First-class daughter

Chapter 952 He is here

Chapter 952 He's Back
Chapter 952 He's Back
The wind relives the whole life, originally it comes with the moon.

For the others, he never paid attention to them, nor did he take them to heart.

Feng Yunzheng's obsidian-like eyes shone with a gleam of brilliance, a gleam of eagerness. He couldn't wait to go back to the person he loved the most, to protect her and comfort her.

"If I'm not by my side at this time, when should I be by his side?" Feng Yunzheng said.

"Brother Wang, don't worry, with me in the camp, Yelu Zhongyuan's head can be twisted off by this king and kicked as a ball. Xiao Zhenhai is just a mere thing, this king hasn't paid attention to it yet." Feng Jue clasped his hands and said.

Feng Yunzheng raised his hand, patted Feng Jue's shoulder, and said, "Thank you."

"Go quickly, you can catch up with Lian Yanfu, and you will have a companion along the way, I guess you will go all the way fast, can't wait, so I have prepared a batch of good horses for you, you can travel thousands of miles a day."

Feng Jue clapped her hands, and a group of maroon chasing horses were brought over.

Feng Yunzheng smiled, patted the horse's back, "Good horse!"

As he spoke, he straddled his long legs and jumped up.

He turned his head, glanced at Feng Jue, and said, "Brother, take care, brother will join you as soon as possible, and then we will beat Xiao Gou together!"

"Okay, beat Xiao Gou hard!" Feng Jue cupped his hands.

Feng Yunzheng turned the horse's head, raised the whip high, and slammed it on the horse's back. The horse ran out like the wind, and Feng Yunzheng's silver robe fluttered high in the wind.

His eyes were burning hot, and his heart fell:
Yue'er, wait for me, I'll be there soon!
Seeing Feng Yunzheng's horse go away and gradually disappear from his sight, the expression on Feng Jue's face also became more stern. He turned around and said to Huang Chao, "Add more horses and find eleven horses on the road from Kyoto to Khitan. The whereabouts of the princess, this king must let him live and meet."

"Yes!" Huang Chao turned around and went to deploy immediately.

Feng Jue went back to her military tent, walked to the desk, took out the stack of paper that Lian Lingyue gave her, took down the brush, and wrote the first stroke on it, which said - a horizontal stroke.

Even the family's funeral and religious affairs can't be finished in a few days.

There are too many people and things involved, but even Siyue takes care of everything one by one, and assigns different people to be responsible for different affairs every day.

It turned out that everything and everyone's affairs were arranged by her in an orderly manner, and there was no fault.

At the same time, these days, from time to time, a group of people came to ask for an interview. They were the natal families of several aunts. When everyone came in person, they would kneel down in front of her and cry bitterly.

Every time, even Siyue listened to them cry quietly, and then said a few words of comfort. She couldn't cry with her, and she still had a lot of things to arrange and deal with.

After all these people have met one by one and left, she can relax a bit.

"Princess, these years, I can actually see you. The second lady didn't have a good relationship with you, the concubine, and she was an enemy of you." Qing Dai couldn't help saying when she saw that her concubine was working hard without stopping.

"My concubine is the only one who can represent the Lian family. I want everyone to know that the Lian family has not collapsed, and the Lian family will not be in a mess. No matter how many people come, there will be no chaos. When relatives and friends come, they can still be found." The foundation of the family.

The Lian family will rely on Lian Yan to grow and develop in the future, so I'm just here to do something for him. "Lian Siyue said.

"Okay, the princess should take a rest now, she has been busy all morning." Qing Dai brought the meal and said.

Since returning from Jiuhua Temple that day, even Siyue's appetite has inexplicably improved, and she can eat a little every day.

After lunch, it's time to rest as usual.

In order to have a strong body to cope with these things, she forced herself to do something regularly every day, try to get enough rest, and lie down even if she couldn't sleep.

But today, for some reason, I miss Yun Zheng very much. When I do things, do I think of her smile and the way he talks, and when I think about it, the corners of my lips will involuntarily rise.

So, she also had less sleep after lunch.

After getting up, he took advantage of the spare time to look through some calligraphy and other things that Feng Yunzheng left in the study.

Finally, her eyes stopped on a stack of letter paper, she opened it, and looked at what was written on it, she couldn't help laughing——

This is the love story of Yun Zheng.

At the beginning, he was ordered to go to San Francisco and left Kyoto for a hundred years.

At that time, he had just expressed his heart to her in the peach blossom forest, and he said that he was worried, afraid that she would not think of her.

So he wrote a book of "Yun Zheng's Love Story" with a brush. In order to surprise her, he even ordered Leng Mei, who usually doesn't have a few words, to memorize all this love story. Recite it in front of her when she needs it.

At that time, it was really embarrassing and cold brow.

A person who can't even smile, wants to imitate His Highness Jiu's tone and speak love words to her.

I still remember that at that time, every time Leng Mei finished speaking, her face was red and her ears were about to bleed, and she was not at all comfortable, which often made Qing Dai and Mother Tai laugh, and the whole Xianhe courtyard was filled with eager laughter.

It was a really good time.

Lian Lingyue flipped through Yun Zheng's love story and read it page by page——

Looking at it like this, I realized that what he wrote was so embarrassing. At that time, I felt a little embarrassed when I heard it. Looking at it like this now, my heart is beating even more.

It probably took more than an hour to finish reading this book of Yun Zheng's love story, because he wrote too much, all of which were heartfelt words, which made her want to stop reading.

And after looking at it, she felt very sweet and satisfied in her heart, with a warm feeling, as if Feng Yunzheng was talking to her right in front of her eyes.

Also like what he said in this love story of Yun Zheng:
Yue'er, I miss you, so I want to appear in front of you immediately;
"It's like a child. If you want to appear like this, you will appear. Isn't that a god?"

She opened the drawer, put the thick book of love stories back, stretched herself, and prepared to do other things. ——


When she was about to get up, she suddenly heard a voice that echoed thousands of times in her dreams, and this voice hit her heart directly.

Lian Siyue suddenly raised her head and looked towards the door of the study!

All of a sudden, her heart was pounding, and she saw a dusty figure in front of her, wearing a familiar silver brocade robe, and those eyes seemed to look through the past and present, only for her. Come……

(End of this chapter)

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