Chapter 164 Interstellar Escape Birth (17)

She put down the kettle with a smile, opened the backpack and poured it on the table as if offering a treasure. The snacks inside fell so spectacularly that the table couldn't fit it, and even piled up to the height of the table.

Zhu Jiayi opened her mouth wide in surprise, her eyes were bright, and her joy was like Nanke and Bujia in the sky!

"Brother, we got rich!" She picks and chooses, puts her favorite food in her arms, and stuffs it into the young man's hand boldly.

"With these treasures, my brother can hire me a sister-in-law, and there will be someone more at home to play with me," said Zhu Jiayi. It's so handy, it's 8-[-]% like the semi-stupid person I've seen before!

The man looked at her coldly, with a murderous look on his face, and went straight to her oppression.

For a person who walks on a blood knife, life is nothing more than a normal thing like eating and sleeping. What is good, what is putting down the butcher knife and becoming a Buddha immediately, does not exist on Evil Planet.

If you don't earn or grab, you will be bullied and even lose your life.

The coercion on his body seemed solid and unbearable, but Zhu Jiayi bit the bullet and gambled on a clean life.Otherwise, if she entered the city, she might not be able to find someone to borrow temporarily.

She frowned and snorted, "Why are you staring at me? Me, didn't I give you one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight?

Why are you still staring at my stuff? Then she said awkwardly: "If my sister-in-law is not satisfied, then don't marry my brother, she will make our family poor!" "

The man rubbed his brows, remembering that there was a black box containing the personnel information of this time, including this innocent Miss Jiao who was loved by his elder brother at home and hated by his elder sister-in-law for her innocence.He said in a cold voice:
"I don't know if you are really stupid or pretending to be stupid, there is no need to try to trick me.

You look good, as long as you are obedient, anyone is willing to raise a canary. "

"Brother, I'll give you all these, don't drive me away," Zhu Jiayi was so frightened that with tears in his eyes, he couldn't help but stuff them into his arms, "I don't want anything, and I also listen to my sister-in-law, don't Don't want me!"

At the end, she hugged him with the food in her arms, sobbing softly: "Brother, you are the only family member left for me, if you don't want me, there will be no place for me in the universe... "

It was desperate and sad, but, "I'm not your brother, what does it have to do with me?"

Zhu Jiayi stopped crying, with tears on her cheeks, and looked up at him in a daze. "Brother, are you stupid, why have you forgotten your dearest sister?"

The man's face darkened, and he was called stupid by a fool, but he was really full!
Pull her arm off, "Keep a distance of more than three meters from me in the future, otherwise, I will drag your group of children to feed the wolves!"

"Bad brother," Zhu Jiayi said angrily, turning her head.

"Tsk tsk, bad brother, these three words are very exciting," Anton couldn't help shivering, An Nai muttered, and he said to the man, "Boss, you don't even feel tempted by Wenxiang nephrite. Couldn't it be Liu Xiahui, or that wouldn't work?"

David looked over coolly, "Since it's very boring, I'll trouble Anton to watch the night tonight!"

Anton wailed, "You are too ruthless, too cruel, and too inhuman! You just dragged me to talk about things, and then you made me listen to people happy all night..."

(End of this chapter)

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