my sister is number one

Chapter 172 Semi-automatic Marking Machine

Chapter 172 Semi-automatic Marking Machine
In the end, Chen Changqing didn't even remember how he walked out of Liu Shiyun's room.

The only good thing is that he remembered to bring all the gifts he got when he came out.

After leaving the banquet, Chen Changqing used several sobriety charms on himself in succession.

The wine finally woke up.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and before he had time to see what treasure he had obtained, he saw two familiar figures.

It was Liang Shanshi and Ouyang Yongfeng.

"Big brother!"

"Brother Changqing."

The two went up to greet Chen Changqing together.

"Big brother, have you seen my master? He hasn't come out for a few days?" Ouyang Yongfeng walked up to Chen Changqing and asked.

Chen Changqing put away all the presents, then pointed back to the room behind him: "Senior Guan is inside...drinking high, coughing, drinking very happily, very happy."

Almost rescheduled our marriage!
It is naturally impossible for Chen Changqing to say this.

After hearing Chen Changqing's words, Liang Shanshi rolled his eyes and grabbed Chen Changqing's hand: "Take this opportunity, Brother Changqing, take me away."

Chen Changqing: "..."

Liang Shanshi's eyes were filled with tears: "I really don't want to practice anymore!"

Chen Changqing looked at Ouyang Yongfeng next to him, and then at Liang Shanshi.


"Brother Liang, you want to calm down."

"Brother, let go of big brother's hand. Many people are watching."

Only then did Liang Shanshi let go of Chen Changqing's hand bitterly.

Chen Changqing sighed, thinking that Liang Shanshi had helped him a little earlier, and generally speaking, he did a good job.

So he said to him: "Brother Liang, I have a method that may help you."

Liang Shanshi: "Huh?"

Chen Changqing: "You two, follow me."

After speaking, Chen Changqing took Liang Shanshi and Ouyang Yongfeng back to the cave where Yang Jingguo lived.

Just got back there,

Chen Changqing met Lin Baosheng.

"Brother Chen, just now Brother Song said that he will divide the spirit treasure at his side at night. I want anyone of us to notify you if we see you."

Lin Baosheng glanced at the two people behind Chen Changqing, and then said so.

Chen Changqing nodded yes.

This time during the Grand Competition, Yang Jingguo obtained a total of five spiritual treasures. After the Grand Competition, Rakshaguo also returned the three spiritual treasures presented by Yang Jingguo to Cai Guoshi.

So Yang Jingguo and others got a total of eight spirit treasures.

According to regulations, these spirit treasures are allocated by the contestants.

Song Jingnian and the others deliberately waited for Chen Changqing to finish his work before arranging the assignment.

After all, in this competition, Chen Changqing contributed the most and performed the best.

But that's all for the night.

Chen Changqing returned to the room, asked Ouyang Yongfeng and the others to wait at the door, and then entered the room.

He placed a few enchantments and used a few anti-response spells.

It was only after making sure that it was not under surveillance that it summoned the Eight-faced Exquisite Pagoda from the void.

Inside the tower are all Chen Changqing's hole cards.

Now that Chen Changqing has made a high-profile wave, these trump cards cannot be exposed even more.

As soon as he summoned the Eight-faced Exquisite Pagoda, a little blue light flew into his sea of ​​consciousness.

"you are too slow……"

When Lord Seagod's voice came, Chen Changqing smiled helplessly: "I kept Lord Seagod waiting for a long time."


Chen Changqing: "..."

When did Lord Seagod learn to take advantage of this?
But Chen Changqing still agreed.

Is this called taking advantage?This is called Chen Changqing's filial piety to his ancestors!

Chen Changqing first collected all the gains this time in the Eight-faced Linglong Pagoda, and then found the Sea God Turtle's Breathing Technique and released it.

He has already learned this exercise, and it is not very useful to keep it.

It would be better to give Liang Shanshi a favor.

Chen Changqing walked out of the room and said to Liang Shanshi: "Brother Liang, I got this method by chance, and it should be suitable for you to practice."

"Brother Chen, you, why do you still give me the exercises? I really don't like to practice. Take this method back. I won't want it." Liang Shanshi looked disgusted.

Ouyang Yongfeng next to him said, "Brother, you can just accept it, after all, it is my big brother's wish."

Chen Changqing smiled slightly, and explained: "Brother Liang, this method is wonderful. You can practice in your dreams. You can become stronger while sleeping."

Liang Shanshi's eyes lit up when he heard this.

He took over the exercises from Chen Changqing.

It's not really fragrant, it's too fragrant.

Chen Changqing thought for a while, then invited the two into the house, and took out some pastries to entertain them.

The three chatted for half a day,

Liang Shanshi and Ouyang Yongfeng left in the evening.

They probably have to wait here for a few days.

After all, Chen Changqing felt that Liu Shiyun's banquet would not end so soon.

sunset west hills,

Someone knocked on Chen Changqing's door.

"Brother Chen, are you there? Brother Song asked us to choose treasures together."

It was Zhang Yueyue who came.

Chen Changqing responded, pushed the door and went out.

During the competition, Chen Changqing didn't pay attention to what those spirit treasures were.

There are only eight spirit treasures, and I don't know how to distribute them.

Let's go first.

Chen Changqing followed Zhang Yueyue to Song Jingnian's room.

By this time everyone else had arrived.

Chen Changqing clasped his fists in salute, which was regarded as a greeting to everyone.

After Chen Changqing sat down, Song Jingnian released the eight spirit treasures one by one.

Then start introducing one by one.

Among them, four are spiritual treasures of Yang Jingguo's own country.

They are Eight Treasure Bell, Sky Star Lock, Galaxy Pot, and Nine Star Array.

In addition, there is a spiritual treasure of the Raksha Kingdom, called the soul-suppressing banner.

There are three other items, which are the spiritual treasures of Ming Kingdom.

They are the Sanskrit sound jade flute, the Jiuxuan Guqin, and the Qinglian burning lamp.

The effect of Babao Bell is that when the bell is shaken, the bell can make eight different musical sounds.Each vocal represents a potency.Can attack, defend, strengthen, heal...

This eight-treasure bell can be regarded as the most suitable treasure for Yang Jingguo. It can take care of all aspects, but it is not the strongest.

Although the Tianxing lock is called a lock, it is an ancient mirror.When the ancient mirror shines on the sky at night, it can be used to refract the light of the stars. When the light is reflected on the enemy, it can block the opponent's actions and prevent the opponent from using their spiritual power.

The Xinghe jug is a wine jug.A kind of spiritual wine can be poured out of it every other day. The effect of spiritual wine varies, but it is inexhaustible.

Seeing this treasure, Chen Changqing thought of Liu Shiyun.I guess he will like it.

The nine-star formation map can use stars as the formation, and according to the distribution of the stars, different formations can be arranged.Each formation has a different effect.

The spirit treasure soul-suppressing flag of the Raksha Kingdom can recover and command evil spirits. There is no upper limit, and it can form an army of evil spirits for its own use.

The Sanskrit sound jade flute can enhance spells such as temperament. When the cultivator blows the jade flute, it can make the enemy fall into hallucinations and at the same time attack the enemy's mind.

The Jiuxuan Guqin and the Sanskrit Jade Flute are a pair of magic weapons.In addition to gaining the benefits of rhythm-like spells, you can also condense the sound as a reality, and transform into various phantoms to attack the enemy.

The Qinglian Burning Lamp is a magic weapon to assist cultivation.

The burning lamp lasts for a long time, and it also releases a touch of sandalwood.As long as the cultivator sits next to the burning lamp to practice, the speed of practice will be improved.

Song Jingnian looked at Chen Changqing after introducing the eight spirit treasures.

"Brother Changqing has made great contributions to this big competition. I suggest that he choose a spirit treasure first. What do you think?"

If Song Jingnian said so, others would naturally not object.

After all, everyone saw Chen Changqing's performance.

Chen Changqing stood up and thanked the others with cupped fists: "Then Changqing should be respectful rather than obedient, thank you in advance."

In fact, when listening to Song Jingnian's introduction, Chen Changqing already had something he liked in his heart, but it was hard for him to propose it.

Now that everyone is willing to let him choose, he is not polite.

"Then I want the nine-star array map."

Song Jingnian nodded, and then gently sent the nine-star formation to Chen Changqing.

Chen Changqing took the formation map and nodded his thanks to everyone again.

After Chen Changqing, the other treasures were also distributed one after another.

There were two people who did not get the Lingbao. After Chen Changqing and Song Jingnian discussed, everyone in Debao also took out some Lingshi treasures and distributed them to the two.

All are happy.

This night,

Chen Changqing explained to Senior Cai Yong, and left early alone.

This time, he attracted too many people's attention, fearing that he would be targeted if he left with a high profile.

Fortunately, Chen Changqing had made various preparations, and this time his departure was not noticed.

The eight-faced exquisite pagoda escapes into the void, and escapes through the void.

Chen Changqing was also a little relieved.

At this time, he had time to calm down and check the treasures he got at the banquet.

Leaving aside the stupid hair Liu Shiyun sent, Chen Changqing also found several good treasures.

A spirit jade.This magic weapon can be stored in spiritual liquid, probably all the spiritual power of a late-stage spiritual sea realm, and then can be drawn from it for use at any time.

The magnitude of this spiritual power is roughly equivalent to ten high-level spiritual stones.

A lightning dagger.This dagger can inspire the power of thunder, which is extremely effective against demons.Moreover, Chen Changqing can also cover it with spiritual liquid, turning the dagger into a long sword.

There is also a square shape that resembles a slate.

This thing, Chen Changqing vaguely remembers that it is suitable for a talisman painter?
Chen Changqing did some research.

Then the whole person cheered up.

Fuck me, this is a printing press!

This stone slab is called the Immortal Rubbing Stone.

As long as you draw the pattern of a spell on it, it will automatically print out that spell, and the drawn lines can also be erased directly, and then draw new lines.

According to the level of the spell, the output of the stone tablet is different.

For example, for low-level spells, it is estimated that one hundred pieces can be produced a day.There are about [-] middle-level spells, fifteen or six high-level spells, one or two spells for Earth Immortals a day, and one spell for Heavenly Immortals in three or four days.

However, this Rubbing Immortal Stone has a disadvantage, that is, it has a success rate.

The more advanced the spell, the lower the success rate.

But no matter what, this is definitely a good thing, it means that there is one more person to draw a charm for Chen Changqing!

It is estimated that the cultivator who gave him this stone was really drunk.

As long as there are a few more peanuts, it is not possible to give such a valuable gift to Chen Changqing.

Chen Changqing was also drunk at the time, and couldn't remember who gave it to him, so now he can only say "thank you" silently from the bottom of his heart.

Then start drawing symbols on the spot!
can not stop at all!

What is this rubbing fairy stone, just call it a symbol machine!

(End of this chapter)

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