my sister is number one

Chapter 186 Brother, you swear.I want to talk!

Chapter 186 Brother, you swear.I want to talk!

Song Yaoyao looked indifferent.

Song Yaoyao's simple words made Chen Changqing's face pale.

His mind was in a mess, he calculated all kinds of calculations, and finally got such a result?

However, Chen Changqing couldn't refute Jin Xian's words at all, he was powerless to refute...

But for my sister!

So what if you refute it once?
"Senior Song! Ying'er and I..."

Chen Changqing's lips twitched, he gritted his teeth and said, "Changqing dares to break in, so what?"

Song Yaoyao snorted coldly.

Chen Changqing suddenly felt a burst of great pressure.

His body knelt down involuntarily.

Chen Changqing supported the floor with both hands, sweat kept falling, veins burst out, and his face flushed... Immortal-level pressure, Song Yaoyao didn't need to move at all, making Chen Changqing feel desperate.

Song Yaoyao said: "So you want to threaten Jinxian?"

Chen Changqing squeezed out an ugly smile.

Song Yaoyao's shot made Chen Changqing feel a glimmer of life.

She has no intention of killing!
"Senior, Chen Changqing can agree to anything else, except for the separation from Ying'er..."

Before Chen Changqing finished speaking, the pressure on his body suddenly increased, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Dead, doesn't that mean we are separated forever?" Song Yaoyao asked coldly.

Chen Changqing: "Brother and sister are separated, life is better than death!"

Song Yaoyao: "..."

She was silent for a long time, her face flushed slightly, and suddenly she couldn't hold back: "Hahahaha, I see you are scared!"

Chen Changqing: "..."

Is this scaring me?
Almost killed me, okay?

Song Yaoyao sighed: "Get up."

In an instant, Chen Changqing's pressure dropped suddenly...

On the contrary, Chen Changqing was unable to support his hands, and fell to the ground with a slap.

He struggled to his feet.

Panting for breath, he looked at Song Yaoyao, a little confused about what this fairy meant.

He tentatively asked: "Senior, were you kidding me just now?"

Song Yaoyao: "I'm not joking. I said just now that it's true that we don't allow you to participate in Yumen Pass."

Chen Changqing: "..."

Song Yaoyao snorted coldly, pretending to be angry: "We still remember the last time you were guarding alone. Strictly speaking, you have already violated the regulations. Why would we let you come again?"

Chen Changqing quickly said: "I promise that next time I will..."

Song Yaoyao: "Just listen to me."

Chen Changqing closed his mouth, not daring to say another word.

"Do you know why the immortals of Yumen Sect don't walk in this world of Yumen?" Song Yaoyao asked.

Chen Changqing shook his head.

Song Yaoyao explained: "We are waiting for ten immortals to protect the immortal veins of the Yumen Realm, and we can only move around on Yulong Mountain in the Yumen Realm."

"If I wait for one of the ten people to leave, then the Yumen Immortal Realm will gradually collapse."

Hearing this, Chen Changqing trembled all over.

There is such a thing?
Song Yaoyao went on to say: "This is the secret of the Yumen Realm, if you haven't reached the immortal position, you can't know it."

"The reason I'm telling you today is because any disciple who joins our Yumen Sect will be sent out by us to search for the Great Desolation, or any world suitable for the living beings of the Yumen School, and Chen Ziying is no exception."

Chen Changqing's eyes widened, but he still didn't dare to speak.

"Once Ying'er becomes a fairy, she must obey the rules of the Yumen School, leave the Yumen Realm, and travel the galaxy of thousands of worlds to find a suitable place."

"We can't last much longer."

"Once we can't hold on, the Yumen Realm will collapse. All living things here will cease to exist."

"With Chen Ziying's talent, it is estimated that within 20 years, she will be able to overcome the catastrophe and become a fairy. If you want to travel with her in the world and look for that glimmer of life, then you must work hard. Within 20 years, you must achieve success." Earth Immortal."

Chen Changqing: "..."

Why did the pressure suddenly become so great?
However, Chen Changqing still nodded vigorously.

Although he didn't dare to speak, he still expressed his unwavering determination with his body movements.

Become an Earth Immortal within 20 years!

I can!

"You can talk now." Song Yaoyao said.

Chen Changqing let out a sigh of relief: "I want to ask, are the other powerful seniors who broke through the boundary of Yumen Realm looking for that glimmer of life?"

Song Yaoyao nodded: "Most of them are. Those who stay are to maintain the balance of Yumen Realm, and those who ascend are to find a chance of survival."

Chen Changqing asked again: "What is the essence of that demon?"

"Myriad Realms and Galaxy are for the positive world, and the demon world is for the negative world. The demon world can connect to any small world. Where there is positive, there must be negative. Where there is good, there must be evil. Where there are immortals, there will naturally be demons."

Chen Changqing nodded slightly.

Well, saying it means not saying it.

Change the question.

"Senior, how long will it be until the Yumen Realm collapses?" Chen Changqing asked again.

Song Yaoyao said lightly: "Time is really running out. There are only about 2 years left."

Chen Changqing's expression changed.

Time is really running out!
Only 2 years left!
Compared with the long history of the prehistoric world and the Yumen world, this is just a blink of an eye.

Chen Changqing: "The younger generation will definitely not let the senior down, in 20 years... I... will..."

Why do you have no confidence at this point?

Chen Changqing took a deep breath: "You will become an immortal!"

Song Yaoyao nodded in satisfaction, waved her hand...

Chen Changqing was in a trance, and came back to the top of Yulong Mountain.

Chen Ziying glanced at Chen Changqing, then at Song Yaoyao: "Brother, sister Yaoyao. What are you going to say? Why don't you say it?"

Song Yaoyao shrugged: "It's over."

Chen Ziying was taken aback: "Huh?"

Said to Chen Ziying, it's only been a moment, why did the two of them finish chatting?
Chen Ziying hugged Chen Changqing's hand and asked, "Brother, what did you talk about?"

Chen Changqing smiled and said, "Sister Yaoyao just..."

Song Yaoyao: "I think your clothes are pretty. Ask your brother to make one for me."

Chen Changqing: "..."

When did you say that?

Chen Ziying: "That's right, my brother's clothes are the best!"

Chen Changqing: "..."

Materials are really running out.

You are a golden fairy, can't you change your clothes by yourself?

It is in the nature of women everywhere to want new clothes.

Song Yaoyao glanced at Chen Changqing: "Why? Don't want to?"

Chen Changqing hurriedly said: "I am willing, I am willing. Of course I am willing."

Song Yaoyao: "Well, when you're done, send it to the sect for me."

After speaking, Song Yaoyao threw a jade token to Chen Changqing: "With this jade token, you can enter and leave the Yumen School once a month."

Chen Changqing caught the jade tablet with both hands, and his face showed joy.

Does this count as making up for the damage I did to myself just now?

Seeing this scene, Chen Ziying also cheered: "Yeah! My brother can also join the Yumen sect!"

Chen Changqing cupped his fists in thanks: "Changqing thanked Sister Yaoyao!"

Song Yaoyao smiled slightly, and took Chen Ziying's hand: "Ying'er, let's go."

Chen Ziying looked back at Chen Changqing: "Brother, I'm leaving. You must come to me."

Chen Changqing nodded vigorously: "Don't worry, I will find you soon!"

Watching Song Yaoyao leave with Chen Ziying.

Chen Changqing let out a long sigh.

20 years...

It has only been 20 years since Chen Changqing started practicing.Song Yaoyao let him become a fairy within 20 years, which means... 40 years from a mortal to an immortal?

If Chen Changqing really succeeds, he can even publish an autobiography.


Can't fail.

In fact, judging from Chen Changqing's current cultivation base and the thickness of Linghai.

It is only a matter of time before he ascends to Earth Immortal.

Just, within 20 years.


Set yourself a small goal first.

Promoted to Late Linghai within one year!

So happy to decide.

Chen Changqing cheered up, turned around and went down the mountain, and returned to the hut.

It is estimated that it will be closed for a while.

It's just... Sister Yaoyao's clothes.

Let's make clothes first.

During these days, Chen Changqing was in pain and joy.

Although the puppet's clothing material is gone.But... it is extremely rare to have an opportunity to enter and leave the Yumen sect.

This wave, no loss!

Thus, Chen Changqing started a new round of tailoring journey.

For a golden fairy,
The performance of the clothes should not be her most concerned part.

Chen Changqing couldn't help but think, anyway, Song Yaoyao doesn't need to fight in the Yumen Sect, or make a set for her with ordinary materials.

But after thinking about it, Chen Changqing still didn't dare.

Selling inferior products in front of Jinxian, isn't that courting death?
So, feel free to use all the materials.

This time, Chen Changqing was concentrating and did not suffer any hindrance, so the progress was quite gratifying.

It took about a month, and more than half of the progress has been completed.

When Chen Changqing was about to work harder to finish,
This Yulong Mountain actually came again.

Ouyang Yongfeng...

how to say?

Do the disciples of Zhenyuezong want to use this place as a playground?

Chen Changqing appeared from the Eight-faced Linglong Pagoda, opened the door and went out.

"Miss Ouyang, rare guest, rare guest."

Chen Changqing: You are the one who comes the most.

Ouyang Yongfeng's expression was a little hesitant, and he sighed as he walked.

Have something on your mind?

Could it be that Senior Brother Tao directly rejected him?

"Big brother..."

"Come in and talk, come in and talk."

Chen Changqing "enthusiastically" invited Ouyang Yongfeng into the room.

"Big brother, I... I discovered something." Ouyang Yongfeng opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

Chen Changqing smiled and asked: "Oh? Is it still related to Senior Brother Tao?"

Ouyang Yongfeng nodded, frowning deeply.

Suffering, aggrieved.

Chen Changqing: "Is it inconvenient to explain clearly?"

Ouyang Yongfeng nodded again: "Brother, if you promise me to swear by the law of heaven and not tell what I told you, I will tell you."

Chen Changqing: "..."

Chen Changqing said with a dry smile: "Or I won't listen?"

Anyway, what you said... I'm afraid I know it too.

Ouyang Yongfeng approached Chen Changqing, grabbed Chen Changqing's clothes with both hands: "Brother, make an oath! I really want to find someone to talk to!"

(End of this chapter)

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