Chapter 849
Chapter 849
Lian Siyue stopped, turned around, nodded slightly, and said politely, "His Royal Highness, what's the matter?"

"Now that Brother Nine Emperors is going on an expedition, Prince Heng's mansion is all supported by you alone, more careful." Feng Ye tried to sound as emotionless as possible to avoid Lian Siyue's resentment.

"Yunzheng is going out to serve the imperial court. I am Prince Heng's Mansion. It is my duty to manage the affairs of the mansion, big and small. I will do my best. Thank you, Your Highness, for reminding me." Lian Siyue nodded politely.

"I have always known your ability, no one can mess with your sense of proportion, if there is a need for help, I will also..."

"His Royal Highness, my mother and concubine have been waiting for a long time, I should go to Menghua Palace." Before Feng Ye could finish speaking, Lian Siyue had already vaguely stopped him from continuing.

Then, walk in the direction of Menghua Palace.

Feng Ye watched her walk away, but didn't say what he wanted to say, he couldn't help but feel lost.

"Your Highness, the child-repelling medicine you ordered to be given to Princess Jian'an has been put into her tea and drank it." Yin Huai stepped forward and said in a low voice.

His Highness the Eighth Prince has always been like this, he does not leave any excuses for his opponents, even when dealing with women.

"The most unsatisfactory thing in life is that what you don't want, you just try your best to get it, and what you want, you just can't think about it."

He smiled wryly and left the palace.

two months later.

Lian Lingyue and Lian Siyue walked and chatted in the garden of Prince Heng's Mansion.

Lian Lingyue told Lian Siyue about the situation of Xiangfu——

The old lady lost some weight a few days ago, and she was lying on the hospital bed for almost a month. She fell to the ground only two days ago, but her body was far worse than before;

The eldest lady fell ill, Dr. Lu went to see a doctor every day, and the old lady also sent some things there, but even Yanqing didn't pay attention to it, and never went to see it once.

She went there twice, and the eldest lady couldn't help crying every time she saw her. She felt very disturbed, so she couldn't wait to come back every time she went.

Hearing this, Lian Siyue was silent for a moment, and said, "Ah Yue, what do you think about this matter?"

Lian Lingyue was also silent for a while, and said, "Sister, no matter what kind of mother is, we still have Lian Yan as a younger brother. You and I are fine, but Lian Yan is the only legitimate son of the Lian family. The government has no status, and her father looks down on her so much, it will always affect him.

Moreover, I heard that my father will marry another aunt next month, and I don't know what kind of person this aunt is.

Will he respect Yan'er, and will he be the same as Aunt Xiao before?You know, my father hasn't married his aunt for a year or two.

So I thought, I can't let this go on.

Mother should be taught a lesson for repeating it several times.

I feel that she is very, very afraid of losing us now, she will be very happy when I leave, but she will be sad for a long time when I leave. "

After hearing Lian Lingyue's words, Lian Siyue nodded appreciatively and said, "You have grown up, you have calmed down and become rational when you look at problems."

"I also learned this from you." Lian Lingyue was always very happy to receive Lian Siyue's praise.

"My mother has done many wrong things and never corrected them time and time again, so I taught her a lesson cruelly," and I was completely disappointed in her in my heart.

However, I have to think about Yan'er, so after this period of time, I will go back to Xiang's mansion and think of a way. " Lian Siyue said thoughtfully.

"Well, sister, I still want you to go back and take charge of the overall situation. The third aunt can only manage the back house, not father's head." The same idea as Lian Siyue, Lian Lingyue felt very happy.

"By the way, there is something wrong with Sanfang." Lian Lingyue said again.

"what's up?"

"The third aunt and the third uncle had a fierce quarrel, because the third uncle suddenly took a woman into the house, and the woman was already pregnant. The third aunt refused to come in, saying that she didn't know where the wild woman came from, and she was pregnant. wild boy.

But the third uncle was very stubborn this time. Regardless of the objection of the third aunt, he insisted on leading the woman into the door, and said that the child would recognize his relatives with blood, and if the child was not his, he would leave the company with the woman. Family, don't even have the status of the third master of the family.

Seeing that she was so resolute, the third aunt had no choice but to complain to her grandmother because she was not in good health.

But the third aunt didn't want this woman to enter the courtyard, so she could only live in the west courtyard, and when the child was born, she had to arrange the midwife.

The third uncle agreed to everything, and finally Mrs. Yu came in. " Lian Lingyue said things one by one.

"Is it the one that my third uncle didn't even attend the banquet on the day I returned to the banquet, and went to meet his lover secretly." Lian Siyue thought for a moment and asked.

Lian Lingyue thought for a while, and said, "It should be, anyway, the third aunt is discouraged by the third uncle, and often tortures Mrs Yu behind her back, but Mrs Yu can bear it, neither crying nor shouting, nor Report to third uncle."

"In this way, third aunt feels more and more out of breath." Lian Siyue got up and said.

She saw that in the lotus pond in front of her, there was a particularly lush and beautiful flower, so she wanted to take a closer look.

However, she had only taken two steps when suddenly, her vision went dark, she felt dizzy for no reason, and she fell to the ground uncontrollably.

"Princess!" Seeing this, Leng Mei, who was accompanying behind him, stepped forward at an extraordinary speed, and hugged Lian Siyue.

"Sister, sister, what's the matter with you?" Even Lingyue's face turned pale from fright, and he hurriedly ordered, "Hurry up, go get the imperial physician!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" All the servants rushed to invite the imperial physician, while Qing Dai went to Menghua Palace to report the matter to Concubine Liang.

Leng Mei hugged Lian Siyue horizontally in her arms, and quickly entered the room.

Lian Lingyue held Lian Siyue's hand, she was very flustered, in the hearts of everyone, Lian Siyue was always like a mountain, nothing could shake her.

All of a sudden, he fainted and closed his eyes tightly, causing everyone to panic.

"The Imperial Physician is here! The Imperial Physician is here!" Soon, the Imperial Physician Rong from the palace hurried over with a box.

"Prince doctor, come on, give my sister a diagnosis and treatment." Lian Lingyue hurriedly stood up, gave the seat to the doctor, and said hastily.

"Yes, please don't worry, miss, I will feel the pulse for the princess."

Imperial doctor Rong sat in front of Lian Siyue's couch, and took the pulse with the thread. The rest of the people were all nervous and did not dare to breathe, especially Leng Mei, who was already thinking in his heart, how to explain this matter to His Highness Ninth Prince.

"Haha!" However, after a while, Imperial Physician Rong laughed and said congratulations repeatedly.

Lian Lingyue was taken aback for a moment, looking at her sister on the bed, and seeing the happy expression of Dr. Rong, her mind was agitated, could it be——that thing?
(End of this chapter)

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