First-class daughter

Chapter 841 I Hate You To Death

Chapter 841 I Hate You To Death
Chapter 841 I Hate You To Death
She took the initiative to take off the clothes on her body, bowed her head, kissed Feng Ye's forehead, eyelids, and lips with hot and tender lips, and gave herself wholeheartedly to the man she loved the most.

"Girl... Yue..."

Even though what Feng Ye saw was Lian Siyue, Wei Ruhao still didn't back down, she catered to Feng Ye, and also regarded herself as Lian Siyue, calling Feng Ye in Lian Siyue's tone——

"Your Highness, Your Highness..." Every groan went deep into his bones.

Finally, Feng Ye turned around and put Wei Ruhao under him——

"Ah!" Wei Ruhao uttered a cry of pain and joy, and was treated as a substitute, losing the most precious thing of a woman, and tears rolled down her eyes instantly.

Brother Ye, brother Ye, I must have your life, everything about you.

Gasps and murmurs in the tent mixed together, and finally, Feng Ye finally finished venting and lay on Wei Ruhao's body.

Wei Ruhao felt the tearing pain under his body, but hugged Fengye Guolu's solid back with his hands, showing a tearful smile——

Finally, she became Feng Ye's woman, although in such a dishonorable way.

Outside the palace.

Concubine Xu Xian listened to Madam Yang's report, with a relieved look on her face, she relaxed and said, "Go back to the palace!"

Today, the wood is done.


at dawn.

The fiery red candles in the room hadn't been extinguished yet, Feng Ye slowly opened his eyes, only to see a sleeping woman pillowed on his chest, with a pair of jade lotus roots hugging his waist tightly.

He trembled all over his body, his mind quickly came to his senses, and he sat up abruptly, staring at the naked woman beside him with horrified eyes——

Hello Wei Ru!
how did she...

Feng Ye only felt a splitting headache tearing at her, and desperately recalled what she said last night in her mind——

He drank alcohol, but he couldn't get drunk, his concubine brought her chicken soup, and persuaded him to drink it, and then, what happened after that - he couldn't remember!

It's the concubine's scheme!There is a problem with chicken soup!
Looking at the naked woman beside him, a sense of disgust surged in his heart, his eyes became very indifferent, terrifying!
Wei Ruhao seemed to feel something, slowly opened her eyes, and saw a man sitting aside with a cold face, she was shy, sat up, lowered her head, and said shyly, "Brother Ye, it's still early, Why did you get up, let's rest for a while."

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand to smooth Feng Ye's messy hair, but——

"Crack!" Feng Ye mercilessly knocked off Wei Ruhao's hand, and said coldly, "Don't touch me!"

Wei Ru was taken aback for a moment, raised her head, and looked at Feng Ye with hurt eyes, "Brother Ye..." She thought that after the two had a physical relationship, brother Ye's attitude would change, but she didn't expect that he The appearance is more indifferent than before!
"Get off!" Feng Ye said mercilessly.

Wei Ruhao's starry eyes widened, the rims of his eyes were red, and there was a little tear, and he said in disbelief, "Brother Ye, you, what are you talking about, get out?"

The servants of Dongxi Palace all know the purpose of her taking the initiative to come here today, if she is kicked out by Feng Ye like this, she will be ridiculed!
The corners of Feng Ye's lips were slightly raised, and there was a sneer of evil charm on his face, and he said——

"Hello Wei Ru, you should be very clear about how you climbed onto my king's bed.

There are too many women that this king has slept with, you are just one of them, since you volunteered yourself, this king is not a sage, if I want you, I will take you, if you think this king wants you, I will give it to you Your status as a princess is too ridiculous! "

"You!" A strong feeling of being humiliated made Wei Ruhao almost have the thought of hitting his head to death, "Brother Ye, you are so ruthless, you are so ruthless!
Anyway, I am the princess of the Wei family in the prosperous capital, and I am also a person of status and status. You actually compare those lowly women, you are too much. "

Feng Ye's eyes became colder, and he sneered sarcastically, and said, "Since you think you are a person of status and status, you clearly know that this king has no interest in you, and you still use such a lowly method to try to get this king, you are sorry Your own identity and status?"

"I..." Wei Ru covered her chest with her hands, her anger fluctuated, and her tears couldn't help streaming down. Normally, although Brother Ye was indifferent to her, he was still polite, and occasionally smiled at her.

However, he never expected that he was really indifferent and ruthless like this!

She is a majestic princess of Jian'an, and in his mind she is no different from a bitch.

Wei Ruhao looked at Feng Ye with tears in his eyes, and said, "Brother Ye, this is my aunt's attention, you drive me away, are you going to disobey your mother and concubine's will?

She had been waiting outside the palace just now! "

Concubine Xu Xian, this is her last straw.

"This is a matter between the king and the concubine mother. It has nothing to do with you. You can go." Feng Ye got up, put on his robe, and threw the torn silk clothes back on Wei Ruhao's body.

Wei Ruhao grabbed the tattered clothes, clenched his hands into fists, his nails dug into his flesh, his eyes showed stubbornness, and said, "No! Brother Ye, I will never leave your room now!
The servants are all outside now, I, I must not become the laughing stock of everyone! "

Feng Ye had already put on his clothes indifferently, as if nothing had happened, and he couldn't find any trace of happiness on his body, which was in stark contrast to Wei Ruhao's embarrassing prayer.

Hearing what Wei Ruhao said, he turned around, his eyes were cold, his tone was sarcasm, and he said, "Follow you, if you refuse to leave, the king will leave."

As Feng Ye said, he pushed open the door and walked out.

"Brother Ye! Brother Ye! You can't do this! I love you, I love you!" Wei Ru hurriedly covered her body with her clothes, and climbed down from the bed, trying to grab Feng Ye's clothes, but, Feng Ye was not moved at all, under the surprised gazes of the servants outside, he raised his head and left indifferently.

Wei Ruhao fell to the ground, weeping prostrate.

She can't cry too loudly, otherwise, if someone overhears her, what face will she have?

She clenched her teeth tightly, almost bleeding from the bite. The current situation was beyond her expectation. She thought that Feng Ye was looking at the Wei family's face, seeing Concubine Xu Xian's face, because she had paid A woman's most precious virginity, will admit her...

"Lian Siyue! Lian Siyue! It's you! It's you bitch! You are obviously married and have your own home, yet you still refuse to let Brother Ye go, and you still seduce her openly and secretly! I hate you I hate you, I hate you to death!

(End of this chapter)

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