Chapter 124

Although Xiahua Kingdom has a vast land and abundant resources, is there any beauties?But this beauty came from abroad, and she is still the target of comparison among the rich.

While looking for a reliable place for the beauties, He Zhenao pretended to be rich and mysteriously leaked inside information that food prices were going to rise and would be monopolized. Buy all the food from those places!

Although the profit of food is not much, who doesn't want the opportunity to make money that falls from the sky for nothing?
After all, there are dozens of ships docked at the port that are loaded with food and heavy food. Everyone firmly believes in this, no matter how bad food is, it is easier to sell than everything, and they are not afraid of losing money.

Zhu Jiayi was watched closely by Huo's family for a month, and finally "released after serving her sentence", took a good bath, and then moved to Huo Shangjie's newly rented second courtyard with a cellar, a well and a small pond.

The Huo family lives in Yijin, while their husband and wife live in Erjin with their children. Once the arched door in the middle of the two courtyards is closed, they will be separated into two families, and there are doors at the front and back for easy travel.

The monthly rent of such an official house is three taels of silver, which is a little expensive, but there are more rooms and two small courtyards, and the whole family likes it very much.

Huo Mu immediately rubbed her fists and started to arrange, at least to be worthy of the rent!
She directed the two sons to leave only the path where people are passing by, and all the floor tiles in the rest of the place were opened, some of them were built as poultry houses, and the rest were temporarily put under the eaves, and they can be restored to their original state after the lease was terminated.There is also a row of tanks under the eaves.

The men tended the vegetable fields, and the women went to pick out some chickens, ducks and geese that were laying eggs, and bought a lot of chicken and duck seedlings.

Zhu Jiayi was not idle either, she collected a lot of water in the space, put on makeup and went to several grain stores to buy some food and put it in the space.

Only now did she have the time to turn her energy to Zhu's residence.

It's already May, and the sky is very dry, the hot wind is blowing, and there is a thick layer of sand and dust. Even people in the palace paved with blue bricks will inevitably be covered with mud when they go out.

The number of people going out was decreasing day by day, and at this time, Mrs. Fang held a peony flower party in Zhuangzi on the outskirts of the city. In other places, the fields were dry and cracked, but here it was still dense and lush!

A wall seems to separate two worlds, and even the air is moist.

The manor is not small, so there are many princes, wives and young ladies who were invited, and the carriage parked outside almost circled the manor.

Knowing that girls like to be lively, Zhu Jiayin asked Hang Sihan to ask for two invitations.

After Zhu Jiayi finished feeding the baby and left some rations for the baby, she joined hands with her sister and took a carriage to Fang's Manor.

All kinds of peony flowers in the courtyard are in full bloom, and the women are dressed up to attend, like butterflies among the flowers are busy.

After Zhu Jiayi was confinement, she began to practice boxing and yoga in the house, and the effect was not bad if she persisted, at least one size smaller.She was wearing a black and red dress with white magnolia embroidered with silver thread on the skirt, her hair stood up neatly, and she walked with a gallantry that is rare for housewives.

Mrs. Wang said a few words, and let everyone eat flower cakes and enjoy the flowers, and then go to the theater to listen to the play later.

Zhu Jiayi turned her eyes and saw Qi Shi carrying her little daughter.

She stepped forward with a chuckle, and yelled at the top of her voice as soon as she took a step, "Yo, I didn't expect auntie to be here?"

All the women who spoke softly and showed themselves to be meek and virtuous were taken aback, and all cast their eyes on Zhu Jiayi, with a strong fire of gossip.

(End of this chapter)

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