First-class daughter

Chapter 948 Nightmare

Chapter 948 Nightmare
Chapter 948 Nightmare
"Yue'er!" In the middle of the night, Feng Yunzheng suddenly woke up from a dream, sweating profusely, and even the bedding was drenched with sweat all over his body.

"Your Highness." Night Breeze hurried in.

A rare panic appeared on Feng Yunzheng's face, and his face turned pale.

"What's wrong, Your Highness?" Night Breeze asked hastily.

"This king had a nightmare. I dreamed, dreamed..." He dreamed that Yue'er was hijacked and tortured, and the child on her body turned into a pool of blood, and the blood dripped from her body drop by drop. as terrible.

This dream and feeling were very real, as if he had seen it with his own eyes, he could even feel the temperature of the blood.

"What did your highness dream about?" Night Breeze asked.

"Night Breeze, Lengmei is not here. You should go back to the capital quickly and see what happened. This king's premonition is very accurate, and he won't have this kind of nightmare for no reason." Feng Yunzheng stood up, made a decision, and said .

"But Your Highness..." It's good to go back to the capital, and Ye Feng also wanted to go back to find out, but he was worried about leaving Feng Yunzheng.

"You don't have to worry about me. You are in the army. You will leave at dawn, so don't delay." Feng Yunzheng said knowing what Ye Feng was worried about.

"Yes, the general will obey." Night Breeze went out to prepare.

Because of this nightmare, Feng Yunzheng became sleepless.

The situation in the DPRK and China was tense, and the emperor transferred him and Feng Jue away from the capital, probably for ulterior motives.

And Yue'er stays in the capital to handle the affairs of Prince Heng's Mansion, and often has to go in and out of the palace to meet her mother and concubine, presumably she will encounter many obstacles along the way.

There have never been fewer people who wanted to get rid of him and her. ,

He lifted the tent curtain—

Last night was another night of heavy snow, and the entire Shanhaiguan Pass was covered with snow at a glance.

The soldiers have already got up to practice, and all of them are united.

There is a desire written on their faces, eager to end this war as soon as possible, eager to go home as soon as possible, and see their wives and children.

Feng Yunzheng saw a soldier running in the wind and snow, and suddenly fell down, his eyes froze, he walked over quickly, stretched out his hand, and helped the soldier up himself.

This person looked up and saw that it was the aloof Ninth Prince who came down to help him. He was immediately happy and frightened, and hurriedly knelt on the ground and said, "Thank you, Your Highness."

"What's wrong with you?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

This person showed embarrassment, and some dared not speak.

"No problem, you say." Feng Yunzheng said.

"It's useless to have a humble job. I actually got chilblains on my feet. When I was practicing just now, the chilblains burst open and it hurt for a while, so I couldn't stand still." He said in a low voice.


Feng Yunzheng said, "If you can't stand firmly, how can you go to the battlefield to kill the enemy? There must be many soldiers who are sure to be with you. Go and count, and let everyone come to my king's account tomorrow to get medicine."

"Yes, yes, thank you for your kindness, Your Highness the Ninth Highness." The man was pleasantly surprised to see that His Highness Ninth Prince did not blame him, and asked him to count the number of people and take the medicine.

"Go." Feng Yunzheng watched him go, but his eyes couldn't help but worry.

"The Khitan people are resistant to cold, but our soldiers can't stand it after a long time. If they are like the soldiers just now, and suddenly their feet hurt and they can't stand up during the drill, our chances of winning will be greatly reduced."

Marshal Feng Jue stood behind him and said.

Just now he had seen what happened in Feng Yunzheng's place, so he walked over and said.

"I heard from Lian Yanfu that this was the most difficult time in the past, but this year's weather is particularly bad and even more difficult." Feng Yunzheng said.

"We have to find a way to prevent it before it happens. If the soldiers suffer from frostbite on a large scale, they will become very passive when fighting the Khitan." Feng Jue's young eyes showed a hint of foresight.

Feng Yunzheng nodded, gathered the cloak on his body, and said, "Don't worry, Xiao Zhenhai and Xiaohu are so small, this king is very clear, he is a traitor, he is really a teacher of injustice, a teacher of injustice Defeat is certain."

There was a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his lonely lips, and he said.

"Desperadoes, there is nothing to be afraid of, besides, you and my brother are united, and the benefits will cut through gold." Feng Jue's young face showed no fear.

"Actually, I'm looking forward to meeting the Xiao family soon, to see how glorious Xiao Zhenhai is after becoming the Prime Minister of Khitan." Feng Yunzheng said lightly.

"That's right, I'm still looking forward to a showdown with Xiao He, Xiao He, to see how powerful he is." Feng Jue said with a gleam in his eyes.

He still remembered that when he was at Xiao's house in the capital, just because he had said a few words to Ling Yue'er, Xiao He would play tricks on him, wanting to cut him, how funny!
After hearing what he said, Feng Yunzheng laughed, "You want to fight Xiao He, I'm afraid it's not because of national hatred, but because of personal feelings."

When Feng Jue heard this, he immediately said, "What are you talking about? Am I such a person who doesn't distinguish between public and private?"

"But your ears are red." Feng Yunzheng pointed to his suddenly red ears and said.

Feng Jue stretched out his hands, covered his ears, and said, "With so much blood, my ears were originally red, not just now." But you, why did you wake up so early?Are you missing my sister again? "

With Feng Yunzheng, Feng Jue didn't want to separate her identities so clearly like when she was in the capital, but called Lian Siyue her sister naturally like the same, and said it so smoothly.

"I miss her, the world knows." Feng Yunzheng said proudly.

"Tsk tsk, boring people." Feng Jue said.

Once, his sister was hidden in a secret place in his heart. In that place, he missed her and liked her.

Now, seeing that his sister has such a good husband and a good home, the place in his heart slowly closed tightly.

"Actually, I had a real nightmare." Feng Yunzheng said with a cold expression.

"Nightmare?" Feng Jue paused.

"I dreamed that she was injured and the child was gone. It felt so real. I have already sent Ye Feng back to the capital." Feng Yunzheng said.

Hearing what Feng Yunzheng said, Feng Jue's heart trembled. Just saying such a dream would make people's heart skip a beat. He said, "No, the dream is the opposite. Your child will be fine, sister. It'll be fine too. But it's okay to let Night Breeze go back and have a look, didn't he say that Leng Mei left before? I see him often in a daze, and seems to be very worried about her. "

"It's hard for her." Feng Yunzheng said distressedly, "I wanted to marry her back and love her dearly, and let her live under my wings, so I don't have to fight with the Lian family every day, just live heartlessly. , who knows, she will have to bear even more."

As he said, there was a deep sense of guilt and reluctance on his face, he wished he could reunite with her immediately, take good care of her, shield her from all the wind, frost, rain and dew, and make her happy and happy.

(End of this chapter)

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