First-class daughter

Chapter 862 The last fight

Chapter 862

Chapter 862

"It's up to him to decide. If he wants to die with all his heart, you can't keep him." After the Empress Dowager Renyi finished speaking, she looked at Xiao He and asked:

"If you want to trade your marriage contract with Yan'er for your life, do you want to trade it or not, Xiao He."


"Xiao He!" Xiao Zhenhai immediately called out to Xiao He, his eyes cast a warning to him!
"Come here, invite Nan Xiang out." Empress Dowager Renyi ordered at this time.

Xiao Zhenhai was taken aback, kowtowed quickly, and said, "This humble official deserves death."

Taking Xiao Zhenhai out of the main hall, Empress Dowager Renyi said, "Xiao He, you can answer Aijia's question now. Do you want to live or die."

Xiao He raised his head slowly, this time, his eyes fell on Yeluyan, Yeluyan's hand tightened, and he leaned forward slightly——

She clearly knew that he loved that person so much, but even so, why did she still have a little sad expectation.

Xiao He doesn't understand women, in his world there is only someone he calls "Ling Yue'er", so he doesn't understand Yeluyan.

He couldn't read the expectation in her eyes, nor could he see her sadness.

However, he began to think that this person might be different from other calculating women, so he didn't want to hurt her.

In the end, he clenched his fists and said what was in his heart, "Although Xiao He is not an earth-shattering hero, he is not willing to go against his heart and take advantage of a woman. This is also unfair to her."

Yeluyan blurted out suddenly, with tears in his eyes and a trembling voice, he asked, "What if, what if this person doesn't mind?"

With these words, all her pride and self-esteem were trampled under her feet.

She said this not to pester Xiao He, but to save his life, I hope Xiao He can understand this.

"But, I mind." Xiao He met her eyes and said.

Yeluyan let go of her hand, and the handkerchief in her palm slowly fell to the ground, her hands clenched tightly into fists.

"Xiao He, you have no one in your eyes, you..." Jin Chong never thought that Xiao He would rather lose his life than Princess Yan.

"Come here, take Xiao He into prison, and at noon tomorrow, behead him at the gate of Yandu!" Empress Dowager Renyi had already issued the order decisively.

"Grandmother..." Yeluyan turned her head abruptly, tears streaming down her face.

"Yan'er, go back with Ai's family and have a good rest, you are too tired." Empress Dowager Renyi took Yeluyan's hand and left together.

Xiao He straightened his body and knelt on the ground, Yeluyan looked back at him, he nodded to Yeluyan, opened his mouth, and said something.

Yeluyan had a sad expression on his face.

"The Empress Dowager Mingjian, the Empress Dowager Mingjian, the Jin family is grateful to the Queen Mother for making decisions for Jin Wu!" Jin Chong immediately shouted, Xie Renyi gave Jin Wu justice.

He was looking at Xiao He viciously, and said, "Xiao He, you are arrogant and conceited. I, Khitan, cannot tolerate people like you. After tomorrow, you will die! At that time, I will cut off the soles of your feet. Hang it under the city gate, vent your anger for my son Jin Wu! Hahaha, hahaha!"

Amidst Jin Chong's wild laughter, Xiao He's face was calm and cold, and the guards came over and escorted him to the dungeon.

Outside the main hall, Xiao Zhenhai heard the order from Empress Dowager Renyi, his legs went limp, his body collapsed for a while, and he knelt down on the ground slowly, mumbling in his mouth——

"It's over, it's over, Xiao He! You rebellious son! You rebellious son!"

Xiao Hu hurried over, and when he heard the news, he stopped abruptly, and stood there for a long time, unable to recover—"Second, Second Brother..."


Jin Chong laughed and walked out of the hall, saw the pale Xiao Zhenhai on the ground, sneered, and said, "Nanxiang, you really have a good son, hahaha!"

If Xiao He and Yeluyan were married, at most Xiao He would give Jin Wu a gift and apologize, and the Xiao family could be considered to have established a firm foothold in Youzhou and became a real royal relative, but unexpectedly, this Xiao He actually said something—he didn't want to use Princess Yan.


Isn't this power just to be used?
Inside the Empress Dowager's Hall.

Yeluyan lay prone on the table and didn't say a word for a long time, and didn't drink the tonic brought by the maids.

When Empress Dowager Renyi walked in, the maids were about to say hello, she motioned for everyone to go down, walked to Yeluyan's side, and said:


Yeluyan heard Empress Dowager Renyi's voice, sat up quickly, saluted on one knee, and said, "Yan'er dare not."

"Get up, sit down." Empress Dowager Renyi also sat down beside her, touched her cheek kindly, and said, "Yan'er, you have already done a lot for him, there is no need to do any more. "

"Yes, Grandmother, Yan'er won't talk any more." Yeluyan nodded and said.

"Are you angry with the imperial grandmother?"

"Grandmother, Yan'er actually doesn't want to marry Xiao He, such persecution will not lead to happiness." Yeluyan said, "Yan'er knows that Grandmother wants Yan'er to get what she wants, but Yan'er doesn't want to be like this."

"What a stupid child, how could I, Renyi, teach you such a stupid child." The Empress Dowager Renyi sighed and shook her head.


"Yan'er, eat all these supplements properly, don't ask about Xiao He's matter anymore.

Although Jin Wu is not able to support the wall, he is a member of the Jin family and the first family in Youzhou. Even if Xiao He is justified, the Ai family will execute him, otherwise, the Ai family will lose credibility among the dignitaries in Youzhou .

The Ai family could not have reached this point today without the help of these people. If the Ai family really favored Xiao He, they would not be able to convince the public.

There is a saying in Central China that water can carry a boat and capsize it, which means that the monarch is like a boat and the people are like water. Water can make the boat sail safely and sink it.

If I become the empress dowager, I will forget the assistants of these generals in the past. I, your brother, will not be able to sit firmly in this position. "

"Yes, Yan'er understands, as the empress dowager, the most important thing for the emperor's grandmother is fairness. If she loses her fairness, she will not be able to convince the public."

Empress Dowager Renyi nodded, and said, "It's good that you understand, rest, Ai's family has to deal with official duties."

"Yes, Grandmother." Yeluyan nodded.

After Empress Dowager Renyi walked out, she immediately got off the stool and told her maid Zhuo Ma, "Duo Ma, you go to Xiao Hu to see me, hurry up, time is urgent."

"Princess, the Queen Mother came here on purpose. I think she doesn't want you to do these things anymore. If the princess..." Dolma hesitated.

"Stop talking, hurry up, this princess has her own measure!" Yeluyan urged.

"Okay, servant girl will go now." Dolma went out to find Xiaohu with some anxiety.

Yeluyan paced back and forth in the room, thinking incessantly——

Xiao He has a plan, what is his plan?Is it safe?

(End of this chapter)

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