Chapter 954

Chapter 954

His Highness Ninth Prince has returned, and the whole Prince Heng's mansion is very happy.

At this moment, Feng Yunzheng was sitting on the main seat, and Lian Siyue was sitting next to her, with a faint smile on his face that he hadn't seen for many days.

The servants brought in the rich breakfast one by one and put them on the table one by one.

"Come here." Feng Yunzheng got up, carefully supported Lian Siyue, and carefully let her sit down, his movements were very cautious.

Lian Siyue couldn't help laughing, and said, "Don't be too nervous, I'm just pregnant, but I'm very flexible."

"Just because you're flexible doesn't mean you don't need my love, you little fool." Feng Yunzheng raised his hand, touched her nose, and said.

Lian Siyue looked at the servants who were desperately holding back their smiles, and whispered, "Someone is here."

What's more, all the servants in the room are watching. They have long been used to His Highness Ninth Doting on the concubine. Anyway, His Highness doesn't care about the time or the occasion.

Feng Yunzheng raised his head, looked at the many servants, and said generously, "What are you afraid of, I don't feel ashamed if I hurt you."

"Chi Chi..." The servants couldn't help laughing, a scene of harmony and harmony.

This meal, Feng Yunzheng fed Lian Siyue a lot, and regained his previous appetite.

Finally, after Feng Yunzheng's return, the haze was swept away, and Nanny Tai and Qing Dai secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

These days, the concubine handles many things in an orderly manner, without panic. However, she is also pregnant, and she is more likely to get tired than before.

So, often at the end of the day, she was exhausted, and she was all supported by that energy.

It's different now that His Highness the Ninth Prince is back. Whenever he comes forward, the concubine can rest well.

After finishing their breakfast, the two husband and wife entered the palace together. After leaving the door, Night Breeze stepped forward and said, "Your Highness, Princess."

"In the name of this king, you issue an order to ask Leng Meisu to come to see this king." Feng Yunzheng said.

Ye Feng was overjoyed, "Leng Mei will definitely listen to His Highness's orders! I'll go right away!"

According to the plan, Feng Yunzheng went to meet Emperor Zhou Cheng with the note that Feng Jue had sent him back to Beijing.

On the other hand, Lian Siyue went to Yixiu Palace to see Concubine Lian Shu. After hearing that Concubine Shu heard about the tragedy of Lian's family, she fainted. Then, because of the blow, she became seriously ill and couldn't get off the ground. , Drowsy, wash face with tears.

While sleeping on the bed, he kept muttering, "The family is over, the family is over..."

In addition to sending some manpower and finding someone to do things for Lian Siyue, Lian Siyue was responsible for other major affairs.

When Lian Siyue entered Yixiu Palace, she saw Concubine Lian Shu leaning on the bed with a white cloth wrapped around her head, looking haggard, pale and sickly.

"Auntie." Lian Siyue called out.

Concubine Lian Shu's heart trembled when she saw her, and tears came down, "Tell me, why did this happen, how did this happen, our family, at any rate, is a prominent family in this capital. dead, how could this happen?"

After speaking like this, she felt a splitting headache, as if she was about to be out of breath, so Mammy hurried forward and stroked her back.

Lian Siyue walked over, held her cold hand, and said, "Auntie, don't worry, take care of your body." There was also a hint of emotion on her face,
After this disaster happened to Lian's family, the original barriers between aunt and niece seemed to disappear.

When Concubine Lian Shu saw the family members surnamed Lian, she felt even more sad and asked. "Any news about Yan'er?"

"They should have gone to Khitan, and they are searching all the way. His Highness the Ninth Prince has returned, and he also sent the hidden guards to look for it. Auntie, I will definitely find Yan'er and Ling Yueer."

"No matter what, we must keep Yan'er, he is the only hope for the Lian family now." Concubine Lian Shu said weakly.

"Auntie, I will try my best to find it."

"Just now, after your fourth uncle went to see the emperor, he also came to my place, sat for a while, he was distraught and haggard.

Thinking of the deep affection between him and your fourth aunt, he was really hit hard.

The majestic general came back in a hurry, and he didn't even have a place to live. It's really pitiful that he is still living in the inn these days. Concubine Lian Shu felt sad again when she thought of the fate of her natal family.

"My fourth uncle and I have also met. The prime minister's mansion was burned down and there is no place to live, but I think the emperor will give another house to the Lian family." In fact, Feng Yunzheng also thought of this, He said that he would ask for this when he had an audience with the emperor today.

"Now the Lian family is small and there is not much left. If you get married, Ling Yue'er will marry. If Yan'er finds her back, there will be only your fourth uncle in the family. If he continues, I won't be happy." Don't worry, I'm afraid it will be bad for Yan'er." Concubine Lian Shu thought a lot, and she also thought far away, "It's just that your fourth uncle has loved your fourth aunt all these years, your father, second uncle, third All uncles have wives and concubines in groups, but he does not take concubines, only your fourth aunt, he wants to remarry, and he is afraid that it will take a long time before he accepts."

"In a house, there is absolutely no way to live without a woman. If you have a woman, you are afraid that your thoughts will be bad, so I have already made up my mind. I will take Yan'er, and I will bring him up and educate him until he grows up. "Lian Siyue said.

"That's great, but, will His Royal Highness agree? After all, no woman brings her younger brother to marry." Concubine Lian Shu said worriedly.

"Actually, this is what His Highness Jiu meant. He said that he knew that I would be worried about Lian Yan, so he might as well take him to his side. I can relax, and Yan'er should take care of me." This morning, he sent someone to find Lian Yan. When Yan was with Ling Yue'er, she said this to her, and she has been moved until now.

"You are really married to a good husband, Yue'er. You can't find a husband like His Highness the Ninth Prince with a lantern. He is willing to think about you and your family." Concubine Lian Shu didn't expect, His Highness Ninth Prince would still think about these things for Lian Siyue.

"It's just that we have to find Yan'er again." Lian Siyue's eyes flashed with deep thought, thinking about the whereabouts of Lingyue'er's Lian Yan.

I can't find it after tracking all the way. Could it be that I am looking for someone in the wrong direction?

"Yue'er, I want to ask one thing. Please answer me honestly. We are family members who depend on each other for life now. We must consider everything for the sake of the two families." Concubine Lian Shu said.

"Auntie, please tell me, what's the matter?" Lian Siyue asked.

"Does His Highness the Ninth Prince have any thoughts about the position of the crown prince?" Concubine Lian Shu asked, her eyes fixed on Lian Siyue.

Lian Siyue's heart trembled slightly, and she immediately understood what Concubine Lian Shu meant. She wanted her son, His Royal Highness the Fourteenth Prince, to be made the heir apparent.

"Yue'er..." Seeing that Lian Siyue was silent, Concubine Lian Shu said eagerly.

"Auntie, now that my family is withered and so many people have died, I suddenly feel that only life and health are the most important.

His Royal Highness the Fourteenth is still young, and he doesn't have any advantages. He competed with his elder brothers for power, and it was bloody.

Are there still few lessons learned about these things?Not to mention far away, let's talk about the abolition of the crown prince Fengming, who has been the crown prince for several years, and finally, the cold palace was kicked out of the palace after a few years, and died of illness in that barbaric place. How tragic is the ending?

I advised my aunt that it is better to be indifferent to fame and fortune, to raise His Fourteenth Highness well, and to compete for the throne, it is better to take advantage of the emperor's preference for the youngest son, seek a stability, and let Fourteenth Highness live in peace and health for the rest of his life.Three meals a day, eating in peace and stability, being able to sleep until you wake up naturally, peaceful and beautiful, is better than anything else.

As for my aunt asking me if His Highness the Ninth Prince has any thoughts, I can tell you clearly that His Highness the Ninth Prince does nothing for the throne, but to better protect himself, me, and my family.If possible, we would rather attribute it to the mountains and forests, and ignore these grievances and grievances. What I said, does my aunt agree? "

This is because the relationship with Concubine Lian Shu is getting closer, and Lian Siyue will say these self-conscious words. In the past, she would not remind her.

However, whether my aunt can hear her words depends on her luck.

Lian Siyue's words made Concubine Lian Shu fall into deep thought.

At that time, she originally had a son, but died when she was born, so she only had one daughter, Tang Yao'er, but she fell out of favor and gave birth to a son to regain favor.

It is impossible to say that she has no idea about the throne.


What Lian Siyue said is indeed reasonable, Feng Ning is young, even his family has collapsed, and there is no support behind him, if he competes for the throne by force, it will be very difficult.

It was actually a temptation for her to ask Lian Siyue like this today.

Finally, she said, "That's all, that's all! I wanted to say that the Lian family is now small in number, if Shisi can hold power, it will also help the Lian family.

But Yue'er, you are right, after so much, what is more important than safety and health, we will not participate in the battle for the throne, we will raise Feng Ning well and be safe and healthy. "

"It's best for my aunt to figure it out. The emperor loves His Royal Highness the Fourteenth Highness when he is young, and he will definitely think of a way out for him. At the same time, it is necessary for my aunt to go to the emperor to fight hard. Now is the best time."

Lian Siyue reminded Concubine Lian Shu again.

Even after Siyue came out of Yixiu Palace, Feng Yunzheng also came out of Rongyuan Hall.

"How is it, what does the emperor say?" Lian Siyue asked.

"Father didn't pursue my return to Beijing, but I was scared. After dealing with the Lian family's affairs, Lian Yanfu and I will return to Shanhaiguan together, about ten days later." Feng Yunzheng said.

"This is also expected. You came back without permission. Although you used the Feng Jue book as an excuse, the emperor knew it well. Giving you ten days is already an extra favor." Lian Siyue was not surprised by the emperor's will. After all, Feng Yunzheng was stationed at Shanhaiguan as the deputy marshal.

"Forget it, don't think about it so much, go to the concubine mother, she must be eager to see us when she heard that we are entering the palace together."

(End of this chapter)

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