The koi of fast crossing are busy farming with their cubs

Chapter 290 ? The Control Group of the Escaped Heroine

Chapter 290 The Control Group of the Escaped Heroine (5)

The Zhu family are all very close people, they are the direct descendants of the old matriarch Pei Baoyu.She had three sons in her life, namely Zhu Yuqi, Zhu Yuchun and Zhu Yuzhen.

The eldest son is married to Su Yunjun, and has three sons and one daughter, 21-year-old Zhu Kaiyuan, Zhu Kaiyan, 16-year-old Zhu Jiayi and 13-year-old Zhu Kailin.

The second son is married to Xue Lansi, and they have three sons, 19-year-old Zhu Kaibao, 15-year-old Zhu Kaiyong and 12-year-old Zhu Kaiwen.

The third son married Lou Wanwan, who is also pregnant with three sons, 13-year-old Zhu Kaijin, eight-year-old Zhu Kaida and five-year-old Zhu Kaihua!
Zhu Yuqi and Zhu Yuchun took their eldest sons to guard the border respectively, and Zhu Yuzhen was the Sima of the fifth-rank upper capital guard.Although none of them took concubines, they had many sons with good aptitudes, so their backs were straight.

Zhu Jiayi is not only pampered at home, but also is the best choice for wives in Kyoto to choose their daughter-in-law!

In contrast, the old man of the Xiang family came from a poor family, and if the whole family confessed him, they would naturally enjoy the glory and wealth together!The two rooms have a large population, three or four times that of Zhu's family.

Although the pillars of the two families are working outside, the three views of the two families are different, and the relationship is not deep, and even the Xiang family is blindly trying to curry favor with the Zhu family.

Given that the Xiang family is narrow-minded, behaves like a country boy and plays tricks, how many troubles the two families have caused along the way!
If the two families were distributed together like this, Zhu Jiayi would not believe it if no spectators intervened!

In order to serve as a deterrent, the distribution team passes through the busiest streets.

Zhu Jiayi lowered her head slightly and looked around from the corner of her eye. She came from the barbaric era. She felt like she had found an organization, and she felt a little excited all over her body.

Probably after walking in the desert for a long time, I came across an oasis, and now I suddenly came out and saw the market with people coming and going. The feeling cannot be described in words!
All kinds of shops have already opened their doors, and there are endless shouts.In the early morning of early May, the hot and dry air wafted the smell of the early morning in the capital, arousing everyone's hunger!

Usually at this time, they get up and wash up, greet the old lady, have dinner together, and then go off to attend to their own affairs.

Zhu's family is silent, but Xiang's family has not yet fully realized the reality of being assigned.

A twelve or thirteen-year-old girl in Tsing Yi pouted and carried a small bag, "Oh, mother, I'm so hungry!

I want to eat crystal dumplings, donkey meat fire, shiitake mushrooms and diced meat buns, and winter melon shrimp seaweed soup..."

The woman next to her was very distressed, "Poor thing, Zhi'er is tired of eating these, and now I can't eat a single bite."

"Well, since Zhi'er wants to eat, I'll give the official a few taels of silver, so that we can have a full meal before we leave Beijing." Mrs. Xiang couldn't help swallowing and said.

However, she hadn't eaten a single meal, she was already so hungry that her chest was on her back, and she was not picky, wishing she could swallow a whole table of food!

"Second brother, go and talk!" Mr. Xiang Er also nodded, and of course ordered to the eldest son of the Xiang family, who is also the father of the heroine Xiang Weizi.

Father Xiang's qualifications are mediocre. According to Mrs. Xiang, he has an elm bumpy head, and it would be good if he can read a few words. Being a housekeeper at home to take care of the family business is not in vain. So a few mouths.

Inside and outside the words are that the second child's family can have today's life, all relying on a few brothers, not even the usual cousins!
The second room was suppressed to the point of slavishness. Hearing this, Xiang Weizi, who had just traveled through time, couldn't hide her surprise and raised her head, revealing a mocking smile.

They were all exiled to Xijiang by the emperor's personal decree. How can these Xiang family still pretend to be rich and able to make ghosts go through the mill?
Going thousands of kilometers, I don't know what kind of things will be encountered along the way. It is difficult for this group of old and weak women and children to keep their belongings and lives, not to mention that they are foolish from the very beginning. It's tantamount to adding a reminder to yourself!

However, Xiang Weizi immediately lowered her head, looked at a certain power frame in her hand, she was very surprised, and put a certain power frame into her bag calmly.

Xiang Erfang is full of servility. No matter who he is, when he is not assigned a job, his sense of existence is almost zero.Therefore, except for Zhu Jiayi, no one noticed her abnormality.

Father Xiang just frowned when he heard Grandpa Xiang Er's words, but he still bravely stepped forward to ask the head of the escorting officer for instructions.

There was a dark scar across the bridge of the nose on that head's face. He was tall and thick, very fierce, and was called Scar Zhang.

He weighed the two taels of silver that Xiang's father gave him, and tossed it up and down with a half-smile, "Who are you sending?"

Father Xiang turned his head to look at Master Xiang Er and Mrs. Xiang.

The two seemed to feel the mocking eyes of the people around them, especially when they saw Zhu's family looking over, they were even more ashamed!

Mrs. Xiang took out an unpretentious gold ring that she used to reward the steward, and Father Xiang handed it over to Scar Zhang.

However, the latter took it directly, threw it back, and threw it into the hands of an official, "The early money that Mrs. Xiang gave you as a reward!"

The officer smiled and thanked Mrs. Xiang: "Thank you for your reward. I always eat breakfast very slowly. It takes half an hour to come back, so I wronged you to wait for me here."

As soon as he left, the other officials all stared at Mrs. Xiang quietly with their chests folded.

The Xiang family is very angry, these officials are really bullying!It's really a tiger in Pingyang being bullied by a dog. These little guys, who didn't even have the qualifications to enter the Xiang family before, dare to use chicken feathers as arrows now!
Helpless, the pampered women of the Xiang family didn't want to leave the capital on an empty stomach, especially if they brought a lot of gold and silver jewelry with them.

So Mrs. Xiang said with a long face: "What's the matter, do you still want to take out the coffin of my old lady before you are willing? I don't know if everyone contributes a little, at least to appease one official?"

The rest of the Xiang family were somewhat reluctant, but Mrs. Xiang has always been domineering, and at home she was a promise.

Everyone can only share the tasks equally, and send the officials away one by one.

When there was still a small official job left, the Xiang family planned to share the share with the Zhu family, but the Zhu family did not respond, and all lowered their heads, with despair, sadness and sentimentality all over their bodies.

In order to prevent the previous efforts from being in vain, the Xiang family can only continue to spend money to send away the officials.

All the officials left, and the Xiang family glared angrily at Zhu's family who looked up and started looking for food.

"Worthy of being treasonous and afraid of death, I wish my family members to shrink back when in trouble, and to take advantage of advantages more than anyone else!"

(End of this chapter)

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