First-class daughter

Chapter 851 I am leaving

Chapter 851 I am leaving

Chapter 851 I am leaving

My child, although your father is not around, he will be ecstatic if he knows you are coming. Believe in mother, he will be the father who loves his children the most in the world.

Yunzheng, Yunzheng, I miss you so much, I really miss you so much, did you hear that?

It would be great if you were by my side at this time, and you would say foolishly, give me everything, wouldn't you?

Actually, I don't want anything—

It is enough to have you.

Lian Siyue put her hands on her abdomen, closed her eyes, and imagined the feeling of Feng Yunzheng beside her in her mind, with a smile on her face.

Standing outside with cold eyebrows, seeing the serene smile on Wang Hao's face, a smile gradually appeared on her face——

Great, His Highness the Ninth Prince has a queen.

I'm afraid that in the future, His Highness will transform from a madman who dotes on his wife to a madman who shows off his son (female). In this life, a woman is the luckiest to have the love of His Royal Highness Ninth Prince.

She thought of what Night Breeze did and said before he left,
She slowly stretched out her hand to caress the position of her heart: before she leaves, she must find someone who can completely replace her to serve and accompany the princess.

"Lengmei..." At this time, Lian Siyue called out from inside.

She came back to her senses, said "Yes", then nodded and walked in, saying, "Princess, what's the matter?"

"Sit down." Lian Siyue signaled her to sit down on the opposite chair.

Leng Mei was stunned, and hurriedly took a step back, "Slaves dare not overstep."

"Sit down, there are no outsiders here." Lian Siyue said again.

"Yes." So, Leng Mei obediently sat upright on the seat opposite her.

"Lengmei, you have something on your mind to hide from me." Lian Siyue looked into her eyes and said suddenly.

"..." Leng Mei froze for a moment, quickly nodded, and said, "I don't dare."

"Lengmei, but you have been with me for more than two years, and you have never let me down in these two years. Although you and I are called master and servant, in my heart, you are far away from me. Not as simple as master and servant.

Whenever I am in danger, you always protect me with your life; if you have something to do, I will also help you.

So, I want you to be honest with me, I don't want you to hide anything. "

"Princess, I..." Leng Mei thought that he had concealed himself very well, and he had never shown any strangeness in front of anyone. Unexpectedly, the concubine still saw the clue.

"Speak." Lian Siyue said, his voice softened a bit.

"Princess, Leng Mei is incompetent. From now on, I can no longer protect Wang Concubine comprehensively!" Leng Mei suddenly bent her knees, knelt in front of Lian Siyue, and said!
This time, she really felt the pain.

Lian Siyue was taken aback, "I'm not wrong, you really have something to do. But, you said that you can no longer protect me, which are leaving me?"

Leng frowned tightly, and tightly clenched her palms. She gritted her teeth, lowered her head, and said, "Princess, please help me!"

"Why? Do you have any difficulties?" Lian Siyue has long noticed that Lengmei has something on her mind. Although she is a secret guard, she hides and controls all emotions very well, but who made her feel sick? What about the people of the two generations?She was always much sharper than ordinary people, so even a senior hidden guard like Leng Mei did not escape her intuition.

Leng Mei clenched her fists even tighter, and the veins on the back of her hands bulged. After a long while, she said, "Princess, servant girl... this servant girl is tired of the life of beating and killing, and this servant girl also wants to live a peaceful and stable life without bloody storms. Slave, servant is a daughter after all, and I also want... I also want to have my own small family." She finally said the reason that she had practiced countless times in her heart.

After hearing this, Lian Siyue gave a soft "Oh", "I see, you have other ideas."

He kowtowed again with cold eyebrows, and said, "Princess, please help me."

"Lengmei, have you made up your mind? You really want to leave Prince Heng's mansion, leave your current life, and live the life you want to live." Lian Siyue asked.

"Yes, the servant has already thought about it!" Leng Mei said without hesitation.

After hearing this, Lian Siyue sighed slightly and said, "Get up, I will help you."

"Thank you wangfei! Please rest assured, wangfei, even if the servant leaves, he will find someone who can replace the servant and continue to protect and accompany the wangfei." Leng Mei breathed a sigh of relief quietly and said.

Lian Siyue stared at Leng Mei for a long time, and said, "Leng Mei, no one can replace another person, and so do you, no one can replace you."

Hearing this, Leng Mei's heart trembled suddenly, and there was a burst of deep feelings, feelings that he had never had before, but let him hide all these surging feelings in his heart.

She solemnly kowtowed three times to Lian Siyue, and said, "Thank you, Princess, for your success."

After saying that, she got up and left Lian Siyue's room, leaving only a cold and lonely figure behind.

Lian Siyue looked at her back for a long time.

Lengmei walked a long way to a place where there was no one, she stood there, raised her head, and looked at the vast sky——

She didn't know how old she was, and she came to His Highness Ninth Prince's side with Night Breeze, and became a dark guard who was calmer than a man and murdered more without blinking an eye.

Then one day, His Royal Highness Ninth Prince suddenly called her to him and asked her to dress up as a maidservant to protect another person and be as loyal to this person as he was to him.

Later, she came to Xiangfu in the form of a maid, and met her future master for the first time——

She found that although this master was very young, she was determined and calm in her bones, and her extraordinary strategy was almost the same as that of His Highness Ninth Prince.

In her heart, she gradually surrendered to this young lady, just like she surrendered to the noble Ninth Prince. .

She saw with her own eyes how His Highness the Ninth Prince loved her, how he walked to her side step by step through difficulties and obstacles.

"Princess, Leng Mei can only walk here with you!" Finally, two lines of tears slowly rolled down the expressionless indifferent face.

After that, she quickly left to meet the person who could replace her.

She will definitely confirm in every possible way that she will bring people in front of the princess.

"Lengmei!" When she turned to leave, she saw a maid in emerald green clothes hurrying over.

"Miss Qingdai." Leng Mei paused.

"You want to go?" Qing Dai's voice was eager.

She nodded, "Yes, the princess has already agreed."

"You, can you not leave? In the words of His Highness, I, Mother Tai, you, and the three of us are the three axes around the princess. If your most important ax is gone, what will happen to the two of us?" Get used to it?" Qing Dai's eyes were full of tears, she didn't want to leave with a cold brow.

Leng Mei shook hands, said, "Miss Qingdai, everyone has their own ambitions, I have made up my mind, there is no need to keep it."

(End of this chapter)

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