Chapter 153 Interstellar Escape Birth (6)

The "hunters" are people who have committed the most heinous crimes or offended the powerful in the interstellar world.They were dispatched and polished by a harsh environment, and there was almost no goodness in their hearts.

Whoever resisted, a gun was fired without hesitation, and the person fell straight with his eyes wide open.

The effect of killing chickens and monkeys was very obvious, and the rest of the people turned pale with fright, allowing their arms to be twisted behind their backs, tightly tied and thrown aside.

Sometimes the "hunting" teams fight for profit, the sounds of wooden warehouses keep coming and going, many newcomers who are tied up are randomly pulled to block the guns, and bloody flowers are blooming on the beach.

Zhu Jiayi pursed her lips tightly, her knuckles turned white while holding the binoculars, what kind of dark world this is, and all this is just the beginning!
Thinking about the wanted interstellar bosses who were sent to Evil in the past, her scalp was numb and her legs were weak.

Why is it so difficult for people to live?

The second star also jumped up, the earth heated up rapidly, the air was humid and hot, and the beach was scorching hot, forcing people to keep changing their feet like a dancer, looking quite embarrassed.

The "hunting" teams dragged their captives to the camp, but five teams came to Zhu Jiayi's side.

She pressed against the wall tightly, covering her body with her schoolbag to temporarily hide herself, but from the corner of her eye, she checked which stone cave they had burrowed into.

Suddenly, a black and thin little boy climbed up from the narrow entrance of the cave, but he was only seven or eight years old, and behind him was a two or three-year-old girl who was also dark and thin, sleeping soundly.

When he came in, two children followed behind him!

They sat cross-legged together and took out things from the satchels sewn with parachutes, such as thumb-sized conch, small crabs full of shells, hala, etc., and even some seaweed, scattered in small piles .

It looks like there is a bowl, but most of the seafood is shells, and there are not many bites of meat.

After they evenly divided the shells, they picked up stones to smash the shells and ate the meat without using fire.

The raw meat is not very fresh yet, and the strong fishy smell fills the small cave, but the children, including the little girl who was woken up by the little brother to share the food, chewed and swallowed it devoutly, even sticking the meat The shell and even the fingers take a few sips.

Zhu Jiayi didn't move at all, just looked at them through the gap of her schoolbag.

After eating, they all leaned against the wall, and the little boy patted his sister on the back and coaxed her to sleep again.

The little girl fell asleep for a while, and the older girl fiddled with the smooth and beautiful stone in her hand before asking in a low voice, "I don't want to leave here..."

"I don't want to either. I can have enough food and water to drink here, and I only have to hunt for food every day without having to work and be beaten and scolded by others." Another child also said in a low voice: "We managed to escape, even if Dying here is better than going back and suffering!"

The boy holding his younger sister was stunned for a moment, and looked down at the younger sister who was sleeping so hard, her coal-black face was full of determination: "Why did we escape? Isn't it just to live a comfortable and free life?

In a few days, the sea monsters will come ashore to lay eggs. If we stay, we will be treated as snacks by the sea monsters!

I have nothing left after death, and I still want to grow up to be very powerful, leave Evil Star, and look at the outside world!
So, I want to take my sister back to the city! "

(End of this chapter)

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