Chapter 780
Chapter 780
This sentence carries deep feelings and thoughts.

"Yeah." She nodded, with tears in her eyes, and said emotionally, "I'm fine, thank you for coming to see me, I'm very happy and happy. I chant scriptures, eat fast and follow Master to knock wooden fish every day. No one disturbs me. It's very quiet, but Master said that I didn't pay attention when I knocked the wooden fish, and I didn't knock it well, so he punished me to come here to pack the medicinal materials."

"Ah Yue, let's sit over there." Lian Siyue took her and walked under the tree together, and sat on the bank next to the tree. The two sat facing each other, and the sunlight shone through the gaps in the leaves. Mottled spots of brilliance fell on the dresses of the two of them.

Lian Siyue took her hand and put it in his palm, spread out his palm to see——

The little hand that was originally as smooth as suet jade has a thick layer of calluses. It seems that her life here is more difficult than she imagined.

The ups and downs of life, except for her, is probably Ling Yue'er.

She couldn't help gently stroking the rough calluses, and said, "It's hard for you."

Lingyu retracted her hands and said, "A fortune teller used to look at my palm, but he didn't know how to say flattery. He said that my palm prints were messy and blurry. Although I have a golden body, I don't have a golden life. At that time, Empress Duanwen was furious, and beat the Taoist priest thirty times to change his words. Who knew that Taoist priest was so arrogant that he refused to change his words even to the death. Empress Duanwen killed the Taoist priest in a fit of rage, and she herself became ill with anger. I didn't understand at the time, but I thought that this shit Taoist priest would talk nonsense. Now it seems that what the Taoist priest said was right. So , Lian Siyue, don't worry about me, everything is just predestined. Although I am not as good as the rich clothes and food in the palace, I am better at being at ease."

Lian Siyue sighed slightly, and said: "It's been more than a few months since we last said goodbye. That time in the palace, I happened to see you in Tsing Yi with your hair shaved as a nun. I was really surprised. I couldn't think of it. The little princess who wanted to settle accounts with me has become a merciful little nun, and her eyes are really full of the compassion of a monk."

"Isn't it? We have become good friends from rivals. Who would have thought that? I was so angry that I wanted to kill you." Lingyu said with a smile.

Even Siyue smiled, "When I looked at you, I was thinking, this little princess is just bluffing, look at her eyes, they are clear and innocent, she doesn't look like a villain at all, I don't even like Siyue Let's just play with her."

"What? So that's what you thought at the time!" Lingyu immediately became angry when she heard this.

"Pfft." Lian Siyue couldn't help laughing, "I've always thought so, I was afraid that I would hurt you if I said it, so I kept my mouth shut."

"Hmph! You are really cunning, thanks to my fierceness." Lingyu said.

Lian Siyue looked at her quietly and earnestly, her eyes showed distress, and the expression on Lingyu's face also slowly solidified. They also looked at Lian Siyue quietly and seriously, they all understood, They were talking about the long past.

Lian Siyue reached out and took her into his arms. Compared with before, she was thinner and thinner. She was a thin and small one in her arms.

Lingyu nestled in her arms with peace of mind, leaned against her, and murmured, "Actually, when you got married, I wanted to go and see you very much. See how you look in your wedding dress. You must be very beautiful. Then Look at the way you are surrounded by the crowd, look at the way Jiu Ge married you home, look at the way you worship the heaven and the earth.

Lian Siyue, if I have any greed for the identity of the Eleventh Princess, this is it. If I am still the Eleventh Princess, I can see you if I want to see you, and if I want you to come to me, I will let you come to me This, will not be like this.

So, if I were still the eleventh princess, on the day of your wedding, I could also go to your bridal chamber with other princesses, and I would sprinkle dates, peanuts, longan and lotus seeds on your wedding bed. I have seen the third princess get married before , She was like this when she got married.What a pity, I didn't see the most important time in your life. "

Lingyu said with a regretful expression on her face.

Lian Siyue gently stroked her back and said, "Ah Yue, come home with me and live with me."

Lingyu was startled when she heard this, sat up from her arms, and said, "What did you say?"

"I have already discussed with His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince. We both think that it is not an option for you to stay in Shuiyue Nunnery in the long run. We want to take you back to Prince Heng's mansion. I will recognize you as my righteous sister.

In the future, no matter what happens, the Prince Heng's Mansion will support you. If you want to get married, you will also get married from the Prince's Mansion. His Highness Ninth Prince and I will prepare a dowry and a wedding dress for you, so that you can get married in a splendid manner. " Lian Siyue told Ling Yueer about her and Feng Yunzheng's decision.

"However, I also ask for your understanding, because of your previous relationship with the emperor, we will not make a big show of taking you back. You can only go back quietly like me. You should understand, right?"

Hearing Lian Siyue say this, she was already crying.

"Lian Siyue, thank you, thank you and His Royal Highness for thinking about me, I know you are thinking about me, but I have to think about you, my status is embarrassing, and living in Prince Heng's mansion will bring you a lot of trouble Well, I know His Highness Nine's ambitions and ambitions, and he also needs to be cautious in front of the Emperor. If the Emperor has a grudge against His Highness Ninth because of me, I will be guilty of a great crime.

Really, you don’t have to worry about me, don’t think that I’m suffering, I’m practicing, I like the peaceful life here, if you want to see me, come here to offer incense, I’m here to pray for you, and, Also, I will ask the Bodhisattva to bless you so that you will give birth to a healthy and lovely child to His Highness Ninth Prince. "

"I know that you are a child who can endure hardships, but I also know that you have a complex in your heart, and you are not practicing sincerely. You are just escaping, and you are afraid to face it. I am here because I want you to stop escaping, stop being afraid, everything There is me, His Highness the Ninth Highness, and..." Lian Siyue originally wanted to say a name, but she didn't say it in the end.

"But, it's too dangerous, you don't even know what the emperor is thinking."

Lian Siyue smiled and said, "Ah Yue, in fact, you all think that what His Royal Highness and I are interested in is wealth, and we may not really be interested in it, so you don't have to worry about these things. If you refuse to go with me, I miss you day and night in the mansion, worry about you, you say, can I live a good life? You go to Prince Heng's mansion, and we will be companions together, okay? "

"Lian Siyue..." Lingyu was extremely contradictory.

"Lingyu." At this moment, a fairy-like voice sounded.

At first glance, it turned out that Master Jing'an had come, and there was also Senior Sister Lingmiao by her side.

Lingyu quickly stood up, put her hands together, nodded, and said respectfully, "Master, you are here."

Even Siyue stood up and said, "I have seen the teacher."

"My concubine is polite." Master Jing'an respectfully said, although the visitor did not declare his real identity, but judging by the outfit and accompanying personnel, he is a noble and extraordinary person.

"Master, I'm going to pack the medicinal materials right away. I won't make a mistake next time I knock on the wooden fish. After packing the medicinal materials, I'll go to prepare tonight's vegetarian meal. I'll go right away." Lingyu wiped away the tears on her face, and hurriedly turned to prepare To collect medicinal materials.

"No need." However, Mrs. Jing'an stopped calling her, her voice was somewhat cold.

"Master..." Lingyu looked at Mrs. Jing'an with doubts in her eyes.

Master Jing'an looked at her for a while before finally speaking:

(End of this chapter)

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