Chapter 834
Chapter 834
"Your Highness, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Feng Jue's painful expression, Sijiu asked cautiously.

"Sijiu, what should I do?" Feng Jue closed her eyes and murmured.

Sijiu looked at Feng Jue with some distress, and said, "Your Highness, this slave is just a slave who doesn't understand anything, let alone the affairs of men and women. If you have heard a word before, it would be a big mistake to put it down! This slave knows that you have been a slave since childhood." The person in my heart is the young lady, and now that the young lady is married and a woman, why are you so obsessed with it, Your Highness?

Maybe, His Highness already has other choices in his heart, but he hasn't seen it clearly yet?

Your Highness might as well let go of everything before looking forward. "

Feng Jue slowly opened his eyes, looked at Sijiu, as if looking at someone he didn't know, "Sijiu..."

Sijiu touched his head in embarrassment, and said, "Sijiu followed Your Highness by your side, watched Your Highness rise and fall, and Sijiu also learned a lot. It's just that a bystander is clear, and the authority is obsessed. Your Highness, you are the bureaucrat." Middle-aged people can't see through it for a while."

Feng Jue looked up and saw a fruit tree in the palace full of red fruits——

"Sijiu, haven't I been to the academy for a long time, the dates there are already ripe."

In previous years, he would always go to the jujube tree in the academy on time to pick a basket of dates and send them to his sister, but when he remembered, he hadn't picked them this year.

"That's right, Your Highness, counting the days, these dates should be planted in the next few days. If you don't go, you won't be able to pick them." Sijiu said.

"Let's go, follow me to the academy, I'll pick the dates and have a taste, otherwise, it'll be next year." Next year is a time that is far away but very near.

"Okay!" Sijiu led the way, saying something to make Feng Jue happy while walking,

Arrived at the academy.

Feng Jue stepped in and went under the jujube tree, looked up, sure enough, there were only a few scattered jujubes left, and some jujubes fell from under the tree.

He approached the jujube tree step by step, and climbed up the tree two or three times, but he didn't pick the dates right away, but lay on the trunk, blocked the sun with the palace fan, and looked at the scattered dates, as if I am diagnosing my scattered thoughts.

Prince Heng's Mansion.

Lian Siyue is bathing in the big wooden barrel, with her eyes slightly closed, letting her blue hair lie on the water surface, Qing Dai is putting petals into the bathing barrel, the rose petals are floating around her body, making her skin fairer and softer .

She comfortably enjoyed the feeling of warm water nourishing her skin, stood outside the door with cold eyebrows, and said in her unique calm voice:

"Princess, His Royal Highness the Eleventh took the young lady to the Hall of Rongyuan. The emperor has already given his permission. He said that there is no Feng Lingyue in the world, but Lian Lingyue is fine."

After hearing this, Lian Siyue slowly opened her eyes, with a slight smile on her face, and said, "That's very good."

It would be great for Jue'er to come forward to resolve this matter. From then on, little Ah Yue can live freely.

Outside the door, Leng Mei finished her report and was about to turn around and leave, but she felt uncomfortable again. She immediately gritted her teeth and ran out of the palace as fast as she could——

What's wrong?It had been quite a while since the last relapse, and she thought she would be fine in the short term, but at this moment, her heart felt like a prickling pain, as if she was about to suffocate.

She turned over and jumped over the wall, quickly ran to the other side, and quickly left the range of the palace. When her body's endurance reached a limit, her feet softened and her whole body fell down.

"Be careful!" A steady voice sounded, and a pair of solid arms stretched out, wrapping her body in time.

She bit her lower lip and looked up——

"Liantian?" She called out, her face was as pale as paper, sweat the size of soybeans emerged from her forehead, and she looked very painful.

For the first time, she felt that she could not bear and control the pain in her body.

She really wanted to leave Lian Tian's arms, but she couldn't use the strength.

"Lengmei, don't be brave, let me help you get up." Lian Tian hugged her horizontally with his strong arms, walked to the side of a big tree, and let her sit leaning on the trunk.

Her whole body seemed to be exhausted. She wanted to lift the sword, but she couldn't. She leaned on the tree trunk and tried to stand up, but she couldn't stand up. She hated her body so much.

In order to become a qualified killer, she has forgotten her gender and background all these years, and devoted herself to training with all her heart. She is very proud of her ability to control herself.

Therefore, she often sneered at Night Breeze, who was talkative and bad-mouthed.

But this time, she felt so helpless, so difficult to control her body.

Do not!
Will not!
She is cold brow!

She is the number one female hidden guard under His Royal Highness Ninth Prince!How could it be difficult for her to stand up!How could she not even lift the sword!

Will not!
So, she clenched her teeth again and approached her day after day, but she scolded her, "Go away, let me do it myself. If I need help to stand up, what right do I have to stay by His Royal Highness and Wangfei's side! "

He took two steps back for days, staring at her tightly, watching her struggle with him, watching her fight with him, watching her face flushed from holding back, watching her go to get the sword on the ground, but in the end, her feet went limp. , sat down on the ground, leaning weakly against the tree trunk, letting sweat wet his pale face.

She kicked the sword with her foot, but it was so weak.

"Lengmei, don't be hard on yourself anymore!" Lian Tian couldn't stand it anymore!I can't see how pitiful she is competing with herself.

He walked forward a few steps, picked up her sword from the ground, stuck it in his waist, helped her up, and sat upright. He looked deeply into her eyes and said, "Lengmei, don't care Who are you, you are a human being, you are a person who can be sick, hurt, cry and laugh, your world is not only cold!"

When Leng Mei heard his words, his body trembled slightly, and he raised his head slowly, looking at Lian Tian through his sweaty eyes, his body trembling slightly.

Lian Tian nodded to her, "Don't resist your own weakness."

Inside the palace.

Madam Tai whispered from the side——

"Princess, today is your wedding day, and you can consummate the marriage with His Highness. There are some things that I need to explain to you carefully." This is the rule, and every woman must go through entrustment before she can officially become a human being.

When Lian Siyue heard these words, her heart beat inexplicably.

(End of this chapter)

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