First-class daughter

Chapter 778 Pick Up Her Chapter

Chapter 778 Take Her Back
Chapter 778 Take Her Back
"Hey!" Seeing this, Night Breeze hurriedly followed, step by step, and said, "I want to get married! I also want to embrace a beautiful woman! I really can't stand seeing His Highness doting on the princess all day long."

Looking at him coldly, "What's none of my business?"

"Of course, without you, how would I get married? Without you, I would never be able to get married in my life." Night Breeze said hastily.

"..." This time, upon hearing this sentence, Leng Mei didn't immediately scold her coldly as usual, but paused for a moment before saying, "Then you should never get married for the rest of your life!"

As he said that, he turned around and walked away quickly, a look of sadness flashed in his usual indifferent eyes.

Night Breeze didn't notice it, and looked at her back leaving quickly, but he was not upset, folded his arms around his chest, and smiled at the corner of his lips, "I'll wait for you for the rest of my life, don't be afraid."

Leng Mei quickly walked out of the palace, feeling uncomfortable in her body, but she clenched her fists tightly in her sleeves, and quickly walked across the side alley, finally stopped, leaned her back against the wall, and closed her eyes deeply .

"Are you feeling uncomfortable again?" At this moment, a steady voice sounded.

She opened her eyes suddenly, with a flash of evil spirit, and pulled out the sword at her waist, but saw that the person standing opposite was Lian Tian from the Prime Minister's Mansion, she paused, took the sword back, and said, "It's you."

"Just passing by." Lian Tian explained.

Leng Mei turned around and wanted to leave, and said, "Don't tell anyone."

That day, on the way back to find Lian Siyu, she felt something strange in her body for the first time, and was discovered by Lian Tian who was traveling with her.

"Wait." Lian Tian quickened his pace and said, "Perhaps His Royal Highness and Wangfei have a solution, you have to tell them."

"No need." Leng Mei continued to walk forward, but the uncomfortable feeling in her body became more and more intense. She covered her heart with her hands, staggered twice, and a painful expression flashed across her face.

"Don't be brave." Lian Tian chased after him.

"Don't follow!" Leng Mei gritted her teeth, only she knew that everyone in her family had this phenomenon, and no one could cure it.

"...Leng Mei." Lian Tian called out.

"Ah..." At this time, Leng Mei finally couldn't hold on, and fell to the ground, and the sword fell beside her. There was a colic in her body. She clenched her teeth tightly, not allowing herself to be weak, and she trembled Starting to grab her own sword, she said to herself in her heart——

Lengmei, you have no right to be weak, or sick!
Lian Tian couldn't bear to watch anymore, he walked quickly to her side, took her sword, and helped her up.

"I'll do it myself!" She gritted her teeth, and finally gathered the strength to push Lian Tian away.

"I promise you, I won't tell anyone before you agree, but since I saw it today, I won't stand by!" Lian Tian said, holding her sword in his hand, and supported her with the other hand stand up.

Sweating profusely with cold brows, he was really powerless, and finally let him sit down on the side with his support.

Lian Tian took off the water bag from his body and handed it to her, "It's clean, I haven't drunk it."

With trembling hands, Leng Mei grasped the water bag, raised his head, drank the water, then leaned against the wall, endured the pain, and said, "My sword." As a murderous hidden guard, one must never leave the sword in his hand.

"Here." Lian Tian quickly gave her the sword.

She clenched her hands tightly before she felt relieved, and slowly closed her eyes, feeling the collision pain in her body. back.

After a while, the painful expression on her face slowly faded away, she opened her eyes, stood up, and Lian Tian also stood up, "Is it better?"

"It's okay." Leng Mei wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"That's good." Lian Tian's tense feelings relaxed, and a smile appeared on his face, "Then I'll go first." He also raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead. In fact, his back was wet. up.

Looking at his back, Leng Mei opened his mouth and said, "Thank you."

Lian Tian paused, turned around, and said, "You're welcome, but I hope you don't give up, and have a chance to talk to His Highness Jiu and Wangfei."

Leng Mei nodded, Lian Tian finally turned around and left, she let out a long breath, finally returned to normal, then left with a blank expression on her face as if nothing had happened.

For this day's dinner, even Siyue really added two whole bowls of rice. The dishes on the table were all her favorites. The combination of meat and vegetables was delicious. These things that happened in the palace were also forgotten .

Not long after dinner, the Lian family sent someone to ask about returning home in two days. The housekeeper dragged the person to the front hall and talked about it in detail. Later, the person asked if the princess wanted to As he explained, when the housekeeper reported to Lian Siyue, Lian Siyue only said four words: as usual.

At night, Lian Siyue returned to her room, while Feng Yunzheng worked in the study.

Qingdai and Nanny Tai stood by her side, talking between master and servant——

When Feng Yunzheng returned to the room, what he saw was this: Yue'er was sitting under the candlelight, resting her chin in one hand and holding a book in the other, she didn't know where she saw, with a light and calm look on her face. Smile, the orange light fell on her eyelids.

He stood at the door, watching quietly, until she raised her eyes, saw him, smiled, and said, "Yun Zheng, you're here."

Yun Zheng, you are here, this sentence, and the expression on her face when she said it, he will never forget.

He walked over, hugged her from behind, and took the book away from her hand. The fragrance from her body just after washing made him feel intoxicated——


Lian Siyue shook her head, "It's okay."

"Go to sleep." He said, picked her up horizontally, and walked to the bed.

Every time at this time, it is always the happiest and most tormenting thing for him——

After extinguishing the candle, the two of them lay head to head on the pillow.

"Yun Zheng, I have something I want to discuss with you." She said.

"You say." He turned sideways, hugged her in his arms, buried his nose in her black jade-like long hair, and stroked her arm with his hands.

"Let's take Ah Yue into the palace to live with us. I recognize her as a righteous sister. Do you think it's okay?" This is something that even Si Yue has been thinking about. Ah Yue's relatives have not been found yet. , it is always inappropriate to stay in Shuiyue Nunnery, and besides, she doesn't really want to become a monk to practice, but she has nowhere to go and can't figure out her feelings.

Feng Yunzheng nodded, "Of course it is possible. She was also my younger sister. She has been my brother and sister for more than ten years, and my relationship with her has always been very good. It's just that because my father said that I would never see her, she It’s not advisable to make too much publicity when you come to the palace, and there is no ceremony for the time being when you recognize your sister, as long as we know it in our hearts.”

(End of this chapter)

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