Chapter 796

Chapter 796

Madam Rong felt her heart skip a beat and stood up abruptly, "Is this the case? You can draw it to see where exactly is her crescent moon mark?"

"Yes." Lian Siyu took the pen and ink, drew out the shape of a shoulder, and then tapped a little bit above the collarbone, "I looked carefully, it is this place, the shape is almost the same as the one on my shoulder .”

Madam Rong broke out in a cold sweat, and said, "This is the position, how could there be such a coincidence? A maid, how could there be such a mark on her body, could it be... did you ask her how she got this mark?"

Lian Siyu shook his head, "I was afraid of arousing suspicion, so I didn't ask. After I sent her away, I ran to the old lady to tell you. Old lady, what should I do now? How could it be such a coincidence? Could it be that the same moon has already passed away?" Knowing that I am a fake, I will keep the truth by my side, looking for opportunities, looking for opportunities to reveal the truth, so that you and I cannot escape the death penalty?"

As Lian Siyu spoke, he was covered in cold sweat, his legs and feet were weak, and his heart was beating violently.

Mrs. Rong felt guilty when she heard Lian Siyu's assumption, "If this is really Lian Siyue's trap, then I... can't get out of Lian's house!"

A chill flashed in Lian Siyu's eyes, "Old lady, why don't you just go on and on and kill this girl!"

"Wait a minute!" Madam Rong hurriedly said, "This is the Prime Minister's Mansion, and when Siyue returns home, His Royal Highness Ninth Prince is also in the mansion. The security is heavily guarded, and there are so many masters. If you rush to kill, you are afraid that the gain will not be worth the loss!"

"Then what should we do? You can't just watch a dangerous person stay by your side!" Lian Siyu has enjoyed the love of the eldest lady and the status of being the second daughter of the Lian family. give up all this.

What Madam Rong said was right, if she had her real identity, a mansion like the Lian family would not accept her at all, and she was afraid that a sum of money would be sent away so that she would never come back again.

However, the status of this second-in-law daughter is worth more than a sum of money. The eldest lady has already said that if she is to marry the prince, then she will be a princess like Lian Siyue in the future.

Besides, there is His Ninth Prince, whom she secretly admires, here.

How could she be willing to give up all this.

Mrs. Rong paced around the room, frowning tightly, while Lian Siyu anxiously waited for her decision.

"Tonight, the Prime Minister's Mansion will hold a homecoming banquet. At that time, I will find a way to say a few words with that maid in person, to test it out and play it by ear. If I find out that she is really that child..." Mrs. Rong There was a coldness in his eyes, he turned around, picked up a pair of scissors that were shining with cold light, put them on his body, and said, "I will not stop doing anything and kill her!"

"Okay!" Lian Siyu clenched her fists tightly, her heart beating faster.

Never allow anything to happen that endangers her status and identity!
The homecoming banquet in the evening was about to begin, and everyone from every room in the family came, and they all prepared according to the order, but the third master, Lian Yantao, disappeared, and Liu was very anxious.

On such an important occasion, if the head of the family is not here, if the old lady is not happy, the rest will gossip. Now she has borrowed Lian Siyue's power to manage the back house, and she is very majestic, but she knows that there are many eyes. He stared at her intently, trying to find her fault.

She called the maid Cuixiang aside, and asked in a low voice:

"What's the matter, third master?"

Cuixiang hesitated to speak, as if she didn't dare to speak.

"What time is it? If there's anything else to say, just say it!" Mrs. Liu pressed Cuixiang and urged.

"Third lady, recently, the third master has become obsessed with an opera actor recently. You are busy with the affairs of the back house. I don't know, the third master has been running to the opera actor for a while, and every time he goes, he secretly takes away the money you saved. Yes, servant girl, I really dare not say anything." Cuixiang knelt on the ground and said.

Liu was so angry that he almost fainted, "This one kills a thousand swords! I blame me for being too ambitious, and he took advantage of my loopholes again!"

"Then what should we do now? The door-to-door banquet is about to begin." Cuixiang said.

Mrs. Liu lowered her voice and said, "Don't say anything. If anyone asks, they will say that the third master has a bad stomach and can't come out. Let the nursing home go find it quickly, and when he finds it, see if I don't smoke him." All skin!"

"Yes, I understand." (This is not nonsense, foreshadowing.)
"Wait, let me find out where the actor is, what his surname is, and I'm going to go out and take over her lair!" Liu yelled to stop Cuixiang.

"Yes, this servant will investigate right away." Cuixiang left in a hurry.

Mrs. Liu wiped her forehead, and scolded, "Lian Yantao, you're the one who killed a thousand swords! My old lady has worked so hard to win Siyue's trust, and you are in charge of the back house of Lian's family, but you are holding me back everywhere!"

If something happens to Yantao again, I'm afraid that her status in the rear house will not be guaranteed.

"The old lady is here, the prime minister is here, the eldest lady is here, the fourth master is here..." Just as he was thinking, the masters of the Lian family showed up one by one. After everyone sat down, they waited for the arrival of His Highness Ninth Highness and Wangfei.

Mrs. Liu hurriedly went to greet Lian's mother. Lian's mother looked around and asked, "You're all here, why don't you see Yantao?"

"Old lady, he drank too much cold water this afternoon, and he is having a stomachache, and it will come later." Mrs. Liu replied.

"Did the doctor see it?"

"It's not very serious, so I didn't call a doctor." Liu replied.

"Since it's not serious, let him come quickly. This is a homecoming banquet for His Royal Highness and the princess, not a family banquet." Mother Lian said with a straight face.

"Yes, I have already sent someone to call for it." Cold sweat broke out on Liu's forehead.

Lian Siyu heard Lian's mother and Liu's words, but there was a slight smile on the corner of her lips, heh, Lian Yantao had the nerve to say that she was not as good as Fenghuang, and she was the rotten one.

"His Royal Highness is here, the concubine is here..." At this time, the butler said loudly, and seeing Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue appearing in the sight of everyone, Feng Yunzheng raised his hand, and Lian Siyue put his hand on On the palm of his hand—

In front of outsiders, the two of them raised eyebrows and respected each other like guests.

Lian Siyu's eyes paused on Feng Yunzheng, standing with Lian Siyue, he was actually more charming and imposing than him holding his bow during the day.

She looked behind the couple again, except for Qingdai and Nanny Tai, she didn't see the maid with the crescent moon mark, so she stayed in Xianheyuan?

Lian Siyu breathed a sigh of relief, it's so good, so that the old lady Rong can go to test her!
Lian Siyue walked over slowly step by step, with a pretty face, dignified and luxurious, exuding a compelling aura from top to bottom.

(End of this chapter)

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