Chapter 766
Chapter 766
Princess Hall.

When Pan Ruochu heard about what happened in Menghua Palace, he was in a good mood, clapped his hands happily, and said, "Great! This time, His Royal Highness and Lian Siyue have underestimated me, so I'm not that stupid, but It's a pity, Concubine Xian wants to prepare an antidote for Lian Siyue, if she dies like this, it will be really relieved. Pipa, ask them to bring me some more snacks, I feel hungry when I am happy."

"Yes, princess." Pipa turned around and told others to go to the imperial dining room to get food.

Pan Ruochu focused, and said, "I understand, that person doesn't want Lian Siyue to die because he has Lian Siyue in his heart, hehe, this is fun."

"Princess, in fact, even if Princess Heng doesn't die, there's no way she can enjoy His Highness the Ninth Prince alone. The Emperor wants His Highness the Ninth Prince to accept the side concubine. The Empress Dowager promised to find you a chance to become His Highness the Ninth Highness's side concubine. This time, You have a chance." Pipa returned and said.

Pan Ruochu showed a smile on his face, but he was a little bit unwilling, and said, "All along, I went in as a side concubine, and I didn't even get married. This princess has no honor, and it also makes my father and brother lose face."

"Princess, didn't the empress dowager say that? Winning or losing depends not on the present, but on the future. The empress dowager was not the empress dowager before." Pipa comforted.

Pan Ruochu nodded, "It can only be like this."

When it was dark, Pan Ruochu heard again that Lian Siyue had woken up after taking the medicine sent by Concubine Xu Xian. The emperor said that he was healthy and would go back to Xiangfu in two days at the latest.

She breathed a sigh of relief and said, "So, very good."

She ordered Pipa to prepare wine and dishes, and to dance swords outside the temple to celebrate.

And when she walked through the corridor with the sword in hand, suddenly, a figure came out from the darkness and stopped in front of her. In the darkness, those eyes exuded a bloodthirsty light, staring at her closely, It made her tremble all over, and the sword in her hand fell to her feet in fright——

"Eight, Your Highness..." She swallowed.

"How dare you poison her. This king has warned you not to hurt her!" Feng Ye's eyes were filled with coldness, and he clenched his fists, making a clicking sound.

Pan Ruochu was taken aback for a moment, and slowly, a clear expression appeared on his face, he smiled, and said, "Sure enough, you like her so much, but unfortunately, she is already the princess of His Highness Ninth Highness, your love from His Highness Eighth Highness I'm afraid it will be in vain. If I knew this earlier, you and I should have conspired earlier, I want His Highness the Ninth Prince, and you want Lian Siyue, so there won't be so many things, that's great."

"..." Feng Ye shot out violently and grabbed Pan Ruochu's neck without hesitation.

Before the smile on Pan Ruochu's face disappeared, he felt his neck was about to be snapped off by a pair of iron claws!

"The person this king wants to deal with is Feng Yunzheng. If you dare to attack her, this king will never let you go lightly!" He increased the strength of his subordinates. , only heard a clicking sound, Pan Ruochu only felt that it was difficult to breathe, and tasted a sweet smell of blood in his mouth, and after a while, the blood slid down the corner of his lips.

She stared at Feng Ye with her eyes wide open, and slapped her hands vigorously, her eyes flickering with fear.

It was only then that she discovered that the Eighth Highness, who was quite foolish when talking to her, had such a terrifying real face, and he showed no sympathy for her.

"I, I..." There was a whimpering sound in her mouth.

Feng Ye's eyes narrowed slightly, as if she was about to die, he slowly let go of his hand, and with a force, Pan Ruochu's body was thrown far away, bumping into the pillar behind him, and suddenly, again The whole person slid down from the pillar, and the whole person seemed to be falling apart.

" are not afraid of me if you treat me like this. Shall I tell the emperor? Only the matter of the plum tree was my fault, and the death of Hai Dongqing, the fall of the chick, and the Taoist priest of Shanren were all arranged by you." Yes, I'm just cooperating with it, the real villain is you, my goal is only to break up Lian Siyue and His Highness the Ninth Highness, but your goal is related to another prince, related to the throne." Pan Ruochu finally recovered his body Yuan Qi looked at Feng Ye and said with difficulty.

There was a hint of sarcasm on the corner of Feng Ye's lips, and he said, "You won't say it, unless you don't want to live, unless your father, King Anqing, doesn't want to live, unless you want Qingnan to be razed to the ground!" , his appearance seemed to Pan Ruochu to be the god of death from hell, which made her feel a chill in her heart——

"You, you have already arranged it? You want to attribute all the conspiracy to me?" Her voice was trembling, and she realized that she met a devil-like person.

"So, you'd better not take any unauthorized actions, let alone set your mind on her. If she is injured in the slightest, I, Feng Ye, will definitely want you to be buried with the whole of Qingnan!" Feng Ye looked at Pan Ruochu with sharp eyes. , sternly warned.

Pan Ruochu collapsed powerlessly on the ground. Originally, after getting rid of Lian Siyue, she planned to report Feng Ye in front of the emperor and save His Highness Ninth Prince, Concubine Liang and Menghua Palace, but now it seems that Feng Ye will not allow it. She did this, and he had already controlled her.

"Princess, princess..." At this time, Pipa came running from the front, but she didn't see Feng Ye standing behind the pillar. She was holding the meal in her hand and had a smile on her face.

Feng Ye's eyes froze, revealing a hint of viciousness. He stretched out his hand, and a dagger flew out from his sleeve. The scabbard part of the dagger hit Pipa's forehead viciously, and only heard a clang. Pipa fell to the ground abruptly, and the food was spilled all over the floor.

Pan Ruochu suddenly looked up at him, "You, you..."

"My king's warning, you must keep it firmly in your heart, otherwise..." Feng Ye slowly looked around the Princess Palace for a week, then turned around and prepared to leave with his hands behind his back.

"Why?" Pan Ruochu was lying on the ground, unable to move, but he still couldn't help asking, with big tears falling from his eyes.

"What why?" Feng Ye stopped and asked in a cold voice.

"Why do you like Lian Siyue, and His Highness the Ninth Prince, who also protect him in every possible way, lest she get hurt in the slightest, but now, if you deal with her together, your chances of winning will be much higher, but you would rather take the risk, You want to keep her, why? How is Lian Siyue worthy of you doing this?" Not reconciled, not reconciled!She, Pan Ruochu, is really not reconciled!
The person I like is obedient to Lian Siyue, and she is married to Shili Hongzhuang; the people who conspire with her are also thinking of Lian Siyue at all times, and would rather take risks than come to warn her and even hurt her!

"How am I not as good as Lian Siyue? I am a princess and the only daughter of King Anqing, and she is just a county lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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