Chapter 113

"Zhu Jiayi, what about your ability, if you don't use it when you give birth, will you save it for the New Year?" He said loudly to the people in the room.

Zhu Jiayi just opened her four fingers, and when she was in pain, she was almost out of breath when he yelled at her.

"Huo Shangjie, you can bear it! You don't have this stomach, and you dare to quarrel with me," she replied bitterly.

But she didn't have much strength from the pain, her voice was almost out of breath, like a kitten in the rain, it sounded soft and weak, but finally she responded.

"You won't be able to catch up with this year's Peony Fair, but I will try my best to help you earn an invitation card for the Peony Fair," Huo Shangjie tried to help her divert her attention.

Zhu Jiayi, "Huo Shangjie, what do you mean!
It's ironic that I can't see peonies, but peony flowers that are similar to peonies?

You might as well say that I am imitating me, and my dog's tail continues to mink! "

Huo Shangjie is silent, the ancients never deceived me, only villains and women are difficult to raise.

He was obviously well-intentioned, but she was so misinterpreted that he couldn't speak properly at all!
"I got it right, have nothing to say? I knew you hated me..."

The woman inside made up her mind again and poured dirty water on him.

"Third son, no matter how bad your wife is, she is giving birth to you in the house. You should say something nice!" Mother Huo pushed him, wishing she could say it for him.

Second Wife Huo also tried to persuade: "His third uncle, the third younger siblings are still young, so you can teach them what's wrong with you slowly.

From now on, the two of you will be together for the rest of your life. What kind of husband and wife don't spend most of their lives, making noise and fighting for life!
You used to concentrate on studying, just like the sage in everyone's mouth, but since the third sibling came to the house, you are like an ordinary person, you can get angry and scold others...

A woman's childbirth is a matter of narrow escape, you should be soft for the time being, and pass this hurdle..."

Huo Shangjie watched the basins of blood being brought out, his head was a little heavy, and he pursed his lips tightly without saying a word.

The paper windows are not soundproof at all. Hearing Huo Shangjie being attacked by his mother and sister-in-law in turn, Zhu Jiayi felt that the pain was not so unbearable.

The attention was diverted, and her body was young and healthy, and she was especially good at distributing her strength, so she gave birth to a six-pound boy within an hour.

As soon as Mrs. Wen cleaned up the mother and son, Huo Shangjie rushed in.

"Hey, Mr. Huo, you can't enter this room, you will get bad luck..." Wen Po couldn't help shouting.

He waved at people and strode to the bed.

Zhu Jiayi's hair was wet and messy and stuck to her face, because she lay down and looked down at the little thing beside her, her double chin was more obvious.

Although she has successfully raised several numbers by raising her baby, her delicate eyebrows, fair and smooth skin are still unmatched by others. Now she exudes the brilliance of motherhood all over her body, as if she has put on a filter, which inexplicably makes her He is down to earth.

He half-knelt beside him, hesitated, held her hand tightly, and said in a hoarse voice: "Zhu Jiayi, let us live a good life from now on, you, can you give me another daughter?"

Zhu Jiayi glared at him, "You are so beautiful, I just came back from the gate of hell, and you want me to relive the nightmare again?!"

Huo Shangjie laughed lowly, "You are really energetic and never forget to jump."

"I want to lose weight," she said through gritted teeth, "when I become thinner than a willow, see if you are willing to use bouncing to describe a beautiful beauty!"

He patted her head, his eyes were full of smiles, he shook his head helplessly and said two words, "Naughty!"

"You, are you alright? The wind is too strong outside, and your head is spinning?" Zhu Jiayi realized something was wrong with him, and asked weakly.

(End of this chapter)

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