Chapter 283 The True and False Daughter of the Wild (29)

Neither Huayan nor Brother Zhu can speak, and the text has not yet appeared. They can't communicate with other people smoothly only by relying on simple drawings.

After all, she is not the deity of the later life, she just annexed the broken memory of that lonely soul.

It seems that the things she thought of before were all spoken out and carefully developed by the relevant craftsmen.If you really want her to do it, it will be like a mountain apart!

The only thing Huayan can gain a firm foothold in Beiliang, making people dare not suppress her easily, is cooking.

She still participated in the autumn hunting competition this time, seeing Gui Xi and Lu Xiu's sweetness, how could she remember the enmity with Zhu Jiayi, her mind was full of how to steal the limelight from Lu Xiu.

No matter how bad it is, she will also send a few sisters to Luxiu, so that she can take care of each other.

Why is it that she is the only one suffering while everyone else is living happily?
After another long winter, the dikes of the Shihan Tribe were doubled. On the newly added land, they built a courtyard house, although it is not big, it can meet the needs of a small family.

Housing, living room, latrine, breeding, stove, warehouse, etc. There is also a small yard for growing some fruits and vegetables. Although the sparrow is small and complete, everyone loves it!
Everyone was so jealous, they would rather work harder and sleep less, but also have to build their own.

Therefore, any family who has built such a yard will have a smooth marriage.

Everyone in the Shihan tribe is engaged in construction and development in a muffled voice, so they are not willing to pay attention to others.

It was Guixi who brought a group of people to deliver things to Zhu Jiayi, "Sister, your brick and tile houses here are so beautiful!"

People from the Tian Song Dynasty came here and saw such a huge project, their jaws almost dropped in shock.

"My aunt and mother-in-law both have babies in their stomachs, so they couldn't come to see you, and seeing that you didn't participate in the hunting competition last year, they were worried, so they sent me to have a look." Not as silly and sweet as he used to be, but he still has sunshine in his heart, a guy who can't be hated.

"Grandma said that my sister likes to eat these fruits, let me have more, and there are beautiful leathers and gems..."

Zhu Jiayi knew that Zhu Wu must have heard Xiang Yu's words and thought that it was because of her that Zhu Wu's stomach that had not moved for more than ten years suddenly became full.Many sons, many blessings, who doesn't like it, especially in Wang Gui's family.

She pursed her lips and smiled: "Auntie and Auntie are both good people, good people are rewarded with good things, and good things come in pairs!"

During the two days when Guixi was in the Shihan Tribe, he was so envious of the beautiful courtyard houses that he often took advantage of them and helped people build houses.

There is a kind of thick tree near the Tiansong tribe. Every year when the rainy season comes, they will live in the tree house and endure the damp and cold.

That taste is extremely uncomfortable, if the tribe can also live in such a beautiful, dry and windproof house, it would be great.But he didn't speak.Each tribe has its own way of survival, and if they share it, it will reduce the stability of the tribe by one point.

Before leaving, he suddenly remembered, frowned and said to Zhu Jiayi, "Huayan also went to the hunting competition last autumn. I didn't expect that she didn't receive enough education, so she became a demon again.

If it weren't for my mother-in-law's vigilance, she was afraid that she would make enemies and be framed as a thief! "

This is a story of framing and anti-framing. Huayan shoots herself in the foot, and succeeds in being hated by another first-class tribal princess.

The concubine has a strong background and is deeply loved by the first-class tribal king, so she was directly dragged into slavery because of her beauty, and no one dared to come forward to intercede.

It is said that the concubine's methods of manipulating people are endless, and Huayan is required to come up with a surprise or prescription every day, otherwise what is waiting for her will be regretful.

"No one in Beiliang is willing to stand up and speak for her, but the Tianlan tribe has obtained a lot of secret recipes because of Huayan. My mother-in-law is worried that if this continues, the Tianlan tribe will grow stronger, and sooner or later it will annex our other tribes!

One must learn to be prepared for danger in times of peace..."

Luxiu is the princess of the Tianlan tribe, but her status is rather embarrassing, and she has been raised by her natal family in the Shihan tribe.Therefore, her feelings for the Shihan tribe far surpassed Tianlan's!

Zhu Jiayi listened carefully and nodded to show that she understood.

Guixi looked back at the house three times a step and was about to leave.

Zhu Jiayi suddenly called to him, and after discussing with Su He, he decided to tell him how to fire the red bricks.

"Although the red bricks fired by this method are not as durable as the blue bricks, they are still much better than those fired in Beiliang!
Let some of our artisans follow along to help you build it.

After all, they have personally experienced the construction of dikes and houses, and can help you build something as strong and practical as ours. "

Gui Xi's legs felt a little weak when he heard this, but he was still very smart, and began to express his gratitude and excitement, incoherently not knowing what to do.

"If you feel that you have taken advantage, then fight hard for the position of next king.

Give your grandma and mother-in-law a safe and secure life!
Maybe our two tribes can help each other in the future. "

Gui Xi nodded again and again, sitting on the pile of supplies, still a little bit stunned, looking at the carpenters following in the carriage from time to time, grinning silly.

The Tiansong tribe looked like a second-class tribe, and they were very majestic.

However, it is difficult for a tribe to ascend to the first level. Now that Guixi has brought a few carpenters from the first-level tribe, the news spread quickly as if he had wings.

Everyone couldn't help but came to watch the excitement, even looking at these carpenters, there was awe in their eyes.

Almost what the carpenters said, they did the body before the brain, and they advocated it extremely thoroughly!
Therefore, everyone in the Tiansong tribe was mobilized, and the carpenters followed the model of the Shihan tribe and copied it almost [-]%.

Guixi is the most active in his work, working hard for his mother and mother-in-law, as well as his younger brother or sister who will come out in the future, or his unborn son or daughter, and must be the first batch of people to live in the courtyard.

Moreover, the blueprint he was holding was drawn by Zhu Jiayi himself, and he said that carpenters and craftsmen could understand it, and built a yard with two or three entrances.

But his family is small, so he can live in a small one first, and later build a big and grand one!

When the rainy season came, they also moved into a new house without hesitation.

Feeling the convenience of the brick and tile house, everyone is very happy, and still decides to build a big house with a small courtyard next year.

The craftsmen were praised unceasingly, but they just laughed and said nothing.

At this time, Zhu Wu and Luxiu were about to give birth, the rain was drifting outside, and the midwife was already waiting, her face was extremely normal and she muttered with a hint of disgust: "Be patient with the pain, don't talk nonsense. Throat howling.

You'll have to wait a long time to give birth..."

(End of this chapter)

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