First-class daughter

Chapter 930 Peeping in the dark

Chapter 930 Peeping in the dark
Chapter 930 Peeping in the dark
He gritted his teeth, propped his hands and feet on the ground, and after climbing around these people three times, he stretched out his hand and said, "Give it back to me."

"Hahaha, I was fooled, you fool, let's go, buy steamed buns with this little bastard's coin!" However, these people broke their promise, made fun of him, and ran away with the coin.

"Give it back to me, give it back to me!" He wanted to catch up, but accidentally staggered and fell to the ground.

He was already thin and weak, he was chased by them, and now he had no strength to chase him, so he sat on the ground and began to cry.

"Clang!" Suddenly, he heard a crisp sound.

Looking down, he saw a thin piece of silver falling in front of him——


He looked up and saw the beggar who was silent all day looking at him. Did he give the money?
"Go buy a roast chicken to eat." He said coldly, "If you get snatched away again, you won't be full on your birthday, and you'll be hungry for the rest of your life."

The little beggar bent down, picked up the silver, walked towards him, and asked curiously, "Where did you get the silver? I don't think you even ask for it."

"You didn't see it when I asked for it," he said.

But the little beggar suddenly became interested in him and said, "This money can not only buy roast chicken, but also wine. I'll buy it. It's my birthday. You can eat with me. Next time I get it, I'll return it to you." you."

When the little beggar came back after buying roast chicken and wine, he found that the beggar who gave him the money had disappeared.

"Hey, where did you go? Why didn't you disappear?"

He looked around, but he didn't see this one who gave him money.

"This is such a strange person. He has never begged for it. Where did he get the money?" The little beggar said to himself, stuffing the wine he bought into his clothes, and began to eat roast chicken with big mouthfuls.

The sun was glaring, falling into the eyes little by little.

He was sitting in a corner not far away, looking up at the three words "Prime Minister's Mansion" in front of him. He was a beggar that no one would pay attention to, and he was a stinky beggar that these dignitaries feared to avoid.

Therefore, as long as he is not very close, he can spy on their lives wantonly, especially if they are people he knows.

This taste - it's really wonderful.

He saw the prime minister Lian Yanqing going down to the court, the servant Lian Yanlang going down the court, and the unhealthy third master Lian Yantao coming in and out without any official position.

He found that the third master Lian Yantao, who couldn't support himself on the wall, seemed to dote on an aunt very much, and he always brought——

In such a big family, even an aunt can enter the house, so this aunt's wrist is really abnormal, just like Aunt Xiao was beaten by Lian Siyue back then.

However, this aunt seems to be different from Aunt Xiao, she is very humble and gentle, when she is with Lian Yantao, she appears very low-key and docile, not annoying.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Lian Yantao walking slowly and leisurely from not far away with a bird cage in his hand. While walking, he was teasing the parrot in his hand, looking very comfortable.

Suddenly, when Lian Yantao walked in front of him, he stopped.

He lowered his head indistinctly, looking timidly afraid.

"Hmph, stinky beggar." Lian Yantao had drunk some wine and smelled of alcohol all over his body. He suddenly took out two ingots of silver from his pocket and threw them in front of the beggar, "Take it and spend it."

He didn't speak, but nodded repeatedly to express his thanks.

Lian Yantao carried the birdcage and swaggered away, walking into the Prime Minister's mansion.

The eyes behind the beggar's hair suddenly became indifferent, and there was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

It was getting dark gradually, and the lantern at the gate of Xiangfu was lit, and his face was melted into the darkness, making him even more inconspicuous.

Then, he saw Lian Yanqing coming out of the prime minister's mansion, and hurried into a carriage, to see what was so important about that expression——

Lianxiang, you have been living cautiously all these years, and never easily stand in line, but your daughter is married to the most powerful prince.

He lay there for a long, long time, and then, thinking about his feet, he slowly entered the beggar's den.

After walking back there, he found that the little beggar was lying next to where he was originally lying.He frowned and walked over. As soon as he sat down, the little beggar woke up, sat up quickly, and said:
"You are back, where have you been? I bought you wine, you can drink." The little beggar took out a jug of wine from his arms, stuffed it into his hand, and said, "I had a drink today. Only roast chicken, very full, thank you, I won't be hungry for the rest of my life."

He didn't speak, took the wine, drank it sips, thinking about something in his mind, and drank slowly until midnight. He opened his trousers, and there were scars on it, which he cut himself.

Only then did he hold the flagon and fell into a deep sleep. In his sleep, he dreamed of a woman——

A glamorous woman, a heartless woman, has a beautiful face and the cruelest heart.

She kills without blinking an eye, and she never hesitates when she strikes.

But, strange thing, in this dream, he vaguely dreamed of some strange scenes, he dreamed that he seemed to be married to this woman, who looked exactly like that cold-blooded woman.

However, this woman was different from that one. This woman would smile at him and talk to him softly.

They are obviously one person, but they don't seem to be one person.

When he woke up, it was already dawn, and he shook his head—it was strange, how could he have such a strange dream, when did that woman treat him kindly, let alone be as tender as in the dream.

It's funny to have such a dream.

He glanced at the little beggar next to him, he just woke up——

"Do you want to wear clean clothes?" he asked.

The little beggar widened his eyes in surprise when he heard his voice, looked at him in disbelief, and said in surprise, "You can talk? I thought you couldn't talk?"

Without expression, he asked, "Do you want to wear clean clothes, eat clean food, and be with clean people?"

Clusters of small flames flickered in the eyes of the little beggar, and he said in disbelief, "Is it possible? I think, I think, I dream about it."

He took out a piece of silver from his pocket and explained, "Go buy two clean clothes, go to the bathhouse to take a bath, and follow a man named Lian Yantao. Specifically, how do you come here every night? teach you."

The little beggar took the silver and said happily, "Why are you rich?"

"Anyway, the money is useless to me, so I gave it to you," he said.

"Okay, I'll listen to you. I'll go buy clothes, go to the bathhouse, and come to you at night." The little beggar said happily.

(End of this chapter)

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