Chapter 278
In the eyes of the witch doctor, the standard of living of the Shihan tribe is one of the best among all the tribes. How much insight can a noble girl from a third-class tribe have?
"With Su and your lord here, and the big guys working hard without stopping, even though the stored things will spoil a lot after a long winter, we can't stand the large amount of our storage.

Young men and wives eat closely with the elderly and children. In winter we rely on the forest, so naturally there is no shortage of firewood.So winter is not too difficult. "

The witch doctor lowered her head slightly, with a proud look, far from the inscrutable and gloomy look she had sitting on the horse before.

"I know," Zhu Jiayi pursed her lips and said with a light smile. It is precisely because everyone performs their duties without such bad intentions and greed that the Shihan tribe is like an unfailing sun that keeps rising hundreds of years or even longer.

And she is also willing to let the Shihan Tribe be the first to eat crabs.

Saying that, Zhu Jiayi took out the exquisite dagger that Xiangyu Xunren made for herself, "Witch doctor, you are one of the souls of our tribe, your brain must be easy to use!

I saw a lot of colored stones at the market of the autumn hunting competition before, and I asked where they found them.At that time, I didn't think much about it, but now I saw a stone slipping from the top of the mountain, and I wondered if these colored stones, like stones, fell from a mountain rich in colored stones and were washed to the river bank superior? "

The witch doctor couldn't bury Zhu Jiayi directly, so he just pulled the corners of his lips:

"There are a lot of smart people in our tribe, and many little guys came to me and said.

There are also many men teamed up to search around the mountains, but when they come out of the river, they come across rare colored stones, which are not found in other places!Perhaps these colored stones are in water, or can only be bred in water? "

The corners of Zhu Jiayi's mouth twitched, and like everyone else, he took out a thin and soft leather from his pocket, put it on the stone table and spread it out.When she was packing up from home, she found a map of Changxing Continent.

According to Xiangyu, the map is very rare, each one is measured step by step by many men, and every detail may also be forged by many men with their lives!What's more, Su He's picture is extremely detailed.

Zhu Jiayi showed the witch doctor that it was a simple map of rivers and mountains copied by her!
"Witch doctor, look, the colored stones I circled were picked up by someone. There are here, there are also here, and here..." She analyzed them bit by bit for the witch doctor.

"So, there should be a large and high-quality colored stone mine in this area!" Zhu Jiayi pointed at a mountain range and said with a chuckle.

The witch doctor stared at him with wide eyes, but he couldn't think of anything for a long time, so he just said dryly, "Mrs. Su, this place is quite far from us."

Although she heard that Zhu Jiayi's analysis was correct, no one has discovered colored stone mines since ancient times, so how could Zhu Jiayi say so easily?It's like people in later generations look for the rules of the numbers drawn by the lottery all day long, and then hurriedly tell you that you must win!

is it possible? !

Since the hope is very small, why should she ask the men to make a trip?
Zhu Jiayi smiled, but didn't continue talking, thinking that after the winter was over, Huying would take her to inspect it.

"Mrs. Su, your sister is here!"

Hearing the noisy voices below, Zhu Jiayi lazily opened her eyes.

A few days ago, Su He took a group of young men to inspect the depths of the forest.

The weather is getting colder, the leaves are withered and yellow, the food in the woods has decreased sharply, and the range of activities of many ferocious beasts has expanded.

If they don't discover and defend in time, it is easy for a group of ferocious beasts to attack the tribe!

Zhu Jiayi has already arranged the cave well, and set up a fur tent on the stone bed, with night pearls placed at the four corners, emitting a faint fluorescence.

The charcoal fire in the house was burning all night, and it was so warm that people didn't want to wake up.

Hearing someone shouting from below, Zhu Jiayi raised her eyebrows, knowing that this girl is Huayan without guessing!
It's just such a day, why did she come here?
Armed himself, Zhu Jiayi summoned Tiger Eagle to go down.

"Long time no see, sister," said Hua Yan, who was wearing a white fox leather jacket with no variegated waist, showing her beautiful figure.

In two months, her skin became much fairer, and her face became sensual, giving her the appearance of a beauty.

Huayan often received the man's astonishing eyes, but when she came to Zhu Jiayi, she was overshadowed like wild flowers on the roadside!

"Jiayi, this is your favorite roe deer meat," Second Brother Zhu said with a simple smile as he pulled the cart over and patted the smoked half bag of meat on it.

Zhu Jiayi hummed lightly, "Why are you here?"

Huayan stepped forward and took Zhu's second brother's arm, "We just delivered bricks and tiles to the Tiansong tribe, and helped them build a few houses. I thought it was not far from here, so I came to see how my sister is doing. .

The Shihan tribe is really different, it was built on a cliff. "

Zhu Jiayi frowned slightly, and from the corner of her eye, she didn't miss Huayan's fleeting schadenfreude.

She couldn't help but shudder, and suddenly remembered that Huayan wanted to make her and Su He a pair at the very beginning.

Su He is the eagle of Changxing Continent, even if he is cruel and ruthless in the legend, dislikes women, and drinks blood like a feather.

But that's just a legend, now that Zhu Jiayi is married to the Shihan Tribe, and because she is Su He's mother-in-law, she is very well received.

This shouldn't be what Huayan wants to see, right?
Besides, what is it that makes Huayan come here specially to watch the excitement...

lively? !
Zhu Jiayi calmly, as a landlord, led the two of them around the tribe, taking in Huayan's greed and urgency that could hardly be concealed.

"Sister, I heard that it's snowing heavily ahead, and we can't go home for a while, so I'll bother you for a while. But don't worry, we all brought rations and tents, and we will stay on the grass behind for three months. Five days, definitely don't cause trouble for my sister!" Huayan smiled sweetly, like a little girl who doesn't know much about the world.

"Then how can it be, since the second brother and the second sister-in-law are here, we have to entertain them well," Zhu Jiayi shook his head and said with a smile: "It's so cold, how can we let you live in a tent blown by the wind?
There are many vacant caves in the tribe, and people can live in them with a fire.

Get some more food from me! "

"Sister, will I still be polite to you?

I am not used to living in caves, but I still like tents.

Don't worry, we put on an extra layer of thick fur, and light the fire inside, so it will be warm! "As she spoke, she tugged at Second Brother Zhu, grinning and jumping up and down to the grass to direct people to set up tents.

Because they sent bricks and tiles to the Tiansong tribe, they have won a lot of people, carts and horses since then, which is quite huge!

Zhu Jiayi watched them choose an empty place indifferently, and her inner guess became clearer.

(End of this chapter)

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