud of my great achievements. I only have to be cautious, afraid that the old account of my mother and concubine will be brought up again!

Just like that, is the concubine mother still thinking about making a comeback to deal with Lian Siyue? "

"Ye'er..." Concubine Xu Xian had tears in her eyes.

Feng Ye took a deep breath and said, "This is the end of the matter, it's useless to talk too much, mother and concubine should stay in Dongxi Palace to take care of her body, from now on, mother and concubine will not need to help with the child's affairs, and mother and concubine should take good care of her." Just play the role of a good concubine." He said, turned and left indifferently!

"Ye'er, Ye'er, you have always been an obedient child. Why did you suddenly become so cruel? The concubine mother has been fighting for favor with countless women these years, isn't it because of you? In the end, how could you abandon me? Concubine mother. This is all because of Lian Siyue, right?" Concubine Xu Xian burst into tears, watching her son walk away, she felt that the world she had painstakingly managed collapsed in an instant!
"Ye'er, Ye'er, you want to marry Ruhao, did you hear that, at this time, you need more strength to support you, Feng Yunzheng's power has surpassed yours! You must marry Ruhao! Concubine Xu Xian called loudly.

Feng Ye's footsteps slowed down, and then he left at a faster pace.

"Brother Ye, Brother Ye..." Without Feng Ye's response, Wei Ru hurriedly followed, but Feng Ye's figure had already disappeared in Dongxi Palace.

"Auntie, brother Ye still hasn't let go of Lian Siyue in his heart, and his relationship with Auntie and you will fall apart today. If there is no Lian Siyue, brother Ye will still be the filial son who listens to aunt's words. Auntie, you thought that, Ye Brother's desire for Lian Siyue is just a kind of possessive desire that can't be missed, but now it seems that he really misses her." Wei Ruhao felt
Concubine Xu Xian closed her eyes tiredly, and murmured, "This bitch Lian Siyue has separated our mother and son, I will never let her go, but now, I have just returned to Dongxi Palace, Everything can't be rushed, wait for Ben Gong to recuperate slowly, and we can talk about it when we find an opportunity."

"Ruhao is willing to accompany aunt through the difficulties." Wei Ruhao expressed his heart.

Concubine Xu Xian held Wei Ruhao's hand and said, "Don't worry, the title of Princess Yu is always yours, and no one can take it away."

It's time to apply.

Feng Yunzheng went to Taiji Palace to worship the ancestors according to the regulations, while Lian Siyue stayed in Menghua Palace to accompany Concubine Liang. Concubine Liang was worried that Lian Siyue would feel bored, so she proposed to take a walk in the Royal Garden.

At this time, it was already deep winter, and the plum blossom branches in the imperial garden were already budding. Concubine Liang looked up at the sky and said, "Look at this, there should be a heavy snowfall in these two days."

"I remember last year's winter was extremely cold. I went to play in the snow, but I caught wind and cold, and lay in the room for almost ten days without going out." Lian Siyue remembered what happened last winter, and after that, last winter also happened Many things, that was the time when she and Lian Shiya and Aunt Xiao fought the hardest.

(End of this chapter)

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