my sister is number one

Chapter 177 Homecoming

Chapter 177 Homecoming
Ever since the Tianshen defeated Chen Ziying that day.

Chen Changqing finally had the confidence to preach to his sister.

"Ying'er, in this world, there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. You must keep your own cards at all times."

"Ying'er, there are not many people who have multiple methods like you. It is not a bad thing to have several different fighting styles. But you must remember that you must not be too wild. Even in the most advantageous time, you must Be careful."

"The fighting style is the fighting style, and the fighting habits are the fighting habits. When fighting in different ways, you must maintain good fighting habits."

Chen Changqing persuasively and persuasively used different words.

But what Chen Ziying said to Chen Changqing was the same sentence over and over again: "Brother, let's do it again."

"Brother, I know. I will definitely be more careful, just do it again!"

"One more time, okay?"

So, Chen Changqing used the Tianshen to fight Chen Ziying again.Still narrowly won.

After that, Chen Changqing didn't dare to come again.

He also discovered a problem with the Tianshen, the combat method was single, and although the spells on his body were strong, there were only a few of them tossed and turned, and it was easy for Ying'er to figure out the routine.

It's like fighting the boss in "Sekiro". You can't win once, and you can't win twice. As long as you are willing to persevere, you can fight hundreds of times over and over... Maybe you still can't win, but you can definitely win if you fight more than a thousand times It can be opened.

So in the next few days, Chen Changqing never promised Ying'er to fight her again.

The reason is simple, she is afraid that the puppet will be broken by her.

This is indeed a reasonable reason.

Just imagine, how would you feel if your younger sister accidentally broke the model of gunpla you treasured at home?
Ah, my limited edition F91, my heart aches.

After Chen Changqing gave this reason, Ying'er began to pester him to let Chen Changqing fight her personally.

Of course Chen Changqing would not agree.

Can't beat it!

Isn't that a draw?

Brother still want to be shameless?

Fortunately, they finally arrived at Linbei City on this day.

After returning to this familiar place, Chen Ziying finally did not pester Chen Changqing.

The two came out of the Eight-faced Linglong Pagoda and walked into the city.

Chen Changqing walked and said to Chen Ziying: "Ying'er, do you still remember? A few years ago, my fourth uncle became the city lord of Linbei City."

Chen Ziying nodded vigorously: "Well, you told me. Then let's go and play with Fourth Uncle?"

Chen Changqing shook his head and said, "Fourth uncle has been the city lord here for five years. I heard that he was selected by the Shuiyue faction before, so I'm afraid he has gone to the Shuiyue faction to practice by now."

The two brothers and sisters walked while talking.

Soon came to the Chen family courtyard in Linbei City.

When the brother and sister reached the door, they were stopped by two guards from the Chen family.

"May I ask what you two do?" one of them asked.

The other person stared at Chen Ziying for a long time: "You, aren't you...Miss Ying?"

Chen Ziying nodded: "Yes."

The guard was taken aback: "Miss Ying, why haven't you changed for so many years?"

Chen Changqing: I haven't changed, okay?
After finishing speaking, the guard looked at Chen Changqing again: "Are you Master Changqing?"

Chen Changqing nodded.

The two guards looked at each other and ran back to the house shouting: "Master Changqing and Miss Ying are back, Young Master Changqing and Miss Ying are back!"

Chen Haobei walked out from inside.

"Changqing, Ying'er. Do you want uncle to die after all these years?"

I haven't seen him in the past five years, and Chen Haobei's cultivation has not improved at all, and he is still at the Lingquan realm.

Chen Changqing and Chen Ziying saw Chen Haobei glance at each other.

Chen Changqing was still enough to get on the road and clasped his fists and said, "Changqing met uncle."

Ying'er also followed suit: "Ying'er has met uncle."

It's just that attitude and sincerity.

It is far from Chen Changqing.

Chen Haobei looked at Chen Ziying, his face changed slightly.

He was extremely surprised, why did Yinger still look like a little girl after so many years?

Chen Ziying saw Chen Haobei's surprise, and said lightly: "Uncle, don't be too surprised, this is the secret method of the Yumen School."

While speaking, Chen Ziying faintly released a trace of spiritual power.

Chen Haobei felt the spiritual power change in Chen Ziying's body, and involuntarily took half a step back.

This made Chen Haobei clearly realize that the little girl in front of him was already a master of the Linghai Realm.

She is strong enough to dominate Linbei City.

Chen Changqing suddenly reached out and touched Chen Ziying's head.

Only now did Chen Ziying restrain himself.

Chen Changqing said to Chen Haobei: "Uncle, will you go back to Beihai Town with us this time?"

Only then did Chen Haobei come to his senses, and quickly said, "Of course, of course. It's a coincidence that you guys came back this time. The fourth brother will leave for the Shuiyue faction in a few days."

Hearing what Chen Haobei said, Chen Changqing was also taken aback: "Huh? Why hasn't Fourth Uncle left yet?"

Originally, Chen Changqing thought that Chen Xiaoming had left for the Shuiyue faction, but he was still there.

Chen Haobei said: "Yes, we set off a little late. Because the fairy who brought the fourth brother up the mountain to practice came a while late."

Chen Changqing nodded without thinking too much.

"When do you plan to leave, uncle?"

Chen Changqing asked again.

Chen Haobei said, "Why don't we set off after lunch?"

Chen Changqing and Chen Ziying glanced at each other again.

Chen Ziying sent a voice transmission to his brother: "Brother, we don't have much to talk about with Uncle. Why don't we go directly."

Chen Changqing nodded slightly, and then said to Chen Haobei: "Uncle, why don't we brothers and sisters go first. I haven't returned for many years, and I miss you very much."

Chen Haobei was taken aback for a moment, then nodded: "That's fine. You guys take a step first."

With Void Escape, in fact, Chen Changqing and the others only need one day to return to Beihai Town from Linbei City.

When he came back this time, he really complied with the signature of Lord Sea God back then.

After going for many years, return home!

When the two brothers and sisters came to the gate of the Chen family mansion, they heard an exclamation.

"Master Changqing!"

Chen Changqing looked back: "Uncle Long!"

I saw Zhou Long walking from the street, holding a little boy by the hand.

"Xiaotian, called Master Changqing, Miss Ying."

Zhou Long walked over with the child, and when he looked at Chen Ziying, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Chen Ziying has long been used to it.

I don't even bother to explain.

The little boy was about four or five years old, and he looked a little shy, but he still greeted Chen Changqing and the others politely.

Chen Changqing asked: "Uncle Long, is this your son? You are lucky!"

Zhou Long nodded: "It's all thanks to you, Young Master Changqing."

Chen Changqing took out a small kit and gave it to Zhou Tian: "This is a small gift from my brother."

Seeing this, Zhou Tian was overjoyed: "Thank you brother!"

This changed my mouth.

Zhou Long also thanked repeatedly: "Thank you, Master Changqing."

"Master Changqing, there is an immortal from the Lingyue Sect in this mansion, do you want to pay a visit?"

Chen Changqing was taken aback.

Not the guide of the Shuiyue faction?
He thought for a while and said: "Let's go to the mansion first, and then send greeting cards and gifts to see if the immortal wants to see me.

It doesn't matter whether you see or not, the main thing is that etiquette must be thoughtful.

Zhou Long looked at Chen Changqing, a little absent-minded.

As expected of the young master Changqing, he was really considerate.

The young master Changqing in front of him seemed to be the same as before.

However, Zhou Long is very clear.

The Chen Changqing in front of him is already a master of the Linghai Realm, he even won the No.2 in the Yumen Grand Competition for Yang Jingguo a few months ago.

After an absence of five years, everything has changed.

Chen Changqing followed Zhou Long into the house, and the brother and sister skillfully returned to the third-bedroom courtyard.

Although the brother and sister have not been here for many years, the three-bedroom courtyard is still cleaned.

Chen Haodong has become the head of the Chen family, and no one in the Chen family dares to neglect the third bedroom.


This place can no longer be called a three-bedroom house.

But to Chen Changqing and Chen Ziying, none of this is important.

In the past few years since they left, the two of them have already broken into a new world.

This Beihai Town, this Linbei City, and even this stage in the Northern Territory were no longer enough to accommodate them.

"Wow, brother, this place really hasn't changed at all!"

Chen Ziying was more excited than Chen Changqing.

Perhaps it was because of the practice of the Yumen Returning to the Void Sutra, Chen Ziying's state of mind has always been like that of a little girl.

Chen Changqing looked at the plants and trees around with a smile, and smiled slightly when he thought of the scene where he and Ying'er had been practicing here.

The servants of the third room have already changed a batch, and they are not the servants Chen Changqing knows.

On the contrary, Zhou Long has been standing at the door of the other courtyard waiting.

Chen Changqing thought for a while, found some materials from the kit, and was about to ask Zhou Long to send them to the immortal.

Who knows, at this moment a hearty voice came: "Changqing, you are back!"

Zhou Long's face changed drastically when he heard this voice, and he almost knelt down.

Chen Changqing was even more confused.

A young man wearing a silver-gray Taoist robe and carrying a long sword strode forward.

Chen Guanting, Chen Haodong and Chen Xiaoming quickly followed behind the young man.

This young man is precisely Liu Shiyun, a Taoist of the Three Worlds!

"Senior Liu?"

why is it you again?
After entering the other courtyard, the father and son of the Chen family also looked at the Chen Changqing brothers and sisters.

When the eyes of the three fell on Chen Ziying, their expressions changed.

Among them, Chen Xiaoming's eyes changed the most, his eyes almost glowed.

Fourth uncle, there are immortals here.Can you restrain yourself?
Chen Changqing sighed secretly.

Then he stepped forward: "Boy Chen Changqing, I met Senior Liu."

Liu Shiyun stepped forward and put Chen Changqing's shoulders on his shoulders, and said with a big smile, "There is no need to be so polite between you and me!"

Everyone in the Chen family was dumbfounded.

The relationship between this immortal and Changqing is so good?

Then Chen Changqing heard Liu Shiyun say to himself via voice transmission: "Just help me win more points next time."

Chen Changqing: "..."

 Mo De's emotional coding machine is on again
(End of this chapter)

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