Chapter 793
Chapter 793
"No." Madam Rong said immediately, "Xue'er is weak and confused, and she regards her husband's family as her heaven. If she knows that you are not the baby girl back then, she will definitely not agree with my actions. Broke our plans.

You must remember, don't show your flaws in front of her, and continue like this, you know? "

Lian Siyu nodded and said, "Yes, old madam, I know, I won't show any flaws, but I just see that madam has a lot of heart for me, and I feel a little pitiful for her."

Mrs. Rong sighed, and said, "Hey, there's nothing I can do about it. I can't find the real second-in-law daughter of the Lian family. Even if I find her, she may not obey me if she has the status of a real second-in-law daughter." "So, your luck is really good. She is really good to you as a 'daughter', and she still wants to let the eleventh highness who is now in full swing come to marry you. You should cherish this luck and don't have other thoughts." Rong The old lady raised her chin and said, "You have to remember what I told you. From now on, you must think wholeheartedly about the Rong family, otherwise, none of us will have a better life. If you are true to yourself If you come back to recognize your relatives, you won’t even be able to enter the door of the prime minister’s mansion, even if you are a maid, they will dislike you, understand?”

"Yes, Xiaoyu doesn't dare to have other thoughts, everything is arranged by the old lady, what the old lady says, Xiaoyu will do." Lian Siyu said, but she didn't reveal her thoughts to the ninth prince Feng Yunzheng .

The old lady Rong nodded in satisfaction, and said, "I believe you, you are a very smart person, I have observed these few days, you played this 'Miss San from the countryside' very well, you deserve to be in that kind of place When you grow up, you have a strong ability to observe words and emotions, if you continue like this, don't show any flaws, and I will be relieved when you gain a firm foothold in the Lian family."

"I'll be careful, old lady, don't worry. But..." Lian Siyu paused, "Princess Heng is a difficult person to deal with. When she looked at me today, she always felt that there was something in her words. What else did she say? Since you are the master, don't treat yourself as a slave, I didn't understand what she was trying to explain, but I vaguely felt that this was a warning from her." Lian Siyu said.

Speaking of Lian Siyue, Mrs. Rong's face also became gloomy, "This girl is also like a different person when she was a child. She is very strange to me, and she never comes back to see my grandmother."

"Then what should I do when I face her?
I am not even afraid of everyone in my family, because you have taught me what to do, old lady?

However, only this princess, when I face her, my heart is empty. "Lian Siyu thought of Lian Siyue's eyes, and felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet.

"The only way to respond to all changes is to stay the same, and stop with silence. No matter what she says or does, you are weak, humble, and low-key. Remember, don't confront her head-on, let alone pay attention to her, don't think about it. What do you want from her, and what you want, you have to get it from Xueer, you know?" Mrs. Rong repeatedly urged.

Don't want her stuff?
However, she just lost her heart to His Highness the Ninth Prince. Could it be that she really accepted her fate as Lian Yantao said?
"Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu, what are you thinking?" Mrs. Rong said displeasedly when she found out that she was lost in thought.

"Old lady, it's nothing, I just thought about what I should do next time I see the princess again." Lian Siyu lowered her head, hiding the panic in her eyes.

"Well, that's good. You go. It's been too long to avoid being suspected. I'll be leaving in a few days. From now on, you have to be careful in everything." Mrs. Rong warned.

"Yes, old lady, don't worry, I know my identity, and I dare not mess around." Lian Siyu gave old lady Rong a reassurance at the right time.

Lian Siyu turned around and left Mrs. Rong's residence with a little secret that no one knew about.

Along the way, when the cold wind blew, she suddenly became more awake, and a smile slowly appeared on her face——

When she returned to the Fu'an Courtyard, she saw a few maids around the door and didn't know what they were doing, so she stepped forward and asked, "What are you doing?"

Seeing Lian Siyu, several people hurriedly bowed and said, "Miss San, just now Ningshuang accidentally got water on this sister's clothes."

Lian Siyu looked at the maid who was wet in clothes, she saw her red lips, white teeth, charming almond eyes, a few lotus pods in her hand, a few flowers dropped by her feet, her posture and appearance seemed to be different from ordinary maids, Then he asked, "Which yard are you from?"

Ah Yue groaned secretly in her heart, she tried her best to keep a low profile and stayed in Xianhe Courtyard.She doesn't interact much with other people, but just now, she heard Lian Siyue and Qingdai mention that she wanted to eat fresh lotus seeds, so she thought, now is the lunch break time, there are fewer people outside, so she ran to the lotus Lian Siyue picked some big and plump lotus pods from the pool, and peeled them for Lian Siyue to eat when she woke up.

Who knows, she is not very familiar with the road here, so she somehow made a detour to the Fu'an Courtyard of the Da Furen when she went back.

Then, by coincidence, a servant girl came out of Fu'an Courtyard with water, her sight was blocked by the lotus pods, she didn't see it, and bumped into one, her clothes were wet a lot.

She lowered her head and said, "I'm a servant girl from Prince Heng's mansion. I came with His Royal Highness and the princess, Miss San."

"Are you the maid of Prince Heng's Mansion?" Lian Siyu was taken aback when she heard that it belonged to His Highness Ninth Prince's mansion, and thought, the maids of His Highness Ninth Prince are also quite different, they grow up to be good-looking, and they even call themselves "I".

"Yes, I, servant girl, servant girl came out to pick lotus pods for the princess. The servant girl went back first, and the princess waited to eat."

As Ah Yue said, she bent down to pick up the lotus pod and was about to leave quickly.

"Wait." However, Lian Siyu stopped her and said, "The concubine should be taking a lunch break now. You don't need to rush back. I think your clothes are wet. If you go back like this, you will be reprimanded." I have neglected the servant girl in the mansion of His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince, come in and take off your outer clothes, I will let Yun Duo dry it for you, and you can go back." Since it is from Prince Heng's mansion, maybe you can inquire about the private affairs of His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince, Lian Siyu dragged Ah Yue into Fu'an Yuan.

"No, there's no need. Our Highness is a magnanimous person. He won't say anything just because the maid's clothes are wet. Besides, he doesn't have time to talk to us maids." Ah Yue quickly refused.

"It's His Majesty's business not to care about it. Since I saw your clothes get wet by my maid, there is no reason to let you go back wet. Come in with me." Lian Siyu couldn't help but let Ah Yue enter She went to Fu'an Courtyard and asked Yun Duo and others to take the lotus pods for her.

(End of this chapter)

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