Chapter 791
Chapter 791
When Lian Siyu heard what Yun Duo said, she was speechless for a while, and said after a long while, "Go back to Fu'an Courtyard, mother must be waiting for the medicinal materials in a hurry."


Lian Siyu left the school ground sullenly, and returned to the Fu'an Courtyard. Before entering the door, she saw Lian Siyue's maids. She glanced at them, and immediately felt that these servants seemed different from the other servants of the Lian family. , all of them seem to have some aura.

Qing Dai and Mother Tai bowed and called out, "Miss San."

"Is the princess in there?" Lian Siyu asked.

"Yes, Wangfei is talking to Da Furen." Qing Dai said.

Nanny Tai glanced at the third lady, but felt that she didn't like it very much. For some reason, she didn't feel close to her even though she was the eldest lady's own sister.

"Then I'll wait outside." Lian Siyu stood in the yard and waited quietly. She knew that she would not dare to go in if the eldest sister was inside, and her mother would love her even more for such a cowardly woman.

In her mind, she couldn't help but think of the hurtful words that third uncle Lian Yantao said just now——

One in the sky and one in the ground.

One phoenix, one chicken.

Could it be that there is really so much difference between her and the elder sister?
In the room, Lian Siyue hugged Lian Yan, took a piece of pastry and put it in his mouth to tease him, Lian Yan danced wildly, and grabbed Lian Siyue's clothes with two fat white hands.

Lian Siyue looked at her younger brother, with a smile on her face, and said, "Mother, look, Yan still recognizes me."

The lady said, "You are his biological sister, and you watched his birth. He was closer to you since he was born."

Lian Siyue motioned Leng Mei to take a signature lock, and said, "This is a signature lock that I ordered someone to make. Please ask the emperor's most important real Xuanwei to open it, so that Yan'er will be safe forever."

"Nurse Zhou, quickly put it on for Yan'er." The eldest lady hurriedly ordered.

"Yue'er, how are you doing in Prince Heng's mansion, are you still used to it?" the eldest lady asked, still very concerned about Lian Siyue.

"It's very used to it, mother, don't worry, my daughter knows how to deal with herself in different environments." Lian Siyue replied.

The eldest lady nodded and said, "His Highness Ninth Highness attaches great importance to you, you will naturally have weight when you go, and everyone in the palace also respects you, mother is very pleased."

"Mother, how are you doing these days? In the past, Yue'er always came to say hello, but now that Yue'er can't come, please take care of your mother."

"In the past, I just took Yan'er, and he couldn't speak, so he always felt a bit bored. Now that Xiao Yu is with him, it's much more lively and not boring. Fortunately, Xiao Yu has been found, and she doesn't have to suffer outside. "The eldest lady said, her eye circles turned red, "Yue'er, I'm affectionate to Xiao Yu, don't think about it, it's because my mother lost too much money, so I guess I tried my best to make up for it."

Lian Siyue stretched out her hand to hold the lady's hand, and comforted her, "Mother, don't worry, I'm not a three-year-old child either, and Yue'er understands what mother thinks, so she won't have any thoughts, but I hope my sister can live a good life." .”

"It's not good, Miss San fainted!"

At this moment, Mother Zhou's exclamation came from outside.

The eldest lady stood up abruptly, and walked out quickly, talking as she walked. "What's the matter, she said to get me the medicine, and she fainted after everything was fine."

Lian Siyue was taken aback for a moment - fainted?

When he arrived in the yard, he found Lian Siyu leaning pale in the arms of Nanny Zhou, his body limp.

"Mother, eldest, eldest sister..." she struggled and shouted.

"What's going on here? Quickly, bring the person in." The lady's face turned pale.

Back in the room, Lian Siyu was laid across the bed, Dr. Lu was ordered to come here in a hurry, after he said that there was nothing serious but a little tired, the lady saw that Lian Siyu was in better spirits, and asked :
"It's fine, why did you faint?"

"My daughter just got the medicinal materials and came back to the yard. She heard that her mother was talking to the princess, so she didn't dare to come in and disturb her. She wanted to wait outside before talking, but she fainted." Lian Siyu said in a low voice.

"My sister has come to the yard, but she didn't come in?" Lian Siyue looked at her and asked.

Lian Siyu quickly lowered her head and said, "Yes."

The eldest lady's face darkened, she became angry, and said, "Miss San has already come to the yard, but you let her stand outside, no one informed her, who was guarding the door just now?"

Qingdai and Mother Tai looked at me, I looked at you, and looked at Lian Siyue, and then they came out, both knelt on the ground, and said, "Madam, please calm down, the servants are guarding outside the yard."

"You?" The lady frowned tightly, looked at Qingdai and Nanny Tai in front of her, then looked at Lian Siyue, and said, "Yue'er, you are too kind to these slaves, look, you are bullying to the head of the master." Come up, just let Xiaoyu stand outside without even making a notification. If something happens to Miss San, what should I do?"

Qingdai and Mother Tai also glanced at Lian Siyue, but their concubines didn't say anything, and they showed no expression. "

"Yes, I know I'm wrong, Madam, please punish me." Both of them knelt on the ground, as expected of Lian Siyue's servant girl, they were not as trembling as ordinary servants, too scared to speak.

The eldest lady looked at Lian Siyue, with some worry in her eyes, and said, "Yue'er, this maid and mother-in-law made Xiaoyu faint, what do you say?"

With a faint smile on the corner of Lian Siyue's lips, she slowly glanced at Lian Siyu, and then said to the eldest lady, "Mother can deal with them as she wants, daughter has no objections."

This smile, however, cooled the flames that had originally risen to the chest of the Da Furen——

what happened?She read a meaningful and chilling feeling from Lian Siyue's smile.

"Don't!" Lian Siyu quickly lifted the quilt, got out of bed, bent his knees, knelt on the ground, and said, "Mother, it's my daughter who didn't think carefully, mother, don't punish the concubine's servant, today is the first day back home. "

She acted very sensible, very aggrieved and complete.

"Since Xiao Yu also said the same thing, then forget it. You guys have to be more discerning in the future. A master is a master, and a slave is a slave. You must not forget this in Prince Heng's residence." The lady simply reprimanded Qing Dai Just a few words with Mother Tai, that's all, I didn't say anything.

"Thank you, Ma'am." Qing Dai and Mother Tai both kowtowed and said.

Lian Siyue walked over, helped Lian Siyu up, and said, "Sanmei, mother is right, the master is the master, you are the third lady of this Xiangfu, and you live with your mother, you don't need to be in this way Wait outside, don't treat yourself as a slave, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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