First-class daughter

Chapter 873 Jian'an Visits

Chapter 873 Jian'an Visits
Chapter 873 Jian'an Visits
Wei Ruhao left Shouning Palace only after he had finished copying an article on Vajra Gold and accompanied the Empress Dowager to admire the flowers.

As soon as he left the palace gate, Guixi, the maid of Dongxi Palace, stepped forward, bowed, and said, "Princess Princess, Your Majesty Xianfei invites you to go to Dongxi Palace."

Wei Ruhao frowned, and said, "I copied the scriptures for the Empress Dowager for a day today, and I'm really too tired. I'll go there another day."

As she was about to leave, Guixi hurriedly stepped forward and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty said, it's about Prince Heng's residence."

Wei Ruhao stopped when he heard Lian Siyue's name, with thoughtful eyes, and said, "Lead the way."

"Yes." Guixi nodded and said.

Arrived at the Winter Palace.

Concubine Xu Xian greeted her personally, took Wei Ruhao's hand, and said cordially, "I heard that the queen mother let you accompany her every day, and there have been no grandchildren close to the queen mother for a long time, which shows that the queen mother is I really like you."

Wei Ruhao smiled slightly, and said, "If I had known this, would my niece go to accompany the Empress Dowager as soon as she came to the capital, and it wouldn't be a waste of water in the bamboo basket in the end."

The meaning of her words could not be more obvious.

Concubine Xu Xian was not annoyed, her harem had been ups and downs for decades, and she was still able to deal with such a small girl with ease.

He smiled and said, "Is Jian'an blaming my aunt for not sending you to the position of Princess Yu? In fact, it's not that my aunt doesn't take this matter to heart, but it's really Ye'er's temper... However, my aunt most The daughter-in-law you want has always been you, and this will never change."

Wei Ruhao said thank you aunt, but she knew it clearly in her heart. Wasn't it because of the blessing that she presented a useful pearl, and she was loved by the queen mother?

"Jian'an, aunt wants to remind you of one thing." Concubine Xu Xian said.

"What's the matter, please tell me, auntie."

"I heard that Concubine Liang is not in good health, so even Siyue will accompany you in Menghua Palace these days. You are pregnant, why don't you visit her in person, and make people think that you are a kind and courteous Princess, so that If it reaches the Queen Mother's ears, it will also say that you are the director." Concubine Xu Xian reminded.

"I can't wait for her child to be stillborn, I can't wait for her to die suddenly overnight, let me go to see her with a smile, I don't want to, and I don't need to force myself like this." Wei Ruhao said.

"What a child, Jian'an, how could this be forcing yourself, it's just the etiquette of the harem, you did it, and someone praised you, why not do it?" Concubine Xu Xian calmly persuaded.

"Okay, I'll go, I'll see what she looks like when she's pregnant." Wei Ruhao said.

When Lian Siyue was reading some poems with Concubine Liang, a servant from outside came to report, and Princess Jian'an asked to see her.

Concubine Liang and Lian Siyue looked at each other - why did Wei Ruhao come here suddenly?
"Mother Concubine, please let her come in." Lian Siyue thought for a while and said, if you want to catch the poisonous snake, the first thing is to ask the poisonous snake out of the cave, and let the poisonous snake entangle in the cave without dying.

Now, Lian Siyue felt that something was wrong in Menghua Palace, but she couldn't find out why, so it doesn't hurt to look more.

"Please come in, Princess Jian'an." Concubine Liang asked the slave to pass on the message.

After a while, Wei Ruhao came over. She was wearing a light mist purple dress, and the steps on her head swayed with her steps, looking natural and graceful.

Even Siyue thought, I have to say, in fact, this Wei Ruhao still has some tolerance in her bones, after all, she is from the Wei Guofu. She remembers that she had nothing to do with the Wei Guofu in her previous life, but she has also heard that the old lady of the Wei Guofu She is very powerful, and has raised several granddaughters in the family very well. She has also seen pictures of the old lady, and she has an extraordinary bearing.

It's just that, although she is intelligent and accomplished, she is young after all. When she meets Concubine Xu Xian who is thoughtful, she is controlled by Concubine Xu Xian over time.

The calculations throughout the day made her physically and mentally exhausted, and she looked much uglier on the surface, but these days, she was estranged from Concubine Xu Xian, and with her grandfather Wei Guogong's suggestion, she became clear again.

Today's dress looks fresh and cute, but also has the charm of a woman.

I wish she would not seek her own death, otherwise, it would be a pity to become the next Pan Ruochu.

After what Lian Siyue was thinking about, Wei Ruhao had already walked over, bowed to Concubine Liang and Lian Siyue respectively, and took out the two gifts.

"This ginseng was brought by my grandfather from Shengdu. Jian'an dedicated it to the imperial concubine, and the imperial concubine's health will soon recover."

Then he put another box in front of Lian Siyue with both hands, and said, "Princess, this is a tonic that my grandmother asked my grandfather to bring from Kyoto. Take it after the fetus in your arms is four months old, it's good for you." The qi and blood of the fetus are very good, remember, it will be used after four months."

She also specifically instructed Lian Siyue carefully, appearing to be very careful and caring.

Concubine Liang ordered Nanny Li to take the things, and said, "Master Jian'an, you have a heart."

"Yes, Princess Jian'an, you give me this tonic. I have heard from the doctor Rong who took my pulse that it is difficult to find in Kyoto. It is a very rare medicinal material that is very good for the fetus. Give me such a precious thing , I’m really terrified.” Lian Siyue saw this tonic, and there was a little surprise in his eyes, as if he was very happy to receive such a gift.

"Your Majesty and Wangfei are welcome. I have been in the palace for a few months, and I have to take care of you by your Majesty and Wangfei. I should give this little thing." Wei Ru replied politely.

After chatting for about half an hour, Wei Ruhao got up to leave, and she said to Lian Siyue:

"Will the princess go out with me?"

Lian Siyue nodded, stood up, and said, "Okay, I'll go out with the princess, it just so happens that I haven't gone out for a walk in the palace today."

"Yue'er." Concubine Liang shook the back of the chair vigorously and said, "I'm not feeling well, you stay with me, Princess Jian'an. I'll let Nanny Li take you out."

She pays great attention to protecting the fetus in the womb of the moon. She doesn't want her to touch anyone who is dangerous. She wants to put an end to any danger. This Wei Ru is not close until she doesn't know what the reason is.

"Mother Concubine, I will send Princess Jian'an to the door and I will come back to accompany you immediately." Lian Siyue turned around and nodded quietly to Concubine Liang, signaling her not to worry too much.

"Okay then, I'll wait for you." Concubine Liang believed Lian Siyue very much, and at the same time, she winked at Nanny Li and asked her to go with her.

When he got outside the hall, Wei Ruhao stopped, turned around, looked at Lian Siyue, looked at Lian Siyue, there was a gloomy look in his eyes, as if he was preoccupied.

(End of this chapter)

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