First-class daughter

Chapter 950 Want to Escape

Chapter 950 Want to Escape
Chapter 950 Want to Escape
"Because of this, I might kill everyone, and I won't kill you, Ling Yue'er, at that time, only you were the one who really didn't dislike me, I remember." Feng Qianyue had a slight smile on her face meaning, said.

"You are the most disgusting, nasty, and beastly person I've ever seen! Don't call me by my name, you don't deserve it!" Lian Lingyue raised her head and waited fiercely for her, her face flushed red with anger.

Feng Qianyue didn't seem to care about her insults, and said with a slight smile on her face, "If you want Lian Yan and Lengmei to be safe, remember not to think about throwing away your tokens and attracting others Brother Si will be angry if you come here to save you, understand?"

"I want to see Lengmei, I want to see if she is okay, she seemed to be in pain at that time, did you find a doctor for her?" Lian Lingyue asked.

At that time, if it wasn't for Leng Mei's sudden poor health, maybe they could get rid of Feng Qianyue, the demon.

"Look, all the people you care about are in my hands, do you still want to provoke me?" Feng Qianyue's faint voice clearly had a hint of warning.

Lian Lingyue turned her face away and stopped talking.

In fact, deep down in her heart, she was really afraid of offending this madman, and then he would kill Leng Mei and Yan'er in a fit of anger.

"Woooo..." At this time, Lian Yan woke up, and got up from the bed with a round body. When he saw Feng Qianyue in the room, he shrank back into Lian Lingyue's arms in fear, crying up.

Lian Lingyue quickly untied the rope tied to her body, hugged him, and said, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, sister is here, sister will not leave you, sister will protect you."

She said, looked back at Feng Qianyue, and said, "Go out, Yan'er is going to sleep, you woke him up."

"How old is he?" Feng Qianyue didn't leave, but asked a strange question.

"One year and ten months, he will be two soon, he is still a child and doesn't understand anything, so I hope you don't think about him." Lian Lingyue said.

After Feng Qianyue took another look at Lian Yan, he opened the door and walked out.

Lian Lingyue quickly hugged Lian Yan, coaxed him, and asked, "Brother, don't cry, don't cry."

However, Lian Yan kept crying, even Ling Yue's coaxing was useless.

In a hurry, Lingyue was sweating profusely, throwing a pillow to him to play with, picking him up and walking in the room, but no matter what, he couldn't stop him from crying.

It would be fine if he could speak a little before, but now, he can't speak a word.

"You, are you hungry?" Lian Lingyue had an idea, and quickly hugged Lian Yan to the edge of the table, broke a piece of the pastry, and handed it to his mouth.

He took a bite and ate, and then he stopped crying.

Lian Lingyue breathed a sigh of relief, and wiped the sweat from her forehead. She was hungry. She had a relieved expression on her face. She had to remember that when her brother cried like this, he was hungry.

"Yan'er, don't worry, eat slowly, there is still a lot, don't worry."

Ling Yue'er hugged Lian Yan in her arms, and fed her younger brother, and she couldn't help but shed tears.

While she was crying, she was feeding her younger brother, soy-sized tears just fell one by one.

Seeing her crying, Lian Yan didn't understand why, but he slowly stopped eating, looked at Ling Yue'er curiously, and blinked his eyes.

Ling Yue'er quickly wiped away her tears, and said, "It's okay, it's okay, I'm just homesick, you should think about it too, you and my sister are together now, let's wait for the eldest sister to come, then we can go back together home."

Lian Yan stretched out her tender little hand to wipe away the Lian family's tears for Lian Lingyue.

"..." Lian Lingyue smiled through tears, and said softly, "Yan'er is so good, Yan'er is so kind."

Lian Lingyue took care of Lian Yan, washed his face, put him to sleep, and packed his clothes.

Finally, she lay down beside him tiredly and fell asleep.

Before going to bed, she tied him and herself together with a rope as usual, and then fell asleep at ease.

the next morning.

Before dawn, Mrs. Liang knocked on his door and said that he was going on the road.

Lian Lingyue's eyes flashed slightly, and she said, "No, I can't leave now, Yan'er hasn't woken up yet, and he will cry if he doesn't wake up, crying and crying all the way, it's very annoying."

Liang Shi glanced at her and said nothing.

There was a sly smile on her face. They clearly wanted to travel day and night, but she didn't want to deliberately slow down their trip so that her sister's people might catch up.

Because she thought that if they arrived in Khitan, it would be difficult to bring them back, and it would be best to find them halfway.

Therefore, she has to use all her thoughts to slow down her schedule.

Originally, Lian Lingyue was a little afraid that the demon Feng Qianyue would find out her intentions, and then would not let her wish.

As a result, after Mrs. Liang left, no one came to urge him.

She went back to the cage after sleeping, and after getting up and having breakfast, they started to set off, and she felt a burst of joy in her heart.

Leng Mei's hands were tied behind the back with a rope, and they were guarded by two killers. They had all seen the power of this cold-faced woman. If she hadn't had a sudden heart attack at that time, they might not have been able to snatch this little girl from her. girl.

It's just that this cold-faced daughter is not afraid of death, obviously at that time, they were only planning to take away Lian Lingyue and Lian Yan, but she, obviously unable to fight due to physical reasons, still followed.

At first, he wanted to kill her, but the little prince wanted the little girl to say that if something happened to Leng Mei or Lian Yan, she would kill herself by biting her tongue, making them unable to complete the task.

In the end, Feng Qianyue came forward and said, keep this woman and go to Youzhou with her.

When Lian Lingyue saw Leng Mei, she hurried over and asked, "Leng Mei, are you okay?"

At the same time, Leng Mei also asked, "Miss, are you okay?"

Lian Lingyue nodded and said, "I'm fine, I'm the one they want to take away, they dare not do anything to me, it's just you..."

She glanced at Leng Mei's hands that were tied behind her back, and said displeasedly, "Why did you tie her up, her body is already in pain, so untie it quickly!"

The killer said, "Forgive me, she will run away as soon as I untie it."

"You guys, but she will be very painful if you don't untie it, don't blame me for being rude!" Lian Lingyue yanked off the hairpin on her head and stabbed at her neck.

"If you die, who will take care of Lian Yan, me? I might just throw him on the road."

At this time, a cold voice came from behind.Lian Lingyue looked back, only to see Feng Qianyue said nonchalantly.

"You!" Lian Yueqi's face flushed.

"It's okay, miss, it's nothing." Said Leng Mei, and leaned closer to Lian Lingyue's ear, whispered, "If I want to leave, this rope won't tie me up."

(End of this chapter)

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