First-class daughter

Chapter 913 Rescue

Chapter 913 Rescue
Chapter 913 Rescue
"Your Majesty..." After hearing what Emperor Zhou Cheng said, Concubine Liang looked at him in surprise——what is the emperor's intention?

"As Concubine Ai said, Feng Jue is still young, has no mother, is alone, and Ming An Palace has no one to take care of him, I feel deeply guilty for him.

I want to adopt him to you. From now on, he will be his righteous son. When he sees you, he will respectfully call you concubine mother just like Yun Zheng. "

Emperor Zhou Cheng held Concubine Liang's hand and patted it lightly:

"Aifei, you lost a daughter, how about I give you another son?"

Concubine Lianggui thought for a moment, and said, "Since the emperor has ordered, my concubine should obey the order and treat His Highness the Eleventh as if he was her own. But...the Emperor has asked His Highness the Eleventh? Does he agree? If it is forced He, I'm afraid it will make him unhappy, and the concubine will also feel embarrassed."

"Don't worry, he will agree. I know him, and he will agree. Besides, he has a good relationship with Yun Zheng and has a deep relationship." Zhou Chengdi said firmly.

"The concubine will obey the imperial father's will." Concubine Liang said.

"Okay, I have it in mind, you go down first, your hands are very cold, take care of your body." Zhou Chengdi closed his heavy eyelids, waved his hand weakly, and said.

Out of the Rongyuan Hall.

Concubine Liang was thoughtful—the emperor first asked Yue'er to find a concubine for His Royal Highness the Eleventh, and now he asked him to adopt her.

The emperor seems to be secretly plotting for Feng Jue, and is more careful than other princes.

But, that being the case, why should he be sent to Shanhaiguan to fight?

Concubine Liang returned to Menghua Palace with doubts.

Hearing that Lian Siyue had rested, she breathed a sigh of relief, it was finally over, this battle, from day to night, and from night to day, took too much energy.

She ordered: "No one should disturb her, she needs to rest."

After Lian Siyue woke up after resting for a long time, Concubine Liang asked someone to bring in the anti-fetal medicine, pushed the left and right maids back, and poured the medicine into the ditch.

When Concubine Liang told Lian Siyue that the emperor intends to let her be the concubine of His Royal Highness Feng Jue, Lian Siyue was startled——

From looking for a concubine to recognizing the next concubine, the emperor seems to have been pushing Jue'er towards Prince Heng's Mansion and Menghua Palace.

"The emperor's dragon body is not in good health, and he doesn't care about government affairs, but he still thinks about His Highness the Eleventh Prince. Yue'er, tell me...why is this?" Concubine Liang asked suspiciously.

Lian Siyue pondered for a long time, thinking in her heart, could it be that Zhou Chengdi's intentions were really what she thought?
"Concubine Mu, sometimes what you see, hear, or even feel on the surface is different. The truth often doesn't come until the last moment, so it's not easy to speculate about the emperor's sage right now." I mean, even if we have ideas, we can't say them now.

There is only one thing that can be confirmed, it is always good for Jue'er to push Jue'er to us.

Compared with other princes, he is indeed too weak. "

Concubine Liang nodded, agreed, and said, "Yes, this child, I have always thought that he is the most pitiful of all the princes. Thinking about it, the empress also faced His Highness the Eleventh several times during her lifetime, but at that time, neither of them knew that the other was herself. close relatives.

Hey, good luck tricks people. ’ she said with a sigh.

"Who knows, maybe, at some unknown time, Empress Duanwen and Jue'er had a spiritual friendship." Even Jue'er told her that before he went to Shanhaiguan for the first time, he went to Lingyue He said goodbye to his son, and had some words with the queen. At that time, the former queen gave him a lock with his name.

Perhaps at that time, the queen felt that she and Jue'er were very close.

in the dungeon.

It was dark and damp, and mice occasionally crawled across the ground, exuding a rancid and rotten smell.

Concubine Xu Xian's fine attire was taken off, and she put on a white one. Her hair was scattered, with traces of white hair faintly visible between her hair, her eyes were swollen from crying, and the makeup on her face fell off.

She sat on the ground with blank eyes, her expression was almost dull, and she seemed to have aged ten years overnight.

The prosperity and wealth have disappeared.

She has been in the harem for decades, and has fought countless women. She has always won, and even Queen Duanwen fell into her hands.

However, she never expected that she would eventually fall into the hands of Lian Siyue, a teenage girl.

Looking back now, Lian Siyue has been plotting since the moment she entered the palace. Speaking of which, I really don't know who is plotting whom.

"Hehe, hehehehe..." She suddenly laughed, laughed and cried again, and muttered again in her mouth after a while, "Dreams cannot be dreamed with tears wet, and the front hall sings in the middle of the night. Break the old favor first, lean on the smoked cage and sit until the dawn."


The news that Concubine Xu Xian killed the emperor's heir and poisoned the harem also reached Xu Guogong's ears.

Xu Guogong and two uncles hurried to Prince Yu's mansion to discuss the matter with Feng Ye, thinking about how to rescue Concubine Xu Xian.

Feng Ye put his hands behind his back, his deep eyes fell on a big tree in front of him, and he said slowly:
"What is the opinion of my grandfather and the two uncles on this matter?"

The eldest uncle Xu Zhengdao said, "Your Highness, before I came, I made a detailed understanding. This time, your mother and concubine's accident was caused by the joint suppression of the fifth princess Feng Ling and Hengqin Princess. Your mother and concubine's power is weak. Naturally, they couldn't gain the upper hand, which resulted in the current situation.

Therefore, if you want to vindicate your concubine mother, you must start with Feng Ling and Lian Siyue to prove that your concubine mother was wronged. "

The second uncle Xu Maoze also said, "Brother is right, whoever has something to do with this matter will be attacked. However, that Prince Heng and Princess Lian Siyue have always been scheming, and she just broke the wings of the Wei family. No one dared to provoke her.

It's better for us to avoid her first, and directly find opportunities from Xiyan Palace and Fifth Princess Fengling. "

Xu Guogong listened, nodded, and agreed, "His Royal Highness, this is the only way to do it now. You can't just watch your mother and concubine fall into trouble. The fifth princess, Feng Ling, is timid and afraid of things. The bewitchment of the moon is like this."

Feng Ye's gaze became deeper and deeper, and the fist in the sleeve was secretly clenched.

Seeing him like this, Xu Guogong thought of something else in his mind - he seemed to have had unusual feelings for Lian Siyue.

"Your Highness, I have told you when I was with His Highness since I was a child, that as a prince, we should not behave like women in everything, and act on our emotions. We must be relentless and deal a fatal blow at the most critical moment. , in order to turn defeat into victory."

Feng Ye's face turned cold suddenly, his face was expressionless, and he said seriously:
(End of this chapter)

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