my sister is number one

Chapter 161 I, Chen Changqing, can be shameless, but can you, Long Kai?

Chapter 161 I, Chen Changqing, can be shameless, but can you, Long Kai?

As soon as the people from Tianhuo Island appeared.The immortals who were watching outside were all taken aback.

"Yang Jingguo is so despicable, asking outsiders for help?" Emperor Wangyuan couldn't help but say something.

Before Senior White could speak, a female fairy from Tianhuo Island snorted coldly: "This Yumen competition is the epitome of the national war of the five major forces. Isn't diplomacy the means of national war?"

Emperor Wangyuan's face was gloomy when he heard the words, but he couldn't refute.

In fact, it wasn't just the Emperor Wangyuan, many immortals present who participated in Liu Shiyun's gambling game didn't look very good.

Watching the cultivators from Minguo being sent out one by one, and then sent for treatment, they realized that Minguo's greatest advantage at the beginning was gone.

Among the immortals, the happiest must be the three ordinary Taoist Liu Shiyun.

Damn it's going to make a lot of money this time.

Before, many people bet on Minguo to win the championship.If Minguo folded here, they bet

In this battle, Minguo lost three masters in the Linghai realm at once.

Showing signs of decline.

Many people flew to Liu Shiyun and wanted to place another bet.

But Liu Shiyun has closed the market.

This time, everyone in Min Kingdom was tricked by Yang Jingguo. Not only did Yang Jingguo hold on, but they also exceeded Liu Shiyun's expectations.

Not only that, they also joined forces with the team on Tianhuo Island early on.

Although Minguo and others took away two spirit treasures from Luocha Kingdom, they were taken away by Chen Changqing and the others, and it was only then that Huo Yunqing took He Peiyong's spirit treasures away.

Now there are only three spirit treasures left in Minguo, if they lose all the remaining spirit treasures here, they will be eliminated.

Long Kai looked at Huo Yunqing with a serious face.

At this moment, Long Kai was wearing a soft armor, a golden and a red aura flowed outside the soft armor, and he could faintly see the phantom of the beast covering him.

"The five of you, can you beat me?" The spiritual power that Long Kai swayed from his body while suspended in the air was astonishing.

Even Huo Yunqing's expression changed slightly when he felt this burst of spiritual power.

Although Chen Changqing and Huo Yunqing had a total of three spiritual sea realms, Long Kai alone was enough to contend with them.

Huo Yunqing did not dare to answer.

Chen Changqing frowned.

One thing to say, even Chen Changqing didn't want to fight this Long Kai.

However, Chen Changqing bit the bullet and said: "It's just that it's not good for you if you touch it head-on."

Long Kai actually nodded in agreement: "Indeed."

He paused, and then said,

"My people can retreat, but Yang Jingguo and you have eliminated so many of me, so one must stay." He said, looking down at Chen Changqing and Song Jingnian: "You two, who is Chen Changqing?"

Chen Changqing smiled: "I am."

"Others can go, but you must stay and fight with me!" Long Kai said word by word.

Chen Changqing nodded: "Okay."

Promised cleanly.

With that said, he gave Song Jingnian the two spirit treasures he kept on his body.

Before Song Jingnian had time to say anything, Chen Changqing used Lingbao to send a voice transmission to him: "Brother Song, no matter what happens later, you don't have to worry about me, just join the others first."

Song Jingnian looked at Chen Changqing in astonishment.

Chen Changqing ignored Song Jingnian, looked up at Long Kai: "Come on."

Long Kai's expression changed again and again.

That's right, he wanted Chen Changqing to stay.

First of all, he felt that what happened to him today was because of Chen Changqing.

Secondly, it was because he saw that there were two spirit treasures on Chen Changqing's body, one was Yang Jingguo's own spirit treasure, and the second was the spirit treasure that Chen Changqing snatched from Lan Jingjing.Eliminate Chen Changqing to get two spirit treasures.I didn't expect...

Long Kai valued his face, so he couldn't say anything: "Yunfeng, you take the others and leave first."

Yunfeng, that is, the man from Minguo, he finally got his own name at this moment...

Yunfeng: "Brother Long, what if..."

Long Kai raised his hand and stopped Yunfeng's words: "Don't worry."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Huo Yunqing: "The people of Tianhuo Island will not, and dare not, dare to step into this muddy water."

Huo Yunqing hesitated for a moment, turned around and flew away with the people, and then said to Chen Changqing: "Mr. Chen, we have gained something this time, and you don't need to give me the spirit treasure. If Long Kai keeps his promise, I will not shot."

For Huo Yunqing, there are many advantages of not making a move.

First, she can take the opportunity to see Long Kai's true strength.

Second, she has always been unable to see through this Chen Changqing, and she also wanted to use Long Kai's hand to see through Chen Changqing's cards.

Third, she doesn't mind using Long Kai's hand to eliminate Chen Changqing and weaken Yang Jingguo's power.

Fourth, she is not confident that she can defeat Long Kai without any damage. Even if she joins forces with Chen Changqing and Song Jingnian, she may not be able to suppress Long Kai.She took the initiative to stay away, and the purpose was to avoid Long Kai's sneak attack.

For her, standing on the sidelines is also a good choice.

"Brother Song, you can go too. Go and join the others." Chen Changqing continued the voice transmission.

I didn't expect Chen Changqing to be such a person who understands righteousness.

Song Jingnian pursed his lips, and said via voice transmission: "Brother Changqing, be careful in everything. If there is any accident, you must teleport away in time."

Song Jingnian's name for Chen Changqing has changed.

Song Jingnian turned around and left using the escape method.

Yunfeng also nodded, and left with everyone from Minguo.

Only Chen Changqing and Long Kai are left here.

Huo Yunqing and the other three were watching from a distance, looking like they were watching a good show.

Long Kai looked at Chen Changqing and raised his chin slightly.

Chen Changqing moved his body.

There are not too many spells, and there are not many magic circle bases, and there are not many elixir.

He has almost never tried to fight in such a state.

He raised his head and said to Long Kai: "Brother Long Kai, are you satisfied with the result now? But your strength suppresses me so much, can you give me three moves?"

"Don't say I'm bullying you. I'll let you do three tricks. If you have any skills, just use them." Long Kai said flatly, "Otherwise, you won't even have a chance to make a move."

This is the pride of the strong.

Even if he wins, Long Kai wants to win more honorably.

This Chen Changqing is good at calculation, good at the art of spells, and good at the way of formation.

But he is not good at fighting.

If Chen Changqing is released again, then he will definitely continue to advise Yang Jingguo and others in the next Yumen Grand Competition, this is the last result that Long Kai wants to see.

Chen Changqing nodded: "Brother Long, please swear by the law of heaven, let me use three tricks before making a move."

Long Kai: "I, Long Kai, do what I say. There is no need to talk about the way of heaven."

Chen Changqing: "..."

Fudge failed.

However, Chen Changqing did not persevere, and just nodded slightly: "Then please enlighten me, brother Long...."

The surname Long is not good at this point. When called Brother Long, Chen Changqing always almost bit his tongue.

Long Kai remained silent, waiting for Chen Changqing to make a move.

Chen Changqing circulated his mana, and then shouted: "Long Kai, look at the move. The first move! Annihilation Finger!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Changqing's figure disappeared instantly.

Long Kai was taken aback.

What kind of annihilation finger is this?
This is clearly the technique of latent shadow.

Shouting Annihilation Finger, but the person disappeared?

This Chen Changqing is so shameless!
Due to the restrictions of the rules, Chen Changqing could not use the technique of latent image if he carried the spirit treasure for calculating points. Chen Changqing also had this consideration in handing over the two spirit treasures on his body to Song Jingnian.

In addition, it is not possible to escape into the void here.

Therefore, as soon as Chen Changqing raised his hand, he used the spell of latent image.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Long Kai was also angry, he raised his hand, raised his right hand, palm facing the sky, a spiritual light condensed in his palm.

Chen Changqing's voice sounded: "Brother Long, I just used a trick."

Long Kai: "..."

Chen Changqing was also a little nervous.

I can be shameless, can you, Long Kai?I'm afraid he can!
Beyond Fire Cloud Island,
Those fairies also saw it,

This Chen Changqing, isn't he too shameless?

Long Kai had already promised him three moves, yet he used the technique of latent image in the first move.

Seeing this, Liu Shiyun couldn't help regretting it.

I should open another plate and bet on the outcome of the battle between the two of them.

The white predecessor smiled slightly.

Although Chen Changqing is shameless,

But being shameless can save your life,

Then don't do it.

The most exaggerated one is Liang Shanshi sitting next to Guan Zhenshan: "Brother Changqing is really a second person!"

These immortals and cultivators were cursing while waiting for Chen Changqing's second move.

Everyone has seen Chen Changqing's shamelessness.

They just want to see if he can be more shameless.

However, the answer always surprised them even more.

The move that Long Kai condensed is called Star Fragmentation, which absorbs the power of starlight, and then shoots out streaks of star aura. The star aura is like a shooting star, falling crazily and irregularly, covering the ground in a large area. Moreover, after being irradiated by the aura of the stars, he could no longer hide his figure for a short time.

This trick is specially used to restrain the technique of latent image.

However, the words Chen Changqing yelled out just now forced Long Kai to suppress the Star Fragmentation, otherwise the aura of the stars would fly out.

He, Long Kai, really wanted to save face.

However, Chen Changqing did not make the second move for a long time.

Except for the scattered stars, there is no fluctuation of spiritual power in the surrounding area.

"Brother Long, wait a moment. Allow me to think about my second move."

Chen Changqing's voice sounded in time.

Long Kai was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

This condensing of the aura of the stars requires the consumption of spiritual energy.

Outside the island, Wang Yuan, the leader of the Min country, was also furious.

"This Chen Changqing, what kind of hero is he?"

The white predecessor couldn't help laughing and said: "Isn't Long Kai the same, if you can't let go of your face and knots, how far can you go in the future?"

Finally, Long Kai couldn't hold on anymore, and the power of the stars in his palm dissipated.

Chen Changqing took the opportunity to shout: "Second trick! Chasing the moon!"

That's what he said, but Chen Changqing resolutely took advantage of the moment when Long Kai had no time to recover and fled away.

Long Kai's face changed again and again, and he finally understood why Chen Changqing made himself swear by the law of heaven.

He didn't care about his face, and roared angrily: "Starchaser Aura!"

(End of this chapter)

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