The koi of fast crossing are busy farming with their cubs

Chapter 248 The Exquisite Ex-Wife in the Chronicle

Chapter 248 The Exquisite Ex-Wife in the Chronicle (34)

But since the old lady with a face like bark appeared in front of him out of thin air, she told him with red eyes that she was her biological son.

He is not the youngest son of the Mei family in the capital, but the second son of a peasant woman in a valley!
For this reason, Jian's mother also listed a lot of evidence, such as where did he have moles, such as why the Mei family sent the child to Jian's house...

And he did get confirmation from home in a panic.

"Hey, the little beauty is very knowledgeable about current affairs, so I said that there is no beauty in this capital that Mr. Mei can't take down." The people behind said with a laugh.

"I wish my classmates, not only are you beautiful, but your heart is also good. Your future is destined to be higher than others.

In the future, my brothers will cover you..."

Zhu Jiayi looked over coldly. The youngest son of Director Li of the Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine was already sworn brothers with Jian Weidi. In addition, he gave eight large boxes of precious herbs, and his relationship was even stronger.

Even if the herbal medicines are young, they can't stand the quantity and quality, and Li Leping also knows how to make money. The family of five was transferred to Kyoto a week earlier than the young couple.

In order to express his gratitude and having seen Zhu Jiayi's good looks, Li Leping left Jian Weidi with a copy of the information he collected on the major forces in Kyoto, and also attached photos.

The ancestors of the Mei family have produced several generations of Tai Tuo, with peaches and plums all over the world, with great influence. They are a well-known scholarly family. They were once criticized by eminent monks: Because of the rich ancestral shade of the Mei family, it will last forever. !
Since then, the family really only has one Wenqu star in each generation, and because he is too smart, he is too young to live.

Coupled with the twists and turns of the previous years, only Mei Lao was left alone to support the facade.

Originally, the family had high hopes for the Mei family to find the youngest son-in-law, but Mei Zhengtao was actually a rare elm bump in the family.

Because of the hardships he suffered as a child, his family was quite tolerant to him.

He has created his overlord attitude of calling friends and friends, and behind him are the illegitimate children, offshoots, relatives, etc. who are not favored by the family.

Zhu Jiayi said coolly: "It's just you? I'm afraid your reputation in the capital is not as good as mine.

Does your family know that you bully men and women to discredit your family?

Do they agree with your bullying?
I'm afraid that as long as someone whispers a sentence in their ears, you will be sent to the frontier! "

These young masters were most afraid of others mentioning their own headaches, so Zhu Jiayi stepped on it here.

"Zhu Jiayi, don't be shameless?

It's just that you look better. After all, you are a rural student. To put it bluntly, you are only worthy of letting us play.If you are obedient and sensible, you can get some benefits.

Otherwise, heh, we have plenty of ways to ruin your reputation! "

"So what about the number one scholar, let's see if he is willing to be rich and famous in the capital, and stand up for you!
Maybe he already has a new love by now, and he forgot about your used old love! "

Several men laughed, but there was a look of hostility in their eyebrows and eyes. However, the students around them walked quickly with their heads down. Even if some male students wanted to stand out, they were forcibly dragged away by their roommates.

They are all students, and it is not easy to get in. How can they lose their bright future for others?
Zhu Jiayi didn't care, and said directly and flatly: "Mr. Mei is such an outstanding literati, why does he have a grandson like you who corrupts his ancestors?

I don't believe that bad bamboo shoots come from good bamboo. In the Mei family with such a strong atmosphere, even if the descendants are not outstanding, they are absolutely upright and dare to act, not to be the little poor behind the elders.

And you," she sneered and frivolously said as she glanced at the other people with her peach blossom eyes, "you are just the illegitimate sons of second-rate family king Li Chenqiu, what qualifications do you have to pretend to be powerful? "

After being exposed, the faces of several men turned red, and they looked at Zhu Jiayi with strong vigilance and vigilance.If she was really an ordinary female college student, how could she know their identities?
And she doesn't show the slightest timidity on her face, does she have the capital not to be afraid?

There are a lot of dignitaries in Kyoto, if a tree knocks down ten people, two or three of them must be dignitaries, four and a half are related households, and the rest are local tyrants!No matter which one, they are not the ones who can offend these dudes who use their family background to raise their banners.

"Unlucky, I don't like to be bullied by others," Mei Zhengtao gritted his teeth and said with a gloomy face, "But, Zhu Jiayi, please remember that the Mei family is not something you can easily provoke.

What can be said, what can't be said, keep your mouth shut! "

After speaking, he greeted the group of friends and left.

Zhu Jiayi pursed her lower lip slightly, put her schoolbag in the basket, pushed the pink model 26 bicycle, and hurried towards the cafeteria.

There was no one in the teaching building at this time. After everyone had left, a beautiful and innocent female student came out slowly, and sneered at the woman whose slender back was so beautiful that it was ridiculous.

"Mei Zhengtao, you are so hungry, you don't even choose your little wife, and you have to work hard for me to clear the obstacles!"

She didn't go to the cafeteria like other students, but rode directly back to the dormitory building.

Seeing a tall and handsome man in a simple white shirt downstairs, the woman was surprised, then straightened her hair, pretending to be hesitant and shy, she stepped forward and said softly: "Hello, Student Jian, my name is Jiang Yujun, and I am a friend of Zhu Jiayi's department. .

Are you looking for her?It just so happened that she was with a bunch of weirdly dressed society people.

Our classmates have seen it, but that group of people is very fierce, we dare not go forward..."

At this time, some students who had come back together after dinner could not help slowing down when they heard her moderate voice, and caught the words Zhu Jiayi in their ears.

They couldn't help whispering: "Are you talking about school flowers?"

"It's the original sin for a woman to be beautiful. There are so many young masters from Kyoto, tsk tsk, I don't know who will beat them down..."

Jian Weidi looked at her coldly, and said bluntly: "Student, can you restrain the gloating in your eyes?"

Jiang Yujun laughed softly: "I haven't seen a man who doesn't care as much about wearing a cuckold as you do, did he have a new love in Kyoto Medical College?
There are many talented women in the medical school, and there are many beauties, not to mention the daughters of Kyoto.

Finding a Yue family to take advantage of is the only way for you humble students to ascend to the top. "

Zhu Jiayi looked at the messy cafeteria, and went straight to the state-run restaurant to buy two meat buns. As soon as she rode over, she heard someone complaining to her man behind her back.

Jian Weidi saw her at the first sight, and immediately smiled on her stern face, stepped forward to take the car, saw the buns in her box, and asked displeasedly: "Why haven't you eaten yet?
I don't know if you have a bad stomach, but you can do it while I can't reach you? "

He is a bit of a machismo, and he is used to being a ruffian. Since he became a real husband and wife with Zhu Jiayi, he has been obedient to her, but he no longer hides his little overbearing.

(End of this chapter)

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