Chapter 101

Zhu Jiayi smiled and said, "What's so difficult about it? Sewing it on bamboo fits the simple and elegant scene. Anyway, if you put a hairpin on your head, who can see what material is under the silk flower?"

Huo Xiaomei was young after all, so she turned around and looked at the men of the Huo family eagerly.

Although Huo's father, Huo Da and Huo Er's bamboo pieces are exquisite and neat, they learned from others. It's okay to concentrate on weaving, and let them use their brains to figure out new ones, which will kill them half their lives.

Huo Shangjie raised his eyebrows, took out a small sickle to take the thin bamboo, cut it casually a few times, and it had a prototype, then polished it with coarse sandstone, coarse cloth and fine cloth for a while, knocked two eyes and handed it over.

Zhu Jiayi looked at it and nodded again and again, "It turned out to be a snake-shaped hairpin, which is more secure to wear!"

Huo Xiaomei hurriedly sewed the head flower on, and it really became a sought-after exquisite item for the shopkeeper, making all the women in the house rare for a long time.

Mrs. Huo and Mrs. Huo watched eagerly as Huo Xiaomei picked up the remaining rags from her sewing bag and put them in the room, feeling regretful in their hearts.

Still holding her chin, Zhu Jiayi asked lazily, "Do you think such silk flowers can be sold? How much can one sell?"

Second Aunt Huo pulled the corners of her lips, "The silk flowers sold by the shopkeeper are all made of fine cotton, the material is not as good as that of the third sibling, and the color and style are even more incomparable.

Although I haven't been in the capital for two years, I don't look worse than the officials and wives around us.

But the worst thing people do is to use copper to make hairpins and hairpins, which cost forty or fifty renminbi, and it costs two or three renminbi to make them in silver! "

Mrs. Huo also followed up and said: "If my little sister makes a hairpin for twenty yuan, I will definitely bite the bullet and buy one or two for meeting guests."

"Three, sister-in-law three," Huo Xiaomei sat over and hesitated for a while: "Are you going to sell silk flowers?"

Zhu Jiayi nodded, and said with a sullen complexion: "My dowry box is full of clothes, give them to you, and you won't be able to wear them. If you make a fool of yourself, you may not be able to buy the original three or two pieces in one box.

So I want to cut them all up and make them into silk flowers, and give them to any grocery store or salesman at once. "

The women of the Huo family gasped when they heard this, this prodigal daughter-in-law!

Huo Xiaomei took several breaths, suppressed her anger, and said word by word: "Sister-in-law, have you worn your clothes a few times? It's so new, don't you feel bad after cutting it to make silk flowers?"

Even Huo's mother caressed her heart, trembling: "The old three's clothes have to be bought after they are cut. Aren't the colors and styles similar?"

"Mother, sister-in-law, little sister, Kyoto is no different than home, as long as the clothes are clean.

When going out to meet guests or attend various banquets, who doesn't prepare clothes and jewelry half a month in advance?
If anyone's clothes and accessories are used for the second time, it will become a joke in the circle, and it can be said every time, which makes people feel ashamed! "Zhu Jiayi taught them a little arrogantly.

The Huo family couldn't help but click their tongues when they heard this, "This, this, how many times a month do you come here, can't you empty out your family's wealth?"

Zhu Jiayi covered her mouth and giggled, Zuo seemed to be delighted by their ignorance, "I can't bear the fact that children can't catch wolves. Many people even if they don't have money in their purses, they still have to sharpen their heads and get on top of the nobles. There are so many benefits!
People, you have to look far away! "

"So you stretched your hand into the house to sharpen your head and join the Peony Club?" Huo Shangjie sneered and unceremoniously revealed her face.

(End of this chapter)

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