Chapter 764
Chapter 764
"Nonsense!" Concubine Liang said sternly, "Master Shan Ren, as the acting steward of the Tai Chi Hall, you should have devoted yourself to observing the sky for the emperor, avoiding disasters and seeking blessings, refining pills to prolong the life of the emperor, but now you are doing nothing. Folk Taoists are talking nonsense and alarmist talk here, which is really not what a well-cultivated Taoist priest should do."

"The imperial concubine and empress know the lesson, the poor Taoist will never dare to deceive the emperor in the slightest, what the poor Taoist said is true, if it is not for God's will, the consequences will be really unimaginable." Shanren Daoist's face is serious——

Emperor Cheng of Zhou devoted himself to Taoism, and established Taoist temples all over the country. There was also a Taiji Hall in the palace that specially raised a group of Taoist priests. Therefore, Taoist Master Shanren knew that his words could move the emperor's mind.

Concubine Liang observed the change in Emperor Zhou Cheng's eyes, knelt down and said:

"Your majesty, Yunzheng and Yue'er are deeply favored by the emperor. They are both very blessed and noble people. Today is the first day of their wedding, and such a rumor has been born. If it spreads, Yun Zheng and Yue'er will be It is extremely detrimental to your majesty, your majesty must not believe these nonsense easily, it is better to wait for the real person Xuanwei to come back, the real person Xuanwei once told Yue'er that she is a very lucky person."

Shan Rendao said with a smile, "Your concubine, you have misunderstood. Pindao did not say that Princess Heng's horoscope is not good. Just as Master Xuanwei said, the concubine is a lucky person, and His Royal Highness is also a lucky person. It's just that they The horoscopes of the two are not compatible, if they are forced to be together, disasters will continue in the future." Taoist Master Shanren knew that Emperor Zhou Cheng was seriously suspicious, and would rather kill ten thousand by mistake than let go of one thousand.


"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, it's not good. The sea dongqing on the top of the Taiji Hall suddenly broke free and flew to the hanging beam of Menghua Palace, hitting its head to death!" At this time, an eunuch of the Taiji Hall hurriedly ran outside the hall. Kneeling down, he said anxiously.

"What?! Hai Dongqing crashed to death in Menghua Palace?" Emperor Zhou Cheng was startled, stood up suddenly, and walked quickly to the outside of the hall, Feng Degui and others immediately followed.

Haidongqing is the god of eagles, and it is said that only one of the [-] eagles emerges.

The Haidongqing in the Taiji Palace was captured by the Eighth Prince Feng Ye during the battle two years ago and captured back to the palace. It weighs twelve catties, is one meter tall, and has two wings spread over two meters long. It is very ferocious.

Costinus is a symbol of auspiciousness, not to mention such a huge one is really rare, when Emperor Zhou Cheng got it, he rewarded Feng Ye greatly, and even enshrined it in the Tai Chi Hall, where it was edified by incense day and night , and became a sacred bird in the palace for everyone to look up to.

But today, this divine bird died inexplicably in Menghua Palace, which is really strange!

"Your Majesty..." Concubine Liang followed up, feeling shocked——Haitongqing died in Menghua Palace?This didn't seem to be in Yun Zheng and Yue'er's plan, she faintly felt that there was a huge conspiracy waiting for them, and she began to think about how to keep Yun Zheng and Yue'er.

Daoist Shan Ren's slightly squinted eyes overflowed with an imperceptible smile, and followed him to Menghua Palace.

"Hai Dongqing is dead, Hai Dongqing is dead!" I saw that everyone outside the hall panicked and ran towards Menghua Palace one after another——

The divine bird died suddenly, and for a while, people in the palace were panicked.

The nanny here hastily ran into the bedroom, and reported to Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue about Hai Dongqing's death under the hanging beam at the entrance of Menghua Palace, and also said that the Taoist priest said that their husband and wife did not get along .

"The plum tree collapsed, the horoscopes were inconsistent, and Hai Dongqing crashed to death. This plan is progressing layer by layer, which is very similar to the method we used to deal with Feng Qianyue, Xiao Zhenhai and others." Feng Yunzheng said, tapping his fingers on his face.

"Pan Ruochu really learned this time very cleverly. He made every step of the way. First, he used the incident of the collapse of the plum tree to make us think that someone was going to kill me and my concubine mother. After seeing that I was safe and sound, he asked Bixiang to poison me. Every plan followed. Let us think that she is trying to put me to death. As a result, if even Hai Dongqing dies in Menghua Palace, it will prove to the emperor that you and I are not compatible, so that the mother and concubine's Menghua Palace has also become an ominous place " Lian Siyue said——

It's just that Pan Ruochu has always been arrogant, with high eyes and low hands. Such a meticulous plan doesn't seem to come from her hands, as if there is an expert behind the scenes. Moreover, since this person dares to take Haidongqing as a target, it is not to be underestimated. The person who looks at——

who can that be?

Concubine Xu Xian?
His Highness the Eighth?
Or...the queen mother?
"Finally, it's time to attack Menghua Palace..." Feng Yunzheng said with the same doubts and thoughts as Lian Siyue, shining in his eyes.

"In the past, the enemy was in the open, and I was in the dark. We only needed to use our strength to turn passive into active, and resolve the crisis head-on. This time, the enemy was in the dark, and I was in the light. Yun Zheng, it seems that we have a hard time Our challenge is about to be fought." Lian Siyue said.

"Are you afraid?" Feng Yunzheng stared at her and asked.

"I was never afraid before, but now..." She raised her eyes and looked at him, "Now I am even less afraid."

Perhaps Feng Qianyue never met any strong opponent after being demoted to a commoner. This time, the opponent finally made the blood in Lian Siyue's heart start to boil again. spread throughout the body.

"Okay, then let's meet it." Feng Yunzheng showed a slight sneer on the corner of his lips.

"The emperor is here..." At this time, there was a rush of footsteps outside the hall, and Emperor Zhou Cheng had arrived.

"Yue'er, lie down first." Feng Yunzheng asked Lian Siyue to lie down again, closed his eyes, and walked out of the hall by himself—

When Emperor Zhou Cheng walked in in a hurry and saw Hai Dongqing, who was regarded as a divine bird, lying under the hanging beam of Menghua Palace, with his wings spread, his head drooping aside, and his neck broken in two, he suddenly felt a burst of pain. Heartbroken.

The servants knelt down one after another, "The emperor atones, the emperor atones!"

"It really is dead!" Emperor Zhou Cheng sighed deeply.

The Taoist priest behind him hurriedly knelt down and said loudly:

"Your Majesty, look, what Pindao just said in Rongyuan Hall was not intended to be alarmist. Menghua Palace has been trapped by a vision. Hai Dongqing felt this vision, so he broke free from Taiji Hall and flew to Menghua. Gong died on the hanging beam because His Royal Highness and the concubine clashed, so that Menghua Palace became an ominous place, the emperor must take measures quickly to prevent a greater disaster from happening."

"Pa-ta!" Just as the Taoist priest was talking, suddenly, the bird's nest on the big tree fell down and landed at Emperor Zhou Cheng's feet, and several young chicks that had just hatched fell to their death on the ground. In front of his face, blood flowed all over the ground, looking very oozing.

"..." Even Concubine Liang was taken aback and took a step back involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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