my sister is number one

Chapter 174 Brother, Am I Pretty? ?

Chapter 174 Brother, Am I Pretty? ?
Song Yaoyao left.

He left with all the snacks that Chen Changqing had prepared for Chen Ziying.

But before she left, she didn't do nothing. As compensation, she nodded to Chen Changqing's forehead.

Saying so will not count.It should be to help Chen Changqing block the secret, and then add a little protection.

The protection of the golden fairy level is reassuring.

After Song Yaoyao left.

Chen Ziying looked aggrieved.

Snacks are gone!

Chen Changqing patted Chen Ziying's head and said, "Ying'er, good boy, let's buy some snacks when we see towns along the way!"

Well, let the puppet Daikin buy it!

So is Song Yaoyao, she is thousands of years old, why do she still like to eat snacks?We have to fight with our family to welcome our children.

However, Chen Changqing did not dare to say these words.Instead, he made up his mind to bring more snacks next time he came back to honor Song Yaoyao.

Chen Ziying raised her little finger, "Then let's tick!"

Chen Changqing bent down and hooked Chen Ziying.

Then Chen Changqing suddenly thought of something and asked curiously: "By the way, Ying'er, I have a question I want to ask you. But if the school doesn't allow it, you don't have to answer it."

Chen Ziying nodded: "Well, brother, you can ask."

Chen Changqing asked: "This Yumen Returning to the Void Sutra, the more you practice the technique, the younger you will be. But the smaller body will grow up normally, right?"

Chen Ziying nodded in response: "Well, that's right."

"Then I'm very curious, because I heard that some cultivators, when fighting, urge the spirit liquid to turn into spirit energy, and the body will become the most suitable state for fighting. Will the Yumen Void Returning Sutra do the same?"

After all, the size of this young child is not the most suitable for fighting.

Chen Ziying was slightly taken aback by Chen Changqing's question.

Then the little girl shrugged her shoulders and said: "Should be, yes. I haven't tried it. But I have seen Master Yaoyao transform."

After finishing speaking, she concentrated her energy and used her spiritual power.The aura burst out on him.

With the surge of spiritual power, Chen Ziying's appearance and body began to change.

Chen Changqing was taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Ziying continued to grow taller, first 1.5 meters, then 1.6 meters, and then 1.7 meters.

From a petite and lovely little lolita to a slim, glamorous fairy with fluttering long hair and lingering fairy aura.

Well, fortunately, the clothes made by Chen Changqing have fit charms, which will change with the change of body shape.

Otherwise, the clothes will be broken.

Chen Ziying looked down at herself, then spread her hands and opened her mouth slightly, showing a surprised expression.

That glamorous face glanced at Chen Changqing: "Brother, do you think I'm pretty?"

Chen Changqing swallowed his saliva, then coughed dryly: "Ying'er, you've lost your skills as soon as you speak."

Hearing what Chen Changqing said, Chen Ziying seemed to let out a sigh of relief, her figure gradually became smaller, and finally changed back to the original image of a little loli.

"Brother! You are so annoying, I finally got pretty once."

Chen Changqing rubbed Chen Ziying's little head, and then hugged her with one hand: "It's okay, you will always be my little cutie."

As he spoke, he called out the Eight-faced Exquisite Pagoda, and entered the tower with Ying'er in his arms.

"Wow, I miss it so much." Chen Ziying jumped off Chen Changqing's body and walked around.

Then saw the semi-finished puppet.

"Hey, what is this? Why is it so dark?" Chen Ziying stretched out his finger and tentatively tapped the puppet.

Cold to the touch.

Chen Changqing smiled and said: "That is the puppet that my brother said is very hard. But this is not finished yet, it may take a month or two. Yinger, you can't touch it randomly."

As everyone knows,

The younger sister is not allowed to touch the handicraft of the older brother!
Chen Ziying nodded and looked at it curiously for a while.

At this moment, Chen Changqing's thoughts moved.

Click click.

The puppet suddenly moved, and Ying'er was startled.

"Ah, why did it suddenly move?"

Chen Changqing chuckled and did not answer.

Chen Ziying looked at it for a while, then felt nothing new, and stepped aside again.

She looked at another stone slab next to it, which was rubbing a spell.

"What's this?" Back in the Eight-faced Exquisite Pagoda today, the little girl seemed to have opened the door to a new world, and every magic weapon she had never seen before.

Chen Changqing explained: "That is a talisman printing machine, um, I changed the name. It should also be a spiritual treasure, which can print out talismans."

"Wow, brother, don't you need to draw talismans by yourself in the future?" Chen Ziying's eyes lit up, "Brother, you are so good, where did you find so many treasures?"

Chen Changqing smiled and said: "Since you showed off in front of me every day, I decided to work hard to find more treasures."

Chen Ziying stuck out her tongue: "I'm not showing off! I'm just sharing it with you!"

As she spoke, she flipped her hand, and a piece of jasper appeared in her palm.The temperature in the Eight-faced Exquisite Pagoda suddenly dropped: "This is the exotic ice jade. Carrying it can strengthen the effect of water attribute spells. Injecting spiritual power can produce the effect of extreme cold domain, and increase the effect of water attribute spiritual power in a large area."

Chen Changqing was taken aback: "Huh?"

Why did Ying'er suddenly say this?
Chen Ziying took back the jade, and then turned his hand again.A leaf appeared on her palm: "This is an azure leaf. Carrying it can strengthen the effect of wood attribute spells. If you inject spiritual power, you can deploy a green barrier, which is very defensive."

Chen Changqing: "..."

This girl is showing off her magic weapon in front of her, right?

Chen Ziying turned her hand again: a copper coin appeared in her hand.

Chen Ziying: "This is..."

Chen Changqing quickly waved his hand: "Okay, Yinger, don't talk about it. You keep introducing magic weapons like this, and put them in the storybook. This behavior is called water word counting!"

Moreover, what kind of skill is showing off in front of brother!
As soon as Chen Ziying heard the words "story book", her eyes lit up again: "Ah, story book. Brother, I wrote a few more stories..."

The little girl's big eyes are about to shine.

Chen Changqing raised his hand and let out a table full of food: "Eat first, let's eat first..."

Chen Ziying: "Okay, then I'll talk while eating."

If placed in modern times, Chen Ziying might become an internet writer.

And here in Yumen Realm...

Does she still want to be a storyteller in the Yumen world?
But my sister's interest came, and Chen Changqing couldn't stop it even if she wanted to.

"Brother, I thought of an interesting theme. The plot is like this. I am a female cultivator in the Yumen Realm, and I am good at using the art of summoning. You are my summoned beast..."

Chen Changqing almost spit out a mouthful of rice.

"Ying'er, when it's time to eat... let me go for a while."

I don't want to be a summoned beast.

After all, I'm human too.

"Don't you like this?" Chen Ziying took a bite of the chicken, and then thought about it, "Then there is another one, I am not a human being, but a weapon spirit. I have the ability to transform into a weapon .”

Chen Changqing: "..."

It's been written, this plot has been written badly!
As a senior fan of online literature and animation, Chen Changqing knows very well that the themes that Chen Ziying came up with have been thoroughly written.

Chen Ziying wanted to say something else, Chen Changqing pointed a finger, a chicken leg flew up, and stuffed it directly into Chen Ziying's mouth.

The little girl's face flushed red: "Woooooo..."

She reached out to pull out the chicken leg and coughed twice: "Brother, the chicken leg almost reached my throat. Are you trying to murder your own sister?"

Chen Changqing didn't change his face: "Eat well, and talk after eating."

Chen Ziying finished eating the chicken drumsticks three times and two times, the cute appearance was the same as it was six or seven years ago.

Chen Changqing looked at Chen Ziying with a lot of emotion.

After so many years, Chen Ziying has not changed at all.

The world of self-cultivation is full of wonders.

The two brothers and sisters hadn't sat and ate together like this for a long time.

This feeling still makes Chen Changqing feel very warm.

If he can stay by Ying'er's side to protect her, Chen Changqing can do whatever he wants.

After eating, Chen Ziying hugged Chen Ziying's arm: "Brother, let me tell you another story, okay?"

Chen Changqing smiled bitterly: "Okay, you can tell." He held Ying'er in his arms and listened quietly to her story.

Oh, after all, I can't go against my sister's wishes.

"Brother, when I was in samadhi, I had a long, long dream. I dreamed that we are not from this Yumen world. We live in... a very strange place."

"I'm still your sister. We encountered danger in that world, and then I don't remember anything..."

"By the way, I remember you said something to me at that time... You said you should take a step first and pick me up after everything is arranged. You must protect me in your next life."

Hearing this, Chen Changqing's heart skipped a beat.

There was a stabbing pain in his forehead.

what happened?

Chen Zi greeted him and said, "Brother, do you think we all come from another world. You want to protect me, so you came first."

Chen Changqing didn't say a word.

A picture flashed through my mind.

The picture is messy.

He couldn't grasp the point for a while.

He clearly remembered the memories before time travel.

But why, why does it seem like something is missing?

And such an omission, he has been, has not been found.

Chen Ziying noticed something about Chen Changqing, and the little girl looked up.

She found that Chen Changqing's face was pale, and cold sweat kept breaking out on his forehead.

"Brother, what's the matter with you?"

Chen Changqing did not answer.

There was a flash of inspiration on Chen Ziying's fingertips, and they touched Chen Changqing's forehead.

The aura slowly penetrated from Chen Changqing's forehead to his brain.

The fragmentary picture began to gradually disappear.

Chen Changqing was in a trance for a while, and then came back to his senses.

"Brother, are you okay?" Chen Ziying asked again.

Chen Changqing shook his head and raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"It's okay, it's just... when I heard you tell the story just now, I seemed to think of something."

He tried to remember, but couldn't remember anything.

Chen Changqing thought about what Chen Ziying said just now and asked, "Ying'er, what did you see when you were dreaming?"

Chen Ziying thought for a while but asked back: "If I tell you, brother, will you still feel as uncomfortable as before?"

Chen Changqing smiled: "It's okay, I'm ready this time."

Just now, he has used several amulets to protect his sea of ​​consciousness.

Chen Ziying hesitated for a while, and then said slowly: "What I saw was a long street. The houses on both sides were square and very tall. There were some iron boxes with four wheels going back and forth on the side of the road. Move, there is a window in the box, and I see someone inside..."

(End of this chapter)

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