Chapter 259 The True and False Daughter of the Wild (5)

"Miss Jiayi, it was Miss Huayan who obtained the secret recipe for burning bricks and tiles. She said that it can be used to build a house, and it is much better for sheltering from wind and rain than the thatched cottage we live in," a servant immediately reported with a smile.

"Bricks, tiles?" Zhu Jiayi couldn't help but quickly go through the memory of the original owner. Brick and tile houses have not yet appeared in Changxing Continent!
"Yes, Miss Huayan was lucky. She accidentally broke into an ancient tomb and got a lot of prescriptions. This is just one of them." The servant nodded enviously, "Miss Huayan said that if you succeed, you can take it with you." The whole Beiliang tribe burns bricks and sells them together! In less than ten years, our Beiliang tribe will become a first-class tribe."

"One prescription can pull us into a first-class tribe. If all the prescriptions are used, isn't our Beiliang a super tribe? Worshiped by all tribes?!" The servants couldn't help being excited and admiring Whispered.

The servants are also divided into three, six and nine classes. It can be said that the servants of the first-class tribe are more popular than the royal family of the third-class tribe.

Zhu Jiayi raised her eyebrows, and walked towards the place with a smile on her lips.

Zhu's family set aside a special place for firing pottery, and now a small brick kiln made of mud bricks has been built on the ground, and billowing black smoke comes out of this chimney.

"Miss Jiayi, the owner of the house has ordered that anyone who has nothing to do with firing pottery should not come near this place.

I hope you can understand the painstaking efforts of the Patriarch and go to play elsewhere," said the steward, bowing and saluting seemingly respectfully.

Hua Yan heard the movement and turned around.

But I haven't seen her for a few days, and her darkened face has become fairer and fleshier, making her facial features delicate and beautiful.

The clothes she wore were luxurious and well-fitting, and the color was light pink that was brightened and whitened, so she looked like a daughter of a nobleman.

"Why is Sister Jiayi here?" She greeted in surprise and timidity, "Uncle Kang, the first batch of bricks is just about to be baked today, let Sister Jiayi stay here, and then someone will give it to you. Dad, grandma, and brothers and sisters-in-law are talking."

The two of them twisted their index fingers together, "They can come over to have a look if they are free.

This is my first time firing bricks according to the recipe, and I don't know if I can succeed, so I won't invite people from other families. "

Kang Chang responded quickly, called his servants to give some instructions, and then stood in front of Zhu Jiayi with a smile, "Miss Jiayi, Miss Huayan misses you all the time.

Just now she was talking about that if the first furnace of bricks is finished, she will give it to you as a dowry, and build a beautiful brick house at her husband's house, so that you will be full of face! "

Zhu Jiayi ignored him, and just led the people to the brick kiln to wait, but her peripheral vision kept falling on Huayan.

Zhu Jiayi didn't believe a word Huayan explained to everyone!
From the time Huayan first came to Beiliang, she was thin and weak, she was indeed what a slave girl should look like, and it had nothing to do with beauty.May I ask such a person, how can he have the opportunity to find the ancient tomb, and how can he write down the squares and use them on the basis of illiteracy?
It is still a method of firing bricks and tiles that has not yet appeared in this world!
One sentence pushed it to chance and good luck, Zhu Jiayi is more willing to believe that Huayan has changed her core just like herself!

Regardless of whether Huayan is reborn or transmigrated, there are people in the front who are constantly spreading the civilization of later generations and providing convenience. It is too late to wish Jiayi happy.

There is not much meeting, I wish all the family members gather in front of the brick kiln.

When they saw Zhu Jiayi with a quiet and wooden face, he didn't say anything, so they focused on the neat red bricks rolled out by the servants.

Huayan stepped forward, picked up a brick with gloves on, pretended to check it carefully, and then knocked the brick on the stone table with different strengths, feeling the strength a little.

She said joyfully, "Abba, it should be done!"

Zhu Kun also stepped forward excitedly, grabbed a brick and squeezed it vigorously, leaving only a light layer of marks, which was much better than mud bricks.

Others also picked up a piece and looked at it over and over again.

Zhu Jiayi held the red brick in his hand and weighed it slightly, it was slightly heavy.

Then she bumped two bricks into each other, her voice was muffled and muffled, which is a substandard product in later generations, and its strength is not high!If a house is built with such bricks, problems will arise sooner or later.

Zhu Jiayi lowered her eyebrows, it seems that enjoying convenience is not very reliable.

Sister-in-law Zhu smiled and said, "Father, little sister is really a lucky star of our family!
After the bricks are fired, let's hurry up and build the brick house that my little sister said. Once it is completed, we can participate in the autumn hunting competition.

At that time, maybe we can find a good husband for Jiayi. "

The autumn hunting competition is an extremely important event in Changxing Continent. Almost all the first-class and second-class tribes gather together to show the comprehensive strength of their own tribes and let the juniors compete with each other.

The tribes will also take the opportunity to marry and form alliances!

With brick and tile houses, there is a [-]% to [-]% possibility that the Beiliang clan and tribe will be allowed to participate in the competition as an exception.

Being able to get in touch with the first-class tribe, Zhu Jiayi's marriage will be settled.

Everyone's hearts were agitated, and they began to search for a site to build a house. In less than half a month, a row of red brick and red tile houses were completed.

Looking at the beautiful, neat and sturdy house under the sun, the whole Beiliang clan and tribe were very excited.

The king of Beiliang directly recognized Huayan as his goddaughter and named him Princess Fu!

In the following period of time, from time to time, dignitaries from the surrounding tribes came to visit in person.It was the rainy season, and they even took out generous gifts to stay for one night.

The Tiansong, a second-class tribe of the Beiliang clan who paid tribute all the year round, directly asked for bricks and tiles, and the quantity was huge, almost according to the needs of the dignitaries of the Tiansong.

The Zhu family had already discussed this matter with the King of Beiliang, and they promised to agree, but they reported a low brick and tile production rate, and then reduced the quantity to [-]%, and asked to participate in the autumn hunting competition.

Naturally, the Tiansong clan had nothing to do with it.

"Sister," as soon as she got the exact news, Huayan dressed up and brought a mighty servant to look for Zhu Jiayi. "We in Beiliang are going to participate in the autumn hunting competition, and there are all dignitaries from the first and second-class tribes.

It's my first time participating, and I don't know what to pay attention to, so Baba Xun sister, please let me know. "

If you don't go out in this era, there is really no entertainment.

Zhu Jiayi drove the servants far away, doing yoga to shape her body, boxing to improve her physical fitness, and doing oral exercises with her voice hanging, trying to pick up the skills suitable for development.

Although these skills are marked as elementary on the bit panel, she has never touched this body before. If she wants to use it, Zhu Jiayi has to work hard to hone it little by little.

She had just finished taking a shower, wearing a white dress with loose black and smooth hair, nestling lazily on the twisted peach tree pole.

Zhu Jiayi's facial features are exquisite and beautiful, and the tips of her almond eyes are light pink, like peach blossom essence, which makes people lose their souls at a glance!

(End of this chapter)

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