my sister is number one

Chapter 202 Chen Changqing: Ah, my heart hurts so much.

Chapter 202 Chen Changqing: Ah, my heart hurts so much.

Chen Changqing thought about it carefully,
In fact, I can quite understand Chen Ziying's mood.

A good earth fairy, who has been arranged by himself to watch the surveillance.

Can you not be aggrieved?
Chen Changqing also knew that Ying'er's strength was considered top among the Earth Immortals.

But for some reason, he always didn't want his sister to take risks.

Of course, he also knew that he was overprotective of Ying'er.

Arranging more things for her is also a recognition of her sister's ability, and it can also make her happier.

Okay, let's arrange for her to watch more surveillance in the future.

After all, it is not bad for Yumen School to graduate and become a security guard.

Well, it's such a happy decision.

"Ying'er, you must be careful, are you ready? What about the elixir, the spell? The magic weapon?" Seeing that Chen Ziying was about to set off, Chen Changqing kept asking and reminding her.

It almost didn't say "the weather forecast says it will rain, remember to bring an extra umbrella".

"Brother, don't worry, I have kept those preparations on me for many years. I have never used them!" Chen Ziying said with disgust, and then flew out of the Eight-sided Exquisite Pagoda.

Chen Changqing was still not at ease, he was divided into two purposes, while controlling the Tianshen, he also used the Ten Thousand Miles Concentric Mantra to instruct Chen Ziying non-stop.


The demon that traced to the location of the underground palace was a pangolin.

It is proficient in the art of earth escape, and after the turmoil in the arena under its jurisdiction, it has been following an escaped slave.

Because it has learned a lot of news from other forces one after another.The news made it realize that something was not right.So, it becomes more cautious.

It followed a slave for about three or four days, only to find that the slave was teleported away through a special teleportation circle.

it was unexpected,

Where did this teleportation circle come from?
Why doesn't the Ten Thousand Demon Realm know about these teleportation circles?
Fortunately, it left an exclusive mark on that slave, so after tracking down the slave's location, it continued to use the earth escape technique to track it down.

But it didn't take long for it to find that he couldn't sense the trace of the mark.

This surprised him again.

It continued to escape from the earth and came to the place where the imprint last stayed.It persevered and searched back and forth for the soil, but it found that the soil here had been moved a lot.

And there must be a place everywhere that has been hidden with secret methods.

The pangolin demon began to use his strengths to explore more carefully, and finally let him discover the existence of a mysterious underground palace.

At the same time, it also learned of the disappearance of the merman and the old demon.

It realized that these two things might be related, so it decisively chose to escape from this place, planning to explore the underground palace together with other old demons.

At this time, the pangolin Old Demon was rushing back.

At the same time, it has already divided a small part of its own demon soul, flew to the palace of all demons, and transmitted what it saw.

Not long after, it suddenly felt a sharp pain in its head.

what's the situation?
The demon soul was shattered?

Before it was shattered, it was unaware?

what is happening?
Surprised, it speeded up its speed, because it felt a little unsafe even if it was in an unexpected place in its territory.

It drives its own earth escape technique to the highest speed, and it is confident that no other creature can catch up to it in terms of its own earth escape speed in this world of demons...

Just as it was thinking this way, its whole body suddenly hit a certain barrier.

what's the situation?
At the same time, a childish voice came from its ear: "Kill me! Why is your Earth Dungeon so powerful!"

Human race?

The pangolin Old Demon was taken aback.

Just trying to escape with a secret method,

Who knew that the next moment it saw the scene in front of it, and found that it had been pulled into a palace lingering with immortal energy.

Divine Void Hall!
Shenxu Temple is a fairy-level spirit treasure owned by Chen Ziying.It was one of the gifts Duan Qilin gave her before this trip to the galaxy.

This magic weapon itself is a space magic weapon similar to the Eight-sided Exquisite Pagoda.This magic weapon can pull in or expel others at will. The magic weapon is filled with immortal energy, which will automatically replenish every once in a while. In addition, in this space, sound transmission, communication, and teleportation cannot be used. As well as space spells and escape techniques.

To put it simply, it is a forced heads-up.Oh, that's not right... If Chen Ziying brought Chen Changqing in, it would be two against one.

Duan Qilin realized early on that the opponents Chen Ziying and the others encountered must be demons during their travels through the galaxy.This fairy-level magic weapon is a great weapon to restrain demons.

The biggest problem is that this space has a certain duration. When all the immortal energy inside is exhausted, all the creatures inside will be expelled.The stronger and more creatures in the space, the faster the immortal energy will be consumed.

At this time, there are two Earth Immortals in the Shenxu Hall, which can last for about three days.

After Chen Ziying pulled the demon into the Shenxu Temple, he immediately made a move.

She turned over her palm, a small ancient tripod.

The ancient tripod flew up, and the divine beast printed on the ancient tripod turned into a phantom and flew out.

Thousand Beast Cauldron!
Countless phantoms of divine beasts flew out, flying towards the pangolin demon.

Before the old demon could figure out what happened, it was already surrounded by the phantoms of countless divine beasts.

What the hell?

what is happening?
It immediately stimulated the demonic energy in its body, and it transformed into the main body, and its figure kept growing.

The demonic aura was awe-inspiring, and with a flick of his tail, he directly swept away the phantom of the divine beast behind him.

"Break it for me!"

It roared,
He rushed towards Chen Ziying.

But within this short distance, the Old Demon had already been wounded by countless divine beasts.

It roared angrily, and its body was covered by the devilish energy, and the wound slowly healed under the influence of the devilish energy.

"I don't believe it, you have other magic weapons!"

The hill-like body of the pangolin rushed in front of Chen Ziying in an instant.

Chen Ziying looked very small in front of the pangolin. It felt as if the pangolin would crush Chen Ziying, and Chen Ziying would be crushed...

But Chen Zi was calm when facing the huge pangolin.

"Mountain Map!"

A treasure map appeared in front of Chen Ziying.

The phantom of a hill blocked the front of the pangolin.

"I'm a little pangolin girl!" The giant pangolin crashed directly into the mountain.

a bit.

The mountains are broken.

The pangolin Old Demon let out a wild laugh.It slammed forward with all its might.

The next moment it found that the little girl was gone!

"I'm here!"

Chen Ziying's voice sounded above its head.

Town Demon Pillar!
Chen Zi raised his hand, and a giant pillar appeared in the midair, landing directly on the pangolin's head.

The pangolin was dizzy.

Town Demon Pillar!double!

Chen Zi raised his hand again, and the demon-suppressing pillar flew up and fell down again.

The layer of hard scales on the surface of the pangolin's head was shattered.

The demon soul of the pangolin old demon was directly suppressed by the demon suppressing pillar, and his brain was unable to react at all.

There are only countless question marks left in its mind.

Who is this little girl?

Why does she have so many magic weapons?
it hurts!

When the Demon Suppressing Pillar hit for the third time, the pangolin's body had already become half the size of a human.

"Prisoner bottle!"

A small vase appeared in Chen Ziying's hand.

Pangolin: Anything else? ?
It never imagined that the few magic weapons used by Chen Ziying were only one-tenth of what survived on her body.

Chen Ziying flew into the air, with the mouth of the bottle facing down.


As soon as Chen Ziying finished speaking, the pangolin was directly sucked into the bottle.

Easy to do!

Chen Ziying shook the bottle in his hand, smiled slightly, and left the Shenxu Hall directly with a flash of his body.

After putting away the Shenxu Hall, Chen Ziying used a thread to lead him back to the Eight-faced Exquisite Pagoda.

She just returned to the tower and wanted to call her brother, but found that Chen Changqing's eyes were closed, his face was pale, and he was sweating profusely.

Chen Ziying hurried forward and pointed to Chen Changqing's forehead.

Immortal power poured into Chen Changqing's sea of ​​consciousness, and Chen Changqing opened his eyes.

"Brother, are you okay?" Chen Ziying asked.

Chen Changqing: "Just now I almost sailed in the gutter."

"The Heavenly Demon captured the Tianshen, and pulled out my immortal thoughts from the Tianshen. Then it directly invaded my sea of ​​consciousness through the immortal thoughts. Fortunately, I took some precautions before, otherwise it would be miserable."

"Are you okay now?" Chen Ziying asked worriedly.

Chen Changqing shook his head: "It's okay, it's the Tianshen... It's gone."

Ah, my heart hurts.

Figures are gone!

This time, Chen Changqing really had to admit it.

The other party actually has a secret method that can directly invade the immortal thoughts, and directly invade his sea of ​​consciousness through the immortal thoughts he left on the Tianshen.

Fortunately, Chen Changqing has always kept back his knowledge of the sea, otherwise, this wave may be wiped out directly.


a moment ago,

Moved to Fengling in the world of ten thousand demons.

Luo Tianqi was ashamed, his clothes were torn, and the left side of his body was scorched black.

It looked at the pile of dregs in front of it, and its face was ashen.

Just now, she managed to find an opportunity to get close to this puppet and absorb the immortal thoughts on it.Just as he was about to invade the sea of ​​consciousness of that mysterious immortal, he found that the other party seemed to have been prepared for a long time. In the sea of ​​consciousness, a stream of immortal energy turned into a giant dragon and erupted a cyclone of immortal air directly into Luo Tianqi's sea of ​​consciousness.

When the entanglement between demon energy and immortal energy erupted, the opponent's immortal energy suddenly strengthened, injuring her demon soul.

She was so angry in her heart that she decided to control the puppet in front of her to make up for some losses.

Who knew that when it wanted to control that puppet in reverse, the puppet actually blew itself up.

And the power of the explosion is astonishing.

If it hadn't been teleported elsewhere in time, it would have been involved in the explosion and completely destroyed.

But even so, the explosion just now still caused its left half of its body to be involved in the storm of the explosion.

Injuries are not a problem.

The key is her stunning face...

Shipwrecked in the gutter...

Its face became more and more ferocious: "I... must catch you, so that you can't live, you can't die!"


Chen Changqing's heart ached for about a quarter of an hour on the Eight-faced Linglong Pagoda.

Then, it still hurts!

The puppet was refined by two immortals and used tens of thousands of spirit stones, not counting the clothes and spells on it.

"Brother, don't be sad. Look at what I brought back for you?"

Seeing Chen Changqing's desperate look, Chen Zi poured the pangolin out of the magic-seeking bottle.

When Chen Changqing saw the dying pangolin demon, his face was expressionless.

"What do I want this thing for?"

As he said that, he slapped him abruptly.

The pangolin was stunned, why did it suddenly hit me again?

(End of this chapter)

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