Chapter 108

When Diao Ziyun heard this, he sneered at Zhu Jiayi: "If you interfere with Jin Yiwei's work, you will be killed without mercy!
If you don't want to kill two people, I advise you to get out of the way. "

With that said, he strode towards the door.

In order to avoid being bumped into by him, Zhu Jiayi could only dodge angrily, "Do you have such an office?

How could there be any stolen goods in our house?

What happened to Jin Yiwei, isn't it also for the people and the country?

There is no way to act? "

Diao Ziyun paused: "Are you delaying time for others to transfer the stolen goods?"

Although he stopped to talk to Zhu Jiayi, the rest of the people headed towards Huo's house aggressively.

"Jin Yiwei is under the personal jurisdiction of the emperor, and behaves in a well-regulated manner, making clear judgments about right and wrong. If you really harbor stolen goods from the previous dynasty, it will be a felony that will implicate the entire family.

If you were wronged, then we will compensate ten times the price for all damaged items. So, is Mrs. Huo satisfied? "

Zhu Jiayi snorted coldly: "Not only that, you also have to find out the people who lied about the news for public benefit!"

"Naturally," Diao Ziyun nodded, jumped on the horse and let out a low shout, and walked towards the alley next door.

Zhu Jiayi locked the door and followed slowly with her waist supported.

When she arrived, the Huo family had been turned upside down by Jin Yiwei. Everyone stood in the corridor in panic, women and children hugging each other.

"My lord, how can we have any stolen goods in our house? The box that was brought from Mrs. Zhu before only contains clothes, and it's all here.

No one in our family has ever gone out, and the neighbors can testify for us! "

Father Huo clenched his fists tightly and said in a trembling voice.

"Boss, it's true that there are not. That box is the same as the previous ones, full of colorful clothes," a soldier replied with some embarrassment.

The doors and windows of every household in the alley were closed tightly, and they all listened with pricked ears.

This place is no different from a civilian area. Officials and their families live everywhere. If they didn't get reliable information, they wouldn't be able to conduct such a massive search.

Jin Yiwei represents the emperor's face outside, and now that nothing has been found, Diao Ziyun hardly dares to look at Zhu Jiayi.

This person can make a fuss all over the capital if she doesn't reason. Now that she has been caught to reason, wouldn't she want to stab it?
Zhu Jiayi heheed twice, and stretched out her hand: "We will lose money, in addition to the damage to our belongings, the house was also dug three feet by you, and the walls are full of holes that cannot be lived in.

Moreover, my parents-in-law, sister-in-law and children, as well as me and the baby in my stomach, have all been greatly frightened. Do I need to pay some compensation and buy some supplements?

In case something goes wrong with my fright, even if I risk my life, I have to beat Dengwen Drum and let the emperor judge us! "

Diao Ziyun's face turned red, and the soldiers behind him were all ashamed and annoyed.

"The search should be carried out in a proper manner, and you have to use a knife to destroy a good thing to feel at ease?
Dare to love is not your own thing, don't feel bad, right?
Or relying on the support of the emperor, we subjects will smash our teeth and swallow our blood? "

"Compensation, we compensation!" Diao Ziyun hurriedly said, "Mrs. Huo, you have a lot of adults, so forgive us. When we go back, we will definitely find out who lied about the news, and we will definitely punish them severely and give you an account.

As for the compensation, I will send it to you personally today! "

Zhu Jiayi nodded, "Then hurry up, don't let me come to the door with a big belly to ask for it."

A group of people rode on horses and hurried away.

(End of this chapter)

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