First-class daughter

Chapter 799 It's Really Her

Chapter 799 It's Really Her
Chapter 799 It's Really Her
Even Yanqing's complexion was very ugly. Earlier today, Rong Shi had told him to find a way to get Xiao Yu to marry the Eleventh Highness Feng Jue. If this kind of person can't do it, what qualifications does he have to become a princess?Take it out and still not be laughed to death?
He really became more and more dissatisfied with this confused lady!
Before, he didn't pursue the matter of the cholera bloodline because he had to be scruples about it. Now, she has forgotten her crime, and it is becoming more and more outrageous.

The eldest lady was so angry that she didn't know that Lian Yanqing was already very dissatisfied with her. She was sitting on a chair, so she didn't have the heart to watch other people's performances. She wished she could immediately pull Lian Siyu aside and ask what happened. thing?

However, due to the presence of everyone, I can only endure it for the time being.

"You did it beautifully." Feng Yunzheng blinked at Lian Siyue, and moved his face close to her, almost touching her face, "Yue'er, I really like the way you don't allow others to covet me, it's so charming .”

Lian Siyue raised her chin slightly, and said, "Of course, I don't want anyone to covet my husband, unless..." She paused, and continued, "Unless you don't want me first, if one day, you If you don't want me anymore, if you have someone else in your heart, I will leave immediately and won't look back."

I don't know why, but just saying that, Lian Siyue feels a little ugly in her heart.

Feng Yunzheng immediately blocked her mouth with his fingers, "What a fool, there will never be such a day! Trust me."

Lian Siyue nodded, "Yes, I believe in you."

A person who has followed two lifetimes, who has risked his life to protect him in both lifetimes, what is there not to be trusted?
The banquet continued, but Lian Siyu felt that life was like a year, and he just wanted to end it quickly!


Ah Yue didn't go to join in the fun, if she knew about Lian Siyu's embarrassment at the banquet, she would have clapped her hands and laughed three times, saying yes.

Now she is opening the book under the candlelight to see what books even Xiangyue usually reads.

"Are you the only one here in this room?" At this moment, an old voice sounded from the door.

Ah Yue hurriedly put down her book, stood up, lowered her head, and said, "There are people outside the room, but there is only a slave in the room. The princess is going to have a banquet. Who are you?"

She saw that the old woman's clothes were gorgeous and rich, and she was definitely not an ordinary person.

The old lady Rong stared at Ah Yue carefully, with a flash of thought in her eyes, she said, "You haven't seen me before, I am the old lady of Rongguo Mansion."

The old lady of Rong Guofu?Ah Yue thought to herself, isn't this Lian Siyue's grandmother?Is that the old lady who switched Lian Jue and Lian Siyu?
Ah Yue felt a little disgusted with this person, but due to the current situation, she still said, "Hello, Mrs. Rong."

"Raise your head, let me have a look." Mrs. Rong ordered.

Ah Yue bit her lower lip, slowly raised her head, and looked at her with a pair of obsidian-like eyes shining brightly.

Madam Rong suddenly felt her heart tremble, as if something had stabbed her suddenly——

These eyes!

It made her feel heart palpitations!
How is this going?

"Old madam, what's the matter with you?" Ah Yue saw that her expression was different, and she asked, who didn't know the details.

too weird!

How could this maid who also had crescent moon marks on her shoulders make her feel uneasy?
"I, I'm not feeling well all of a sudden. I'm going back. Please help me and help me go back." Mrs. Rong stroked her head, looking weak, and her face looked a little pale.

Ah Yue said, "Should I call the doctor?"

"No, no need, probably because I left too fast just now, thinking that I will leave in two days, and bring something to the princess. I am old and useless."

Madam Rong just stood up, then sat down again, grabbed Ah Yue's arm, and said, "Come on, take me back."

"Oh yes."

Ah Yue was held by the old lady Rong's arm, although she didn't want to have much contact with the old lady, she still helped her out of the courtyard gate and walked along a small path to her residence.

On the way, Mrs. Rong walked slowly, and asked unhurriedly, "What's your name, help me back, I will tell the princess well, and reward you."

"The maidservant's name is Ling'er." This is what Lian Siyue had agreed with her a long time ago. When she was at Lian's house, when someone asked her, she said the word "Ling'er" in the original name.

"Ling'er." Mrs. Rong chewed on the name and said, "This name is not bad. When did you arrive at Prince Heng's Mansion?"

Ah Yue thought to herself, this old lady said she was not feeling well for a while, and asked me to help her back, and now she is asking all kinds of things, how could an old lady be interested in a maid——

Did she see her identity?
"What's the matter, why don't you speak?" Mrs. Rong asked when she saw that she kept her mouth shut.

"Old lady, this servant is thinking about it. I have been sold by my parents since I was a child, and now I can't remember where and when I came from." Afraid of saying the wrong thing, he simply made up a miserable story. The less this life experience has anything to do with the palace, the better.

"Oh, that's a poor one too." Mrs. Rong nodded and said.

"Old lady, where do you live?" Ah Yue looked ahead, looking at the pitch-black space, and asked.

"It's just to the west, Ziyun Garden where Yue'er lived before, and I live there." Mrs. Rong pointed to the front and said.

"Oh, good." Ah Yue lowered her head and said no more.

While Old Madam Rong was walking, when she passed through this narrow path, she suddenly tilted her foot and fell to the ground——

"Old lady!" Ah Yue hurriedly stretched out her hand to grab her. The old lady narrowed her eyes slightly, her eyes were quick and her hands were quick, she grabbed Ah Yue's shoulder and pulled hard secretly, and she pulled the clothes on that shoulder off. one look--

Suddenly the whole person almost fainted!
Sure enough, as Lian Siyu said, there is an obvious crescent moon mark on this girl's shoulder, which is exactly the same position and shape as the baby girl back then!

In addition, the shock that this girl's eyes brought to her, she is sure——

She is!
It was the girl who was taken away from Lian's family more than ten years ago, her real granddaughter!

How can it be so coincidental?

"Old madam, old madam, are you okay?" Ah Yue hurriedly fixed the torn clothes, and stretched out her hand to pull old madam Rong up.

"Ouch, my leg, my leg is broken, you come, you carry me back, and I will reward you with money." Mrs. Rong pretended to hurt her leg, insisting on pulling Ah Yue, lying on her lap. Back, asking her to take her back to Ziyunyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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