First-class daughter

Chapter 915 Disagreement

Chapter 915 Disagreement
Chapter 915 Disagreement
Wu Qiao thought for a moment, then said: "Back to the princess, the servant thinks"

"Whether a person is crazy or not depends not on what she does or what she says, but on her eyes. From just now, the eyes of Empress Xian are dull and crazy, as if she is insane .

However, she gave the servant a strange feeling, as if she was too tight, and gave the servant a feeling that she really wanted everyone to think she was crazy.

After hearing this, Lian Siyue was thoughtful, and after a while, said, "Let's go back to the palace first."

After returning to Menghua Palace all the way, Concubine Liang asked Lian Siyue about Concubine Xu Xian's condition, and Lian Siyue said:

"Crazy but not crazy. With her nature, she will not wait for death quietly. If she is determined to die, let her do it. However, I think that the reason for Concubine Xian to go crazy like this is to catch our eyes. They all gathered on her, so they ignored Xu Guogong and the others."

Concubine Liang's eyes brightened slightly, and she said, "Yue'er, your thoughts are really comprehensive. That's right, something happened to Concubine Xu Xian. It is impossible for Xu Guofu not to take action. As far as I know, Duke Xu and his two sons have already visited Prince Yu today. house.

And Concubine Xian is pretending to be crazy and stupid, because she wants us to guard against her, so that she neglects Xu Guofu and Prince Yu's mansion. "

"If my guess is correct, they dare not provoke me, because I am pregnant with Yunzheng's child, and I am a person who eats human flesh and does not spit out bones. Naturally, I have to find the fifth princess who sang with me at that time." Lian Si Yue bowed her head, took a sip of the tea soup, and a wicked smile overflowed from the corner of her lips.

"Feng Ling'er is a bit timid and afraid of things, and likes to hesitate. Sometimes she retreats before the battle, and I'm afraid that if it falls into the hands of Xu Guogong or Feng Ye, something bad will happen." Concubine Liang said with some concern.

Lian Siyue nodded, since that day when they went to Shouning Hall together to find the Queen Mother, the fifth princess suddenly wanted Xiyan Palace to separate her relationship, so she knew that she was not a person who could achieve great things, and she liked to swing left and right.

If it weren't for that day, Lian Siyue's attitude was tough, even if she hesitated a little, she might have retreated.

"Yue'er, Governor Cui, what do you think?" Concubine Liang Gui asked.

Lian Siyue was thoughtful, and after a while, she said, "I'm afraid I have to trouble Concubine Mu to go to Xiyan Palace to meet with Concubine De."

"That's okay, her foot is injured, I haven't visited her before, I will go later." Concubine Liang said.

"If it's not easy to break through inside the palace, they will still think of ways to go outside the palace, mother concubine, Yue'er will go back to Prince Heng's mansion in these two days." Lian Siyue said.

"Forget it, there have been too many things going on in this palace recently, you can go back to Prince Heng's mansion to rest more, Concubine Xu Xian is here, there is this palace, Concubine De and Concubine Shu are watching, so you can rest assured." Concubine Liang said.


Xiyan Palace.

Concubine Feng De is in a very good mood these past few days. Although her foot injury has recovered, she still let the fifth princess Feng Ling'er and the seventh princess Feng Xi'er accompany her to Yuanzhong to breathe.

"There is an old saying that the praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind. Now Concubine Xian is considered to be the end of the world. I have endured her for so many years, and I am finally proud."

Concubine Feng Defei had an unconscious smile on her lips.

"Speaking of which, this Princess Heng is more powerful than I imagined. All the plans were completed in one go, so that Concubine Xu Xian would not have the slightest room to breathe, and she would not even have the chance to ask for help like Duke Xu and the Eighth Highness."

Speaking of Lian Siyue, Concubine Feng De admired it in her heart.

"However, Queen Mother, from what my daughter sees, this Princess Hengqin is not someone who can cooperate for a long time. She is too cruel. Feng Ling'er thinks that it is good for us to stay here as the master. From now on, we should stay away from Lian Siyue." Well, if her conspiracy is exposed in the future, it won't affect the Queen Mother and Xiyan Palace." Feng Ling'er said.

"Feng Ling'er." Concubine Feng De said, "You can't be like this, and it's even more unacceptable to cross the river and tear down the bridge. I think this Lian Siyue is worth taking risks."

"However, the risk is too great. Feng Ling'er is afraid that you, mother concubine, will be involved in it in the future, and you will not be able to evade it in the future." Feng Ling'er said.

"Concubine Liang is here."

Just as he was talking, Concubine Liang came.

The three mothers and daughters stopped arguing, and when Concubine Feng De saw Concubine Liang, she quickly stood up and said with a smile, "Sister Guifei is here..."

Concubine Liang ordered Madam Li to deliver the prepared tonic, and the two sat on both sides of the table and began to talk.

"Sister De Concubine, have you heard about Concubine Xian going crazy?" After talking for a while, Concubine Liang suddenly brought the topic to Concubine Xian.

"I've heard it a long time ago. It is said that this time I was so crazy that I almost bit off the prison door with a pair of teeth. I didn't eat all the meals sent, and I just picked up the dirt left on the ground to eat.

If this continues, I'm afraid I will get sick. "Feng Defei responded lightly.

The Fifth Princess and the Seventh Princess sat on the other side, seeing Concubine Liang and Concubine Feng De having a happy conversation, but their eyes were a little displeased.

"Fifth Sister, don't you like Concubine Liang?" Seventh Princess Feng Xi asked.

"It has nothing to do with whether you like it or not, it's just that Menghua Palace and Nalian Siyue are on the cusp, and Concubine Xu Xian is still in prison.

At this time, the mother and concubine should avoid danger, why are they so close to Concubine Liang.

On that day, I was forced to fight with Lian Siyue to defeat Concubine Xian. Now that Concubine Mu is getting closer to Menghua Palace, people will suspect that we have colluded secretly to frame Concubine Xian. "Feng Ling said worriedly.

"Fifth Sister, Concubine Mother has been in the harem for many years. She must have known about these things a long time ago, so you don't have to worry too much, rest assured. Besides, Concubine Xian is gone now, and it will only be a few days. Concubine Mother will take this opportunity to treat Xian Concubine again." Wouldn't it be better for the concubine to suppress her?"

Feng Xi said in relief.

Feng Ling didn't speak, she was still a little sullen, got up and walked out.

After walking out of Xiyan Palace, Feng Ling was going to go to Concubine Xu Xian to see how she was doing now.

"Fifth Sister." When she walked to the imperial garden, a faint voice sounded.

Feng Ling was startled, and turned around abruptly, only to see Feng Ye was wrapped in a purple robe, exuding an unruly and refined demeanor, and even had a slight smile on his face,

"Eight, brother eight." Feng Ling lowered her head and called out.

"Where is Miss Wuhuang going?" Feng Ye walked over and asked with a smile on his face.

"I, I, I will walk around to get some air." Feng Ling glanced at Feng Ye nervously.

His own mother and concubine were thrown into the dungeon for mutilating the emperor's heir, and now they are crazy, neither human nor ghost.

But he still looked so calm, and his face was still full of vigor, without the slightest hint of depression.

"Sister Huang, where are you going to get some fresh air? Didn't the son-in-law come to Xiyan Palace these days?" Feng Ye asked lightly again, with a faint smile on the corner of his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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